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2615518 No.2615518 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you listen to an actual trader for once instead of autistic NEETs on /biz/ all day long? ETH will drop below $200 this week. https://youtu.be/3_POjfBm_nA

>> No.2615543

He has no idea what he's talking about. Crypto is not wall st.

>> No.2615565
File: 186 KB, 1212x1127, neetcoinerswin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of retarded dumb as fuck idiots listening to ""pump groups"" and ""youtubers"" for investment advice, and shilling predictions

Damn, didn't realise buy high sell low was a real trading method till I came to /biz/

Nothing surprises me anymore

>> No.2615568

this guy also believes crypto currency is part of some giant bilderberg conspiracy theory

>> No.2615600
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You really think they don't discuss the new billion dollar market, which is growing exponentially and is of evolving into a decentralised banking network

That's common sense, thinking he can predict the price of Ethereum is simply not true, whether it dips below 200 or not

>> No.2615604

Why not? It's actually possible scenario. Look at all these government shills.

>> No.2615648


In a video a week ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbUWda4w2Os)) he predicted it would go to $500 and recommends buying at $330.

This guy doesn't know shit. Nothing to see here.

>> No.2615653

uhh. i dunno what they discuss, and i don't care. he thinks its a conspiracy market because satoshi sounds like a japanese name and "japanese people don't invent stuff like this, they only improve on other ideas"

he has no experience in crypto. he says as much in older videos, he's totally new to the game and yet now has theories about its origins. he changes his stories every week.

two weeks ago he was shilling bitshares as the best crypto to hold money in, the dogshit coin didn't go anywhere but down after that

my point being: even if eth drops, this guy is a complete idiot and shouldn't be trusted

>> No.2615662

LMFAO chicken bone TA at its finest. cover all angles, then say it's a science where each proven-wrong angle leads to a new angle discovered... until, in hindsight, one of them can be called accurate

>> No.2615675

im amused by how people think about game theory and psychology when it comes to trading, but this shit is a flip of the coin. looking at a chart is not human psychology, and people aren't inherently rational at all times, nor do they all have the same information.

a couple of podcasts and articles came out about crypto, and people bought in without a care in the world what it cost. they're selling because people stopped buying in and it was volatile and uncertain, maybe some people even looked deep enough to find out there are no actual cryptos that are being used properly nor will be in any near future. ETH was a pump and dump by big companies, BTC was for young drug addicts.

also he's just going to say what "makes sense" and not what can actually change your mind about trends or crypto or anything. it's his job to be listened to, not to help you make money.

>> No.2615709

Fuck I cannot handle people so self-important that they think they can accurately predict the future. When will this meme die?

>> No.2615734

>BTC was for young drug addicts.

>> No.2615779
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>flashbacks buying weed for the first time on silkroad when btc was $150 each

ahh, the good ol days, shame I wasn't into cryptocurrency back then, only weed

>> No.2615851
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>$5 a coin
>bought 45