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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 74 KB, 1079x576, waves-logo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2615212 No.2615212 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.2615228

Everything is. Well apart from Bitbean that is.

>> No.2615265

Yes but Waves is going down more than others even. FUCK.

>> No.2615393

well it did x16. So if you didn't get in early. There's lot of people wanting to cash out before their x16 turn into x1.

>> No.2615433
File: 1.09 MB, 922x658, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you fell for the hodl meme

>> No.2615552

always buy the dip

>> No.2615596

because it's a shitcoin
the only coin that matters is BTC

>> No.2615603

A whale is filling his pockets with more Waves

>> No.2615611

sooooooooooooo glad i got out they revealed themselves to be true cucks over nigger coin

>> No.2615612

Is Waves open source?

>> No.2615627
File: 108 KB, 918x547, bitbean-suicide-watch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2615776

Waves is a scam people already knew it and waited for the right time to sell the shittokens.

The founder of Waves Sasha Ivanov is convicted felon and will not travel to the US because he will end up in jail.

Poloniex will not add Waves because it is not a blockchain but a database.

The Wavesteam can randmly delete wallets, this happend with the Niggergate affaire.

See this video how the founder of Waves gets his ass ripped apart for being a scam.

>Waves is a scam
>Sasha Ivanov is a scammer

>> No.2615789

Fuck dude, yo again.. how many times you posted this FUD now?

>> No.2615799

damn you are persistent...I bet you are the guy who lost his Waves by your own fault and now you're spamming bitcointalk and 4chan

>> No.2615832

Hear pornhub video with Waves Guy fuck dog people tell.
Other tell he raped dog.
This true Waves everthing fuck rape dog when profit?
Strange who knows?

>> No.2615848

Please shut the fuck up with your bullshit.

This is truth:

>> No.2615884

I'm inclined to believe that waves (or any other crypto for that matter) is a scam.
If it is, I need some respectable sources for that, and some general talk in the "community" that points into that direction.
One single youtube video of two fat manchilds that wear nigger caps indoors however is neither.
If anything, this is a good sign, if only one single autist and two fat dudes seem to have found a flaw.

>> No.2615906

what is this psyop going on against waves i'm here to make gains and waves will be $20 in july they have a new UI coming soon im all in it hasnt dropped anymore than eth has the last month

>> No.2615946

I would suggest to check their code and the setup of the nodes.
If you don't understand how that works get someone more tech savy to check it out for you.

Background Sasha Ivanov ask a native Russian speaker to search for him online (Coinomat)
If you live in the US and you have clearance go to the courthouse and ask to read the files on Sasha Ivanov. (They are semi public so you could ask your councilor to retrieve info on that)

>I know you are Cyrille Wetter who works for the Wavesteam and who has a team of paidshillers here on 4Chan and Bitcointalk.

>> No.2615950 [DELETED] 

https://t.me/upcomingPumps/ . . . . . .

>> No.2615966

I'm tired of you bullshiting. Sasha probably fucked your girlfriend or something

>> No.2616004
File: 65 KB, 500x364, 1498435968858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>closed source
>deleted niggercoin
Eh, I liked it until I realized that. Actual person here you schizo.

>> No.2616026

What is wavesteam? Redpill me desu.

>> No.2616059

>losing on waves when you could be making on other coins


>> No.2616072

lol what a troll, everything has fallen not just Waves

>> No.2616080

god bless autistic FUDers

>> No.2616291

His I think people say pornhub
Sasha raped dog on pornhub
His Sasha rape his dog
Video Sasha raped dog on pornhub
That why he anger maybe

>> No.2616327

Like your sockpuppet accounts Cyrille Wetter.


Waves a scam?
>YES it has been officially confirmed

>> No.2616350

>Waves a scam?
>>YES it has been officially confirmed
So PLEASE post something OFFICIAL that OFFICIALLY confirms it.

>> No.2616546

Hello Cyrille Wetter please see: >>2615946

>> No.2616551
File: 58 KB, 554x592, 1494248620454-co.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2616590

I'm not whoever you claim I am (das Wetter hier ist allerdings echt schön. Wollen wir nicht lieber über das Wetter reden? Weit weniger autistisch als der Scheiss hier.), but you are just repeatedly posting your accusations and how easy it is to find proof, if you speak russian or are a US citizen. I am neither, but since there are millions of russians and americans in this world, you surely can point me towards some respectable sites where this proof you are talking about is discussed and explained.

>> No.2616641
File: 65 KB, 960x721, 1491849348288-tg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't any.

He's got the btc uncensored video, which is a big nothing burger and "niggergate" which shows that assets are named inside the lite client and not the matching system

Those are the only thing people have against waves that actually exist. The rest is heresay and made up shit (also see the non death of VB that got pushed so hard)

>> No.2616830

Trying so hard to do damage control when most people here now seen the video and are actually digging and discovering Waves is a scam.

>Feels good

>> No.2617230

Shameless selfbump
>Waves is a scam