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26141381 No.26141381[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


a niger insults 3rd worlder for being poor, how do I profit off of this?

>> No.26141546

God I hate that website and all who inhabit it. I just want to be able fuck off to a cabin innawoods and stare off into the fireplace every night and be at peace, away from these peoples drama. Is it so much to ask?

>> No.26142026


>> No.26142111

wtf, I thought Bay Area niggers are supposed to be leftist and stuff. Oof, nevermind

>> No.26142306

a lot of niger call themself a digital nomad by resell overpriced items for a living while staying in Bali and make an ebook out of that so others could follow

>> No.26142470


>> No.26142516


>> No.26142524

Serious question as a black anon. How many of you are actually racist versus just making jokes online?

>> No.26142550

Being a slav is worse

>> No.26142586

jesus christ twitter gives me brain cancer why do you brown and black people like it so much?

>> No.26142724

you deserved it

>> No.26142763

It's my bet most people who post here are intellectually racist in that they believe in ability differences between races. But few are in a position to act on those beliefs because they're just inept 20somethings with no power. Meanwhile, the people who are "just joking about calling a black guy a filthy nigger" don't exist anymore. They either became actual racists or started to shy away from that language.

>> No.26142885

Interesting. I can't help but wonder what people are thinking when they see me on the street sometimes after hanging out in this board too much. Probably a sign to take a break.

Personally I've never encountered any real racism in my life so it doesn't seem likely to be in the population at the same rate you see on this board.

>> No.26143060

Oh no, 4chan is way more publicly racist than "normal" sites like Reddit from the anonymity and from the userbase being so young/free of consequences. It also speaks in extremes, where blacks are looked at as dumb animals, Germans are icy genocidal maniacs, Americans are fat assholes, Asians are self-hating small peepee men, etc. If you wear regular clothes and seem like a regular dude minding his own business, you'll probably get treated like one by 95% of people.

>> No.26143077

Everyone’s racist, we’re just conscious of it nigger

>> No.26143483
File: 171 KB, 447x301, Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 00.44.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay i looked up the story behind these tweets

>some black woke-tard lesbian from los angeles moves from america to bali and makes a long twitter thread about how much better life is there and how cheap it is for her. encourages other blacks to move to bali
>bunch of indonesians call her for being tone deaf and gentrifying bali with her first world privilege
>bunch of american blacks cant handle the criticisms that they typically give out and start seething
>race war breaks out with racial slurs being thrown around

kek. white ppl win this one i think.

>> No.26143559

truthfully i'm not racist and would be friends with you irl but the woke-tard leftism and black people constantly playing the victim has become tiresome and made me numb and strongly right wing.

>> No.26143573

hahaha, stupid niggers taste their own medicine from other brown people

>> No.26143621

I just like the memes but I have a black friend though

>> No.26143641

Combine the dumbest race with the dumbest gender and that's how you get black women.

>> No.26143651

Yeah I actually agree and have become pretty right wing (moreso libertarian) myself. Luckily I think more black people in america are starting to wake up to how the left has just been using us as props for years. I wouldn't be surprised to see a steady exodus of the group think that's currently happening in the black community around political issues over the coming years.

>> No.26143680

>im a pussy who can't stand for anything solid so I pussy foot fence sit
either you're nigger lover or not there are no middle ground anywhere

>> No.26143703

kek. good larp.

>> No.26143766

Most of the world hates black people, you guys fucking suuuuuck and don't stop committing crimes and are loud and stink and are violent.
But it's not about skin color, which is why many of us had had black acquaintances and black friends because they were the anomaly. More and more blacks are becoming mix raced, so the black race will soon be nonexistent thankfully.

>> No.26143867

All the guys I knew who made those kinds of jokes just liked the shock value. I'd probably be considered racist but I don't make those kind of jokes because in general I don't do mean spirited or shock humour.

>I can't help but wonder what people are thinking when they see me on the street sometimes
Unlikely anyone notices. It's the daily encounters with young black people who are screaming, trashing the fuck out of everything, stealing anything not nailed down, harassing women on their own, etc who people are noticing and having "racist" thoughts about. I wasn't racist until I moved from my all white town to a big city where I encountered that every day. But just seeing a normal black person doesn't make me think anything in particular. At the risk of being cliche I have a couple of African immigrant friends I absolutely adore.

>> No.26143954

I don't care for nogs and neither do most other nogs which is clearly evident when they get enough money to move away into a non-nog neighborhood. People can scream socio-economic causes all day, still doesn't change reality and neither can I.

>> No.26143974


>> No.26143989

Thanks guys good context. Appreciate it.
A bit harsh but thanks for your feedback

>> No.26144036

I want to tongue punch her poophole

>> No.26144206
File: 428 KB, 220x188, A848C53F-92DD-426F-AB2D-34941B5FA9CA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck. The amount of based Asians in there.

>> No.26144330

4chan will always be subhuman central
everyone posting here is automatically a barely human retard who suffers from delusions of grandeur, not to be taken seriously, me included
if someone insults someone else without realizing he/she/it is on here that's a double no go. doesn't seem like a fulfilled individual

>> No.26144811

First reply was the best one. I’m cognitively pretty racist, homophobic, anti-semitic, etc but behaviourally pretty open. I’m pretty sure most others are the same. Things are just really obvious at this point if you’re able to think for yourself. Niggers = crime, jews = parasites and lust for white genocide, faggots = degenerates and redditors = the worst. Can’t make jokes anymore, can’t say you don’t want your children to be persecuted if you want to keep your job, and can’t even fucking go outside anymore. Half of the population are your local Pravdas while everytime you turn on the TV it’s a cool ass nigger mogging a retarded white guy. The only people on TV allowed to be represented as normal are jews and chinks. The only people on fucking youtube left are all talentless unfunny jews now. It’s just going to be H3H3 and their shitty fucking podcast and all their jew friends left by the end of this year.

>> No.26144933

I love Jesse Lee Peterson.

>> No.26144942

checked and based