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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 41 KB, 280x280, ACCE6E4B-D8BA-44DF-9CEE-8D1EC9414DB6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26154928 No.26154928 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26154972

I keep telling you guys that this is the Zippo of blockchain. What Zippo does for lighters, The Graph does for blockchain. You have to be an absolute smokehead to not be invested right now. $1000 EoY.

>> No.26155043

I wish I bought more man, I have a lowly 1200 stack.

>> No.26155197

600 GRT now growing every hour +200

>> No.26155295
File: 405 KB, 334x506, 1595879065348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asia acoomulating while we were sleeping.
Volume on binance alone is over 230 million.
This shit is going to $1 within a week.
$5 before march.

>> No.26155335

literally the bitcoin of cryptocurrency
$1000 eoy

>> No.26155370

buying more or staking?

>> No.26155393

Am I the only one who sees the merchant?

>> No.26155417

The fortnite of blockchains

>> No.26155539

this is the Anthony Hopkins of cock, buy now or stay poor

>> No.26155562

This is confirmed to be the Catholicism of finance, or the garlic bread of money if you will

>> No.26155695
File: 262 KB, 948x774, reily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Graph is the Pornhub of Blockchain!
What pornhub does for porn, the graph does for crypto.

>> No.26155700

UP THE GRT. Fuck em souf PRQ fags

>> No.26155736
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>> No.26155747


>> No.26156035
File: 85 KB, 680x453, cheers gents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the garlic bread of money if you will
fucking based

>> No.26156114
File: 1.92 MB, 1241x978, 1597682224683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell you hwat it's the Chuck's suck and fuck of the Sneed's seed and feed store

>> No.26156200

it’s literally the doordash of runscape

>> No.26156269

the sausage of hotdog

>> No.26156328
File: 915 KB, 1059x921, 1610873028193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was here for 50 cent waiting room, 60 cent waiting room.

70 cent waiting room faggots.

>> No.26156331

Yes, you're the only one besides everyone.

>> No.26156365

I hold both but PRQueers are more annoying than GRTards.

>> No.26156398

Imagine falling for the fud and selling at 0.30

>> No.26156494

How much will this be worth EOY? Don't lie to me /biz/

>> No.26156608

Thanks for the sarcastic response nigger. If other people had seen it as well, there would be a merchant edit of the logo by now nigger

>> No.26156661

People are shorting this like CRAZY, watch out for an epic short squeeze

>> No.26156665

Between 3 and 5 USD maybe

>> No.26156689

Five United States Dollars (USD) ($)

>> No.26156702
File: 25 KB, 400x200, funny-cake-blog-cover-400x200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The graph is like the eggs in a cake.

>> No.26156732


>> No.26156736

There is

>> No.26156817


>> No.26156836

do i get in while theres still time or do i keep my altcoins?

>> No.26156844

Okay niggere, just went all in with my lunch money, if yer right,drinks on me

>> No.26156936

dubs promise good fortune

>> No.26156985

Should I buy? I think I need more arbitrary comparisons to completly different things to convince me.

>> No.26157020

The zippo of crypto? That's the metaphor you chose? Goddamn you're retarded.

>> No.26157068

literally the Lamborghini of Ferrari

>> No.26157081
File: 67 KB, 1837x982, coinbase-pro-grtusd-Jan-18-2021-11-55-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing nice ATM but be prepared for pullbacks easily can RT back below the 786...
DCA accordingly.

>> No.26157080

Oh, I was asleep at 7am. Didn't see it. Although, it is a lazy edit.

>> No.26157126

Should I short this?

>> No.26157176

If you do, I hope you have a plan.

>> No.26157197

buy more link afterwards

>> No.26157232
File: 4 KB, 1046x35, grt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun shorting this.

>> No.26157236

Not a bad idea, you might be missing a couple of steps to be considered a plan.

>> No.26157300
File: 83 KB, 844x640, moloch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is this graphers? Are you having me fund the satanic pedophile cabal??

>> No.26157313

The Mahatma Ghandi of these Cocaine calisthenics.

>> No.26157350

yeah fuck it. thanks for clear headed response. Its a hold. gonna just buy some GRT on the next paycheck and keep my 22 linkies. it always gonna be only hold. cant go wrong that way, right?

Statera/E-radix? fuck if I know

>> No.26157359
File: 104 KB, 1166x435, search.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been sleeping for a month. Your family is worried about you. Wake up, anon, wake up.
Sorry to be an asshole, it's no big deal. It's just that your exact post isn't original either.

>> No.26157437

lol same, got 25linkies and 175grt

>> No.26157670

U guys are in the K's?

>> No.26157709

i'm 23, i wish i was kek

>> No.26157766

Nah. just started with this. got in for chainlink because its based as fuck, but its tempting to put some things on other coins too. seems unrealistic, but i'd like to make 10x in a year on my investment as modest as it is

>> No.26157793

Nice gif

>> No.26157848

The literal opposable thumbs of fingers.

$600Mil by eod.

>> No.26157920

it's literally the bollocks of defi. it does for crypto what bollocks does for GRT

>> No.26158025

Moloch is politically ascendant, this is a big bull flag

>> No.26158298

Don't invest or hold Ethereum then because the Moloch Dao foundation have been a major investor in Ethereum and DeFi projects.

>> No.26158383
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Never Selling

>> No.26158441
File: 158 KB, 1024x682, 14bitcoinmillionaires1-jumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Graph (ticker: GRT) is the Yale and Harvard of blockchain technology
Imagine not investing in Harvard three hundred years ago

>> No.26158558

I'm a retard that got into crypto yesterday, isn't the fact that there's a billion plus of these in circulation bad

>> No.26158608

It's about to moon again.

>> No.26158614

lead dev was idf

>> No.26158666

please for the love of god do

>> No.26158667

>Shit hasn't even recovered price at ICO

>> No.26158690

I really want to dump an extra 2k in but I feel like its gonna dump shortly after

>> No.26158694

What? Wasn't ICO like 3 cents?

>> No.26158699

devils trips confirm moon tonight

>> No.26158707


>> No.26158706
File: 521 KB, 1004x760, dagraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's my fren that made this for us. Anon is very rich today!

>> No.26158745

followed by dubs, its a sign
ID says 75cents

>> No.26158773


>> No.26158793

Funny how all the FUD has disappeared now that everyone has 2x’ed.

>> No.26158830

yes, they also had you write an essay as to why you wanted grt and let you buy accordingly. It was based.
Same was said about Link. Tokenomics are weird here, but distribution is key. Also, shit gets burned and when web3 is balls out, you will see why there is so many tokens.

>> No.26158835

Some unfortunate souls haven't even broken even.

>> No.26158978



>> No.26159440

I'm getting real tired of this shit..almost makes me wanna just be in stable coins forever and quit crypto.
>earlier in the few month(s) back
>buy xrp after massive shit to 51 cents
>sell cause I think it will drop more..buy back in later
>fucking +70 cents
>prince with grt, small crash from .50 to 40
>massive loss, sell and move on, this shit is dead
>buy xlm
>this will probs drop some 4 cents more, let's sell and buy back a bit later
>does a 3x
>nani, the fuck
>buy grt, triggers my stop loss order
>wake up today

>> No.26159517

learn to have stronger hands you faggot

>> No.26159528

it will get burned

>> No.26159551

for some it’s not an option to be an imbecile and going back to waging, for you it is

>> No.26159573

learn2 fundamentals

>> No.26159602

Stop chasing profits you retard. Make some plays and let them unfold without trying to force the issue. You're doing way too much.

>> No.26159729
File: 73 KB, 203x317, 1610759770573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swingies Get the Rope
Graphies Stay Winning

>> No.26159970

Yeah ok, and if I chased profits like in October and November I would be in a way better position now than fucking hodling. ampl, eth,..some other shit coin, JUST

>> No.26160003

hi fren. some of us weren't made to be day traders. for those of us who have sub 120IQ, we need to research the coin or token, follow the buzz and invest accordingly. If you want to take gains and move on to another coin, go ahead. You are always better off holding onto something you believe will make it. Never fall in love with a coin or token. Good luck.

>> No.26160016

I feel like it needs a significant dump before it can truly moon.

>> No.26160049
File: 514 KB, 840x843, 1610581345228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really good optics on this one, fren.
The Graph logo being used as a moncole just seems so natural and perfect.

>> No.26160159

already had a dump with the VC dummies who weren't intending to use it. Subgraphs are about to go ape shit so the people who know are obtaining anything they can get their hands on under a buck. Over half the people with bags of this shit are never selling them, they will use them. Another 25 percent know this and are delegating their tokens to an indexer. The rest are based indexers, curators and only a small sack of degenerate swingers and day traders.

>> No.26160165

Wtf are you talking about that meme was lazy as shit

>> No.26160176

Alright, faggots who were asking for the dip, this is your last chance before the moon mission. In the next 12 hours coin will fall in $0.5-0.58 range, pack your bags or stay poor.

>> No.26160199

Are we dumping now? I just got on this train, c'mon.

>> No.26160238

when in doubt check what BTC is doing

>> No.26160281

BTC has been taking a shit since 41k.

>> No.26160901

Scale anon think scale. A billion is a lot in this environment but think ahead 10 years when every country has a cbdc and all 7 billion people want/need your coins.

>> No.26161338
File: 80 KB, 800x420, 7E6B4BEC-54EA-4DAF-8292-57FC6899D6E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was me!

>> No.26161715

Should I buy in or wait until it cools off?