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26154376 No.26154376 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck it, damn Reddit won today and I'm going all in ETH


>> No.26154413

thanks just unironically sold, this feggit post scared me af

>> No.26154441

didn't read, I'm all in

>> No.26154487

i didnt even open the link, immediately market sold this pos

>> No.26154515

The conference yesterday revealed to the world the stuttering potheads that run this scam. Price has already tanked 10%. Once it breaks through the $1250 resistance the panic will begin and small holders and speculators will begin to offload, with the whales already long gone. Once it shoots through the $1240 mark, unabated FEAR will ripe through all mETHheads. With all those who dumped their current accounts into this scam twitching at their arsehole continuously while refreshing bittrex. The $60 mark will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final deluded Nodes will begin to go offline, and wagecuckers with their engineering salaries loaded up in mETH will be left with it stuck in their wallet, unable to move it to bittrex to salvage some self respect. The price WILL tank at this point to sub $0.10, and most probably sub ICO levels. From that day forward the deluded mETHhead wagecucking engineering nerds who bought this coin thinking it had fundamentals will go back to their jobs, with no money in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of pajeets arriving to undercut their wages. Deluded mETHheads will hold bags FOREVER, with no job, no money, and no crypto. I warned you mETHheads. There’s still time to get out. Sell NOW. Don’t be deluded, don’t be an mETHhead.

>> No.26154530

Already been all in since 2017 because I'm not stupid

>> No.26154559

Didn’t read a word, didn’t even click link. Sold all my positions and put it in ETH.

>> No.26154572

>imagine reading all this

>> No.26154601

So fucking bearish on ETH. It confirms my feeling to sell it all and put it in ALGO, ADA & DOT.

>> No.26154612

ETH has the most copy pasta content on /biz/

this is extremely bullish.

>> No.26154859
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>imagine not reading it
Just get the screenshotted version for you elitist faggots. ETH is going to rape your anus.

>> No.26154919

ETH2 will sacrifice composability which will ruin DeFi. This will make it so that apps on Ethereum cannot function together and limits what can be done on Ethereum. Therefore ETH2 can't do what DeFi needs and ETH1 which can do what DeFi needs can't scale to support it. Ethereum is a dead horse.

>> No.26154959

Lmao nice buzzwords salad you got in there m8

>> No.26154977

Connext is pretty far ahead in solving L2 composability.

>> No.26155040

But, but... muh ETHkillers. LALALALALALAA, I cant hear or read what plebbit thinks. ETH is a pedocoin, not based, not based.

>> No.26155062

Oh my god OP. eth is literally going to collapse within the next couple of days you mong

>> No.26155121

Except it literally isn't. You can't avoid reddit now or blame it for jinxing it. They are in LINK since $4.

>> No.26155180

We are printing lower highs every day. It is going to drop like a rock within 72 hours. Screen cap this

>> No.26155205

Post your shorts and then buy the dip then you faggot.

>> No.26155219

what shitcoins do people use to send shit to an exchange? I have ETH in my wallet but ive read fees are absolute aids

>> No.26155221

Stay in ur shitcoins this year while ETH, BTC and DOT flies.

>> No.26155232

Thanks just shorted 10x

>> No.26155314
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>the crypto that has been around for many years now and is just getting around to fundamentally remaking itself so it can be decent at fulfilling any use case at all outside of scams, CAN BE GOOD AT EVERYTHING I SWEAR!
it's always been a reddit coin

>> No.26155493

Eth maxis are just sad. Stuck in that limbo between btc pumping with normies and lower cap scams getting more speculation.

>> No.26155496

You want a blackpill you retards?

There is no need to save ETH, Algorand, Polkadot (and very soon Cardano) are already superior to what ETH 2.0 is promising. By 2022 imagine where Algorand will be at when ETH 2.0 rolls out.

There is no "ETH is like BTC now, too big too fail". Nope, it's a utility platform, its utility is shit and TOO MANY projects are actually building on Algo, Polka, Blockstacks instead of Ethereum. Why? You think that is a hard choice to build on a scalable platform that has low execution & deployment fees, that can be programmed in Python, C# and is documented clearly vs choosing Ethereum. Algorand is 3000 times faster than Ethereum and confirm txs in <3s, literally hundreds of companies are building atm on Algorand.

THERE IS NO TRADEOFF, NOT A SINGLE ONE. Ethereum killer are real, but it's just not fucking scam coins like Eos, Tron. It's Algorand, Polkadot and Cardano. These won't be "killed" because they scale and works. Companies and institution don't think with a schizo brain like most of biz, they actually use logic because they aim to make stuff that works.

>> No.26155527

Imagine writing all that to keep it from dropping to <$1k lmao

>> No.26155545
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>Edit 2
>Edit 3

>> No.26155586

Yet nobody uses them. Bitcoin is objectively shit and remains purely on network effects.

>> No.26155625

all this FUD makes me BULLISH. 2k EOM

>> No.26155672

the absolute state of leddit

>> No.26155690

Network effect you retard. Nobody will use these ghost towns when everyone else that matters is on ETH.

BTC maxis are very popular on Reddit so they can't answer them one by one.

>> No.26155816


>> No.26155830


You are absolutely delusional. People use them. Companies actually uses Algorand now. The SDKs have been downloaded tens of thousands of times and the chain is barely more than a year old.

There is no network effect, it's not good old Bitcoin you retard. ETH network effect is a meme. Not saying it's going to 0, it's gonna stay in top 5, but retard people aren't going to force themselves to use a non scalable platform where 0 usecases are possible without Layer 2, rollups and other kind of dirty tricks.

The chains are adopted, look at Algorand's adoption curve, it's real. USDC works on it, not Ethereum. Tether too. Marshall islands issued SOV on it, other countries are moving on it too. You think it's fake? Are you able to cite even 1 argument for not moving on Algorand?

No you can't, you're just emotionally attached to your ETH bag.

>> No.26155935

hahaha what
look at the distribution of coins of these scams

why are you shilling a scam and fuding a real proven investment

>> No.26155942
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>> No.26155955

are you a newfriend ? this is a copypasta from 2017 or earlier, no even related to eth

>> No.26155988

Call me when Algo TVL eclipses ETH. I'll sell then, I promise.

>> No.26155995

old reddit was comfy, why did they destroy it?

>> No.26156087

that's still your only argument because you think that's all that matters because you buy low to sell high.
Btw even Algorand's token distrib can't be fudded that much, there is inflation yes, 6.8% every year, but basically that's it. If you refuse the likely possibility that adoption will negate inflation by an order of magnitude, you're just lying to yourself.

See how you can't explain to even yourself why Algo, Ada, Dot aren't going to take huge market shares? See how you can't refute adoption and enterprise usecases?
You live in a bubble, you think crypto is rock solid and its shape is now perpetual when there is less than 100m users worldwide and companies adoption isn't even real on Ethereum.

I'm doing you a huge favor right now, you'll see what a real network effect is when it kicks in. You'll remember this conversation anon, all your life.

>> No.26156110

fren...who uses Algorand? the world chess championship? eth killers have a few niche uses but they are a joke compared to what's going on with ETH

>> No.26156158

Not going to spoonfeed you that deeply, that would be indecent. Pretty sure you know how to use Google, find older threads. If you were really going to look into it, to make sound investments on what is going to be the real infrastructure of the financial ecosystem, you would have done it already.

>> No.26156234

>hurr durr why do apps need to be able to connect to each other lololol I dont know anything

>> No.26156236

nowhere else than plebbit do retards use so many words to say so little

>> No.26156261

I've held bags of Algo, I know about it. They have a few use cases, but you can basically count them on your hands and feet. Ethereum is developing so fast you literally can't keep up with all the shit coming out. There's just no comparison man. Come on... I love ALGO because it's fast as fuck, but once ETH scales, ALGO will be useless.

>> No.26156262

See you in 2022 I guess, give me your protonmail or something, for real. 100 billions market cap for Cardano OR Algorand is literally FUD. We are entering a multi trillion market but you can't even consider what's happening.

>> No.26156263

You make up 50% of this thread with your comments lol. Emotional much? Aww ALGO's price movement is cute!

>> No.26156267

>You are absolutely delusional. People use them. Companies actually uses Algorand now.
>You are absolutely delusional.
You are projecting so hard.

>people aren't going to force themselves to use a non scalable platform where 0 usecases are possible without Layer 2, rollups and other kind of dirty tricks.
Except they will, because even then it is better than moving into a ghost town. There have been faster blockchains than ETH since 2017, like NEO, EOS, IOTA, ARK, VeChain, even fucking TRX, and nobody cares. Speed means nothing. But if L1 scalability is what you crave for, then when sharding is live, any ETH killer will be done. You better shill your shitcoin bags while you can until that happens.

>No you can't, you're just emotionally attached to your ETH bag.
I literally own like 20% of my folio on ETH, other 20% on BTC. The rest in shitcoins that only work for increasing these two, like ALGO.

>> No.26156339

Elmer FUD

>> No.26156434

why wouldn't you have a position in all of them just in case?

>> No.26156534

you probably lie and don't even know about the 46k tps or private algo chains and interoperability.

Ethereum is literally slowing down. Once ETH scales? Do you know what's going to happen between now and 2023 when ETH 2.0 phase 2.1.2 ends? Have you realized that the number of crypto user have tripled in the last 2 years? Have you realized that we will reach 500 millions users before mid 2022? Do you understand that companies adoption started for real in 2020 and that they don't give a single fuck about ETH 2.0, EIP1559.

ETH is way too late, and even the final ETH 2.0 is inferior to what Cardano is going to be this year.

I'm not projecting at all and you know it, you just don't want to accept this possibility.
> . There have been faster blockchains than ETH since 2017
It's just wrong, it's simply not the case. There is nothing comparable to Cardano/Algorand. There is difference between reducing decentralization to have >1k tps and having a real consensus mechanism. Algorand VRF and Cardano's Ouroboros consensus mechanisms are the fucking deal.

Honestly put your mail in this conv, I'll save them and make sure to remind everyone of this thread in 2 years.

>> No.26156557

It reads like an assigned essay, with a word count requirement.
>"In other words"
>"What is even more interesting"
Get to the point. Why are you wasting words saying "I think this is interesting". Yes, I can detect that, because you wrote a fucking essay about it.

>> No.26156612

Did they end pow

>> No.26156664
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reddit is not in link since $4

>> No.26156711

All you do is shill your shitcoins. I have no doubt these two, and many others will have good gains by the upcoming cycle and even more if they do get a slice of the pie... But the cake belongs to ETH. Like I said and you refuse to understand: nobody cares about ghost towns. The network effect on ETH is too massive to undermine.
All you care about is blockchain speed, and that isn't stopping BTC and neither isn't stopping ETH. If anything, is just giving momentum so pajeets like you can shill your "ETH killer" bags. That narrative won't last much longer, and that is the only thing you need to screencap. Make sure you sell the top.

>> No.26156824

This tranny types like it thinks it's a genius but it's just being wordy. Get to the point faggot. The gas argument is retarded too. There's no reason why trading $20 in shitcoins should cost $80 in gas

>> No.26156876

I'm not reading a fucking book. If it can't be explained in three short paragraphs it means it's bullshit.

>> No.26156932

What none of you faggots understand is that Arbitrum fixes L2 scalability and none of this shit matters. Just go all in Link

>> No.26156952

I can't imagine the pain you had reading the ChainLink breadcrumbs back in 17-18 then... If you even were here back then.

>> No.26157110


>> No.26157117

you should

>> No.26157132

I was and I didn't read them. I bought in because of the memes.
That bell chart meme is real and it's made me rich.

>> No.26157276

Okay I skimmed it. EIGHT FUCKING EDITS. Do redditfags really?
He just says number go up.
Well fucking obviously.
Did anyone really thing Eth was gonna stop here? it's going to 100k at some point. Link is going to 10k at some point.

>> No.26157336

See how you don't even want to understand my arguments against "ETH network effects are too massive"? WAKE UP, Ethereum is a purely speculative platform that can't ever scale and is only home of a network of shitcoins and ICOs. When crosschain uniswap-like platforms, on Cardano, Algorand, Polkadot become "mainstream", what do you think is going to happen to the "DeFi" on Ethereum?

Continue to wait for your 10 or 20k ETH.

>> No.26157346

Well that is based because I did the same. I do like to read though.

>> No.26157482

>Ethereum is a purely speculative platform that can't ever scale
Again, you're just being a retard and using this as your only argument to shill your ETH killer shitcoins. Scalability is on the way, and you only know about these shitcoins because it isn't here yet. Like I said, that narrative won't last much longer.

>> No.26157609

except Adoption is on its way right now. Do you think nothing is going to change between now and 2023?

What happens when the next Uniswap-like platform that works crosschain for tokens built on Ada/Algo become popular? What happens when people realize that trading and doing DeFi on Algo/Ada cost $0.002 per tx vs $20 on Ethereum? What do you think is going to happen?

My arguments aren't me projecting my wishes, it's purely rational. Users will drive adoption, we're not even at 100m crypto users, how many of them are using Ethereum? 30m? You call that a network effect? Multiply that by x10 and then what? People are going to wait 2023 (or even later, we know software dev...)? Tell me how I'm irrational.

>> No.26157625

Look at you fucking retards trying to pretend this isn't the most redpilled take on Ethereum you have ever seen

I have been saying the exact same things since 2017; only fucking idiots can't see the writing on the wall - fortunately for you retarded gamblers these same idiot comprise a large enough portion of crypto buyers to prop up the value of BTC

Switch unless you hate money

>> No.26157668

Eth is literally the biggest shitcoin in the market. Everything else pumps and this thing sits there dying slowly because it’s the worst platform in the space

>> No.26157713

in summary, ETH is garbage and the only way to hide that fact is to obfuscate with 5000 words of rambling and philosophizing... exactly as Vitalik so often does.

>> No.26157722

>it’s the worst platform in the space
I think you mean it's the only platform in the space.

>> No.26157795

it's factual, yet people will insult you with non sense.
"network effect mfejifzejf". ETHheads, can even name one real company building on Ethereum? You can't. You know why? Because they themselves can't use Ethereum!

Btw I rode ETH from $7 to $700 (yeah didn't expect the ATH of 1400 desu), but its time is literally over. This cycle is the one of normies fomoing into a dead platform while based anons make money on the real infrastructure. You guys continue to invest in horses when there is a car company on the other side of the road.

>> No.26157805

100% correct, except it's high right now. Anyone who know crypto, knows to sell right now, because everthing is mooning. In the next week a 20-30% pull back will occur and that's when you go balls deep. Seriously go look at coinmarketcap...... EVERTHING is green, this is the perfect time to sell and wait for the pullback. Don't get greedy, get smart.

>> No.26157818

It’s such a terrible argument. “WE ARE STILL SO EARLY” and yet “ETH FIRST MOVER”

Eth fucking sucks and if it wants to actually do ANYTHING then it needs to do it’s job without costing $10 per transaction, especially if that’s it’s fucking job. There’s already other platforms that have better functionality and if it’s “still early” then everyone coming in won’t put up with ETHs bullshit. Even grayscale is dumping it. It’s TRASH

>> No.26157862
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Doesn't matter if it does 1k tx/s. It could do 10k tx/s. It's in the same boat as all the other ethereum killers like tezos or polkadot. nobody is using the platform. you need critical mass to succeed and nobody will switch, because ethereum works well enough for now and will gradually solve scaling issues when protocol upgrades are shipped.

Listen retard, nobody is using Cardano. Not even their own tranny clown show development team. IF (and that's a big if) it gets usage, I'm really curious to see how they manage upgrades and deal with centralisation issues. Nobody is going to yield farm with SRS MONEYS when consensus is determined by 5 fucking nodes run by the master tranny. no thx.

>> No.26157946

>What happens when the next Uniswap-like platform that works crosschain for tokens built on Ada/Algo become popular? What happens when people realize that trading and doing DeFi on Algo/Ada cost $0.002 per tx vs $20 on Ethereum? What do you think is going to happen?

Do you know Binance offers exactly what you say in the form of Smart Chain? PancakeSwap is the "Uniswap-like" platform you say. Both have been live since a few months, go check yourself. Low fees and stuff, and they have a way to bridge ERC-20 tokens easily. Their volume have increased a lot and I'm actually staking in their platform getting sweet passive returns from a high APY.
Yet, ETH is still going strong.

So I'm going to tell you what would happen in your case and if they are succesful: the same thing.

>> No.26158027

>>>26156534 (You)
You are literally spitting out non-sense and I'm not even sure you realize it.
> It needs critical mass to succeed?
No crypto except Bitcoin has critical mass.
> ethereum works well enough for now and will gradually solve scaling issues when protocol upgrades are shipped.
No enterprise usage, no adoption by real institutions because they simply can't, because Ethereum doesn't work well enough.
Bitcoin is perfect at it is, because it's the digital gold and we don't need to scale that shit. Ethereum is different, the smart contract world is a service one and services are always competitive. Not gonna comment on your last paragraph, it's just bad FUD.

>> No.26158034

vhs vs betamax

>> No.26158066

this will cause a massive dump now

>> No.26158098

>muh network effect
>muh BTC
ETH’s network effect is nullified by the cost of doing business. If another platform can promise to save everyone 1000% of the transaction fee, it becomes a no-brainer to jump ship

>> No.26158145

You have no idea what your talking about. ETH is king, bitcoin = shitcoin. The only people that buy btc are tards that don't realize there are other currencies. btc transaction fees are like $15 = not usable. I sold yesterday, but we'll find out in a week who's the dummy

>> No.26158206

Optimism will provide ~150x gas savings this year for ETH with near zero migration cost. Aztec will do simple transfers for 6k (vs 21k) transfers. Ethereum is moving in a different direction. Tbqh no hard feelings is another platform takes over but I don't see it happening.

>> No.26158227

But Binance Smart Chain isn't infrastructure, there is a big difference. I also can trade on Kraken or Binance at the speed of light, but I'm not buying Kraken or Binance. We're not buying that. We're buying the monetary infrastructure of tomorrow, and we're betting on it.

Infrastructure get replaced when its obsolete. There is now too much adoption, users tripled last years. It's inevitable and so far on this thread nobody has any real arguments except "never got replaced so far by Tron, Eos in 2017, not going to happen now". Well, Algorand or Cardano are not the fucking joke made by a dude in cave, these are the new VISA/Mastercard networks.

I even know personally devs who went to build on Ethereum, then obviously saw the need for a Layer 2, then realized how messy it is, and how much complexity it adds to user interactions. They are all building on Polkadot or Algorand right now. These platforms aren't speculative, it works. Algorand's documentation is crystal clear, programming smart contracts is straightforward, building tokens is more easier than ever.

>> No.26158276

>No enterprise usage
Provably wrong.
>no adoption by real institutions
Provably wrong.

Ethereum shipped a proven protocol that works. OFC it has scaling issues, just check the amount of work getting done on its mainnet and compare it to tezos (LOL) or cardano. There is a reason almost all DeFi was launched on ETH you muppet. IT WORKS and it's decentralised enough to be trusted with money. I'm not even going to touch the BTC subject, because it's so obvious that BTC is controlled by Chinese miners. Just keep buying shitcoins friend, eventually that crap will go to 0 in the next decade and that's the only timeframe I care about. Just for the record, I bought ETH at $1-$10 and I'm not selling shit.

>> No.26158338

>Provably wrong.
Then prove it you retard. Just post the links here, show us which companies. You are a retard.

>> No.26158379


>> No.26158394

tesla didn't ICO yet, nigger

>> No.26158420



>> No.26158486

>on this thread nobody has any real arguments
You are the one refusing to see the solutions that are coming. L2 is just temporary workarounds that at the end won't take the main focus in the network, and they have a lot of work coming through for L1. You magically skip posts like these >>26158206 or solutions like EIP-1559 in order to keep your shilling narrative. You are a fucking disgrace and even if you aren't a pajeet, which I doubt, you definitely have the spirit of one.

>> No.26158495

FLARE among XRP will make ETH obsolete.

i can't wait it to happen.

>> No.26158497

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.26158507

> They are all building on Polkadot or Algorand right now.
Show me one shipped application with significant user count on DOT or ALGO. It's all fucking vapourware.

>> No.26158508

lmao. you just posted that in hope that it's enough to answer. Fucking desert website.

In that list, the largest companies are Accenture, Microsoft and Intel and do you know what they do on Ethereum? Except having their logo here? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING YOU ABSOLUTE MORON.

>> No.26158527

>lgorand or Cardano are not the fucking joke made by a dude in cave,
>These platforms aren't speculative, it works.
>building tokens is more easier than ever.
>building tokens

>> No.26158546

Optimism, Rollups and Layer2 are all the same kind of thing, it's Layer2, it's putting computation outside the mainchain to lighten the cost because the mainchain is still a sinking boat that needs to be patched up.

>> No.26158575
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>> No.26158585

anyway this thread is so fucking bullish for Cardano & Algorand that's not even fun. I'm screencapping all of this and I'll make sure to laugh at all y'all retards in this summer and next year.

>> No.26158587

Nigger why would i tell you where I'm job hunting

>> No.26158599

And optimism is uniquely "on chain". Not a layer 2 in the traditional sense.

>> No.26158616

Bruh, did you even read what I said? Whatever, you just outed yourself as a pajeet street shitter. Keep shilling your shitcoins, I'm done with you.

>> No.26158623

lmao are you for real? nobody want to take your job you schizo

>> No.26158635

Algo is unironically a joy to develop in, no shit solidity gipsy tier programming language. Great docs

>> No.26158661

I knew it. You're a fucking moron.

>> No.26158739

Bro honestly it's virtually equivalent. I know my shit, Optimism and rollups are just the equivalent of sidechain-ing, but I agree it's a slightly cooler fix than L2s. Still not going to solve the adoption scaling issue.
Are you schizo? I answered you. If your only examples are BNB Sidechain and Optimism to illustrate how the Ethereum is ready to scale for massive adoption, I don't know what to tell you, I guess keep living in your dreams.

>> No.26158748

Even if all those words are true, so what
>defi defi defi
Fuck defi. I'm not interested in glorified ponzi schemes. If capital generates revenue without being plugged into actual goods and services it's a fucking scam. It's a zero sum game and there will be a loser for every winner. I'm sick of neets clamoring for this opportunity to play the Jew.
Polkadot and Cardano are talking about building platforms for smart contracts that operate IRL, not just online games that shift online tokens around. Whenever I see Ethereum apologists go on and on about defi I become more convinced that Ethereum has nothing more to offer.
>Fuck defi
>Fuck Ethereum
>Fuck masks

>> No.26158774

yep, a complete moron here

>> No.26158815

>Optimism and rollups are just the equivalent of sidechain-ing

>> No.26158821

You know I kind of expected a more technical discussion on /biz/ rather muh teeps and muh fees. Seems like /biz/ is once again outdone by a bunch of gigabrains on twitter.

>> No.26158853

All shitcoins are sent over ethereum thus you can't avoid the fees. Best you can do is trust an exchange and pay once to get your value into their system.

>> No.26158877

It is like 2017 all over again, talking about tps and fees. Good discussion here ended a long time ago.

>> No.26158881
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oh fuck yeah bud

>> No.26158905

lmao at redditors. they need to be told what kind of discussion they should be having

>> No.26158912

Stay jelly you're not getting my coins

>> No.26158994

whaaaaa someone explain??

>> No.26159031


In a year, everybody will use the ADA-ALGO, ADA-ETH, ETH-ALGO token bridges without even thinking about it. We'll all make trades and do DeFi and have actual high-data frequency dapps and nobody will ever talk like you guys talked here. This is pure delusion. It's time to let go, Algo is already the defacto USDC platform. Cardano is coming like a literal prince in the space. It's not killers, it's just natural Succession, as observed in any industry.

Everyone denying reality here has never used Algorand and say it's useless and ghostchain. Anyone that has used and programmed on it will never go back. Why would you go back to Win95 when you have Windows 7?

See you retards, stay as you are biz, you're really the smart money

>> No.26159069

If you have Reddit arguing whether something is worth more than it currently is, its overpriced. This shit was up double for no reason. Fuck crypto.

>> No.26159070

yep $1.6k by end of jan

>> No.26159209

Retard, all smart contracts are DeFi. DeFi - Decentralized Finance, you hold your own assets instead of some bank or government institution. Instead of having a contract showing ownership for example land, car or business at some government department you can hold and trade the contract yourself without going through the government.
DeFi isn't just about meme tokens, it's just that at the moment there is no platform that can support a business and their users because Ethereum as you know has enormous gas fees when people try to use it at the same time. As soon as a platform that is good enough launches DeFi will see lots of use cases, both in regular apps, businesses and services.

>> No.26159314

You're so dumb. Sharting will scale by 64x. That is nothing. NOTHING.
Why did you reply to my post? I'm a ETH denier. I thought it was amazing when i started developing for if but then I realized how much it would cost to run my Dapps on the mainmet. Once I learned a bit about L2 and how shit even the idealized 2.0 is I committed myself to learning a gen3.
You sure about that? I suppose it's semantics. To me defi is financial instruments on smart contracts. I wouldn't like to call sports betting or even billing as defi. But whatever.

>> No.26159342

>Buying at the high

>> No.26159696

All these idiots arguing while The Graph is going to do for crypto what photocopiers did for astronomy

>> No.26159757

you sound poor

>> No.26159765


>> No.26159797

here comes the crash OP you fucking dumb moron

>> No.26159812

>look at Algorand's adoption curve, it's real. USDC works on it, not Ethereum. Tether too.
>Algo is already the defacto USDC platform
>look the Algo explorer
>6 USDC tx in the last hour, not even half a million
>4 USDT tx in the last hour (all of them with 0 value)

>> No.26159910

Sold all my ETH a week ago and went into DOT. ETH is finished.

>> No.26159969
File: 119 KB, 720x572, 20210118_131543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every single algo block filled with tx of these useless crap
At least I hope Polkadot is better

>> No.26160102
File: 62 KB, 1200x630, CAFA8C7C6B6AAB80183B1BC7F498D6A4D2333B2D6589D51CD3348FDBC2709BFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish ETHEREUM would make a decision soon. Been holding ETH just for this moment. I just want to know if I'm just wasting my time. I'm hearing rumors of price suppression by whales which is really fucked up though

>> No.26160106

>check polkadot transactions
>it's fucking nothing

why am I not surprised?

>> No.26160222

But in truth, of course it takes a collective effort by whales to keep ETH's price down. It has overperformed this year and has even outperformed BTC so of course everyone is watching what ETH will do. I dont think anything can stop ETH at this point, not tx fees, not ETH 2.0 rollout, not scaling issues, nothing. ETH is bound for greatness. 550% increase over the last year

>> No.26160562

fucking lol it is true. All I had to do is go check the block explorer.

>> No.26160566

What's your Twitter follow list? Just give me your Twitter…

>> No.26160644

>unironically posting reddit
get the fuck out of here

>> No.26160671

Your kind is not welcome here. Go back.

>> No.26160809
File: 64 KB, 1080x1078, Screenshot_20210118-113735~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if eth touches $1200 again, is that bullish or bearish?

>> No.26160859
File: 321 KB, 750x1160, 543534543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't understand DEFI then you don't understand economic theory. As the Age of Enlightenment led to the separation of church and state. DEFI will lead to the separation of economy and state and the end of centralized exchanges and central banks. Read about tokenomics you fucking chimp.

>> No.26160870

Fuck you

>> No.26160954

TAfags, am I retarded for looking at the 1 month USD chart and seeing an obvious continuation pattern? steadily hitting higher lows against a flat resistance with decreasing volume. I feel like the past week has been a solid period for accumulation and breakout is imminent. and no I will not zoom out.

>> No.26160996

You gotta do some TA, its finding resistance at those 1250 levels. Also, its finding support since the 30% dump last week. So theres a triangle pattern forming with strong resistance and support which means the apex of these 2 lines will touch and ETH will have to decide a move, whether a big move to the upside or downside. The move could come by the end of the day

>> No.26161322

Lol DOT is the jelly loser former friend of ETH who wants to sabotage ETH because he's not allowed to play with Vitalik anymore. Literally oopsed millions of dollars of the DOT ICO with incompetence and tried to fork the chain instead of owning up to it. Gavin Wood looks like a total autist pedo who likes to write sex novels about himself and 11 year old girls with AIDS... Which he did

>> No.26161359

>It could go up or down
Sounds like pretty standard TA lol

>> No.26161361

didn't read, never selling.

>> No.26161567

i take one good look at total and circulating supply of algorand together with sneek peak at staking rewards and initial distribution and I instantly know it will dump forever.

>> No.26161686

>Read about tokenomics you fucking chimp
Any recs?

>> No.26162004

That’s what I see too. It may be a solid blockchain but I’m here to make $.

>> No.26162064

no fuck you

>> No.26162887

It used to be in britain that every other private landowner would toll you to pass by. So you’d wind up paying out the ass to go anywhere. Didn’t understand how anyone would put up with that until I used Ethereum.

>> No.26162998

This is all you need to know

>> No.26163420

Fucking bbbbbbaaaaassseeeedddd

Anyone selling now is a pleb. Were at the verge of financial revolution . Plus with OCC rules in the US any bank can use stable coins and smart contracts. 10k is ironically fud

>> No.26163656

the more you spam ridiculous price speculate doesn't mean it won't plummet to $350 in the next 2 weeks fatty

>> No.26163659

no. im ignoring all negative speech. i bought in at 1,300 and its going to rise again passed 1,300 so i can make money off of this.

>> No.26163853

Strap in for the pamp

>> No.26163927

it just broke key support it's crashing to $1000 within a couple of hours lol

>> No.26163985

This. TAfags are useless when it comes to crypto.

Bitcoin was showing a CLEAR head and shoulders formation last week but easily broke to the upside. You can argue that was just s coincidence or whales painted the picture to setup a beartrap, either way no form of TA can help with that.

TAfags will also say "um btc was due for a 30% correction" when it randomly dumps one day, but the point of TA should be able to predict WHEN its going to dump, which NO ONE said shit when it was above 40k. As soon as it happened, everyone come flocking here with their meme lines to say "oh yes, yes, it was very obvious. I predicted this week's ago".

>> No.26163993
File: 59 KB, 189x266, bobo-choked-by-green-wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 82 ETH enough to make it this year?

I also have 7k parsiq and a couple call options on bed bath and beyond for March.

I feel like I'm going to be a millionaire this year finally but I need at least a 10x, or maybe even a 100x or 200x.

I also own two quick picks on this week's mega millions draw so I have that going on as well.

>> No.26164122

Eth has no key support. It can drop below 1000 or stay in 1200. The only guarantee is that it won't go up.

>> No.26164190


>> No.26164240

>which NO ONE said shit when it was above 40k
No I definitely remember tons of posts and threads about the inevitable dump

>> No.26164386
File: 135 KB, 400x400, GreatPamp.png.96bf161b15115f888047fb29f52552c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26164500

algorand just called me, they are searching for their turing-complete layer

>> No.26164532

Welcome to /biz/. Where there are several posts every few hours about bitcoin dumping. Meme lines are great when the random prediction comes true.

>> No.26165148

If we go to 350 i buy 10 more, its a win win

>> No.26165197

Lol you wish. Why so bearish fren