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File: 37 KB, 900x600, dextokengovern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26141348 No.26141348 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a good or bad thing for DEXG that Andre Cronje & Hayden Adams are trying to copy what they're doing with single asset liquidity pools?

>> No.26141486

Competition is ALWAYS good, competition encourages innovation. It is bad for DEXG if they pull it off first or better, but it could lead to other forms of innovation if the team behind it is better than those they are competing with

>> No.26141677

conman cronje won't be able to pull off what Jollen is doing, he's worked with the best mathematicians in the country to develop his priceless AMM. the fact dexg has a market cap of $10m is a massive opportunity to explode.

>> No.26141708


youre fucking delusional. Cronje is a genius and Jollen is a fraud.

>> No.26141833

cronje a genius? you mean the man who has an exploitnor serious fault in every single project he creates? an evil genius maybe but he's definitely not on jollen's level intellectually. that's why they're scambling around trying to take dexgs ideas.

>> No.26141867

Death sentence. Andre has a name in the space, that no name chink is rekt

>> No.26142050

It just shows how ground breaking dexg swap will be, they're not only reducing impermanent loss, they're also reducing slippage and adding advanced features like limit orders, order books and chart tools.

>> No.26142350

- DEXG will have lower slippage than competitors (Uniswap and others)
- no IL when adding liquidity (single asset pools for first time in any dex, this will attract whales)
- trading fees + secondary token as reward for LPs
- reduced gas fees due to secondary token usage and better coding implemented for eth contracts
- orderbook like on cex later on (Q2-Q3)
- integrated bots for every trader on dex and advanced pro-trading tools
- conditions will be ideal to attract big arbitrage volume alone
- % of trading fees paid to dexg token holders

>> No.26142468

After testing the Dexg beta I bought a bag, it does seem like you can always withdraw the same amount of liquidity you provide which is a serious achievement.

>> No.26142591

I think that is easier to see through on a beta over a main net, but it would definitely be bullish

>> No.26142639

seriously undervalued at the current marketcap, just watch.

>> No.26142861

It's a good thing OP.

It shows that Jollen is getting noticed by the competition. Even if this got to a quarter of Uniswaps mcap, that's X40 from here, it's scary to think about!

>> No.26143062
File: 35 KB, 512x512, uniswapclown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dexg = IBM Watson
uniswap = Nintendo switch
sushiswap = Nintendo gameboy

>> No.26143426

Capped supply of 55,000? When's the YFI fomo price rocket please?

>> No.26143700

i bought, bogger send me to the moon

>> No.26144040

$1k in March
$10k EOY

>> No.26144100

Genius when it comes to scamming money from retards maybe

>> No.26144216

Who gives a shit about that, if Jollens product is both cheaper and better than the rest, it will get used

>> No.26144239
File: 35 KB, 512x357, hawkindex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just shows how much of an absolute genius jollen is desu

>> No.26144377

Definitely a bad thing.

Dexg has no name in this industry.

However, it would be a massive advantage if dexg managed to launch these features before anyone else, but if Andre does it first he will take the credit and the spotlight will be on him, in that case this will only be a 50m mcap project.

There also has not been any news related to the project since early December.

>> No.26144461

dex release mid feb, so andre scammer cronje has a month

>> No.26144498

No news? They released the functioning beta on time, December 23rd, are you smoking crack? But yeah I agree with you more or less, they need to get their product out first so we can do a 50x this year.

>> No.26144613

They can try to copy the genius Jollen Chen but they will come no where close. And they have barely any time left. Dexg will go live soon, and the rest will be history

>> No.26144727
File: 78 KB, 800x700, IMG_20210118_083613_297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they saw this picture and still didn't buy.

The fools.

>> No.26145221

2021 is dexgs year

>> No.26145314
File: 41 KB, 919x380, Screenshot 2021-01-18 at 3.01.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture needs to turn into a logarithmic scale, this shit is 100x EOY.

Also, pic related. If you own about ~40 DEXG, and assuming a volume of $220 million dollars worth a day (Uniswap's current daily volume), you would make about ~$10,000 a day if a 0.5% trading fee were active.

>> No.26145379

wow, big post.

>> No.26145602
File: 44 KB, 933x423, Screenshot 2021-01-18 at 3.14.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind my math is wrong lol, new number.

Still a nice number. About 40k a year.

>> No.26145678

Ha. I mean that is only one revolutionary thing in Dexg's Dexg. Speculative AMM is the biggest thing. And remember guys they are working with Taiwan National University's mathematics department.

>> No.26145710

That isnt true at all. It would be about 10k per day distributed across all holders which would amount to 18 cents per dexg, which is 7.2 dollars a day.

>> No.26145748

I'd buy a bag but I feel the "early" buyers are up way too many Xs already

>> No.26145758

Anon... You have to go back.

>> No.26145761

Also granted that was taking your 11k figure into account. I see you amended your math a bit, however it would amount to 29k per year before tax assuming 2 dollars per dexg

>> No.26145789

Go back where? I probably have more DEXG than you, I believe in the project I just dont believe in lackluster math when the project itself is in part because the man in charge is using expert mathematics

>> No.26145799

The total dexg will be 55k. 40/55k = .0007 = .07%
Also .5% of 220million os 1.1 million ( .005 * 220m) adjust your math accordingly

>> No.26145915

50cents per dexg per day would be nice which gives me a passive income of $250 a day.

>> No.26145951

Gameboy was better than switch

>> No.26145970

maybe im missing a step then, I definitely hope for the best in terms of fees however, id honestly be very happy with like 30 cents a day per dexg

>> No.26146023

So a better estimate is say 220 million volume multiplied by a conservative trade fee of .1%, so 220m * .001 = 220k. Multiply that by (x/55k) so 220k * (40/55k) = 220k * .0007 = approx $160 a day. Adjust the estimate per volume by multiplying by (x/220million) or by number of tokens by multiplying (x/40) or by multiplying by fee (x/1)

>> No.26146102

Forget the maths, the only figure I'm interested in is the date that this will hit $10,000 my good man?

>> No.26146131

Yeah this makes a lot more sense in line to what I was seeing at least and math ive done in prior threads.

>> No.26146173

Depends how much trade volume we get, the more trade volume, the more valuable the token. For now dexg will absolutely capture 100% of arbitrage but only if we can get liquidity providers. The fact that loss is reduced or nil makes it attractive. I think it'll be a gradual snowball. Some people will add liquidity, arbitrage will bring volume, then traders start using it, more liquidity more arbitrage more volume etc until uniswap is dead

>> No.26146294

You don't see this starting to increase in price exponentially like YFI did because of the limited supply?

>> No.26146297

I dont really agree with "the x slayer" marketing campaign for everything. There will be a space for many such exchanges, and competition will promote all such exchanges to be competitive. DEXG will be a better product than UNI, but UNI might innovate, which would in turn encourage DEXG to innovate more. Killing competition entirely would stifle growth. Similarly to how coinbase binance kraken etc can all co-exist, DEXG and UNI will exist and be huge pillars in the dex space innovating and promoting further growth.

>> No.26146328

Now this makes sense.
The math is for your daily income, how is it not interesting? And 5k may happen happen after they release layer 2, Q3 at the earliest. 10k will only happen from new partnerships; dont get too hyped about it.

>> No.26146334

how many dexg do I need to have 1000€ per month of passive income ?
I seem to reach a number of 20 with >>26146023
's maths.

>> No.26146453

This all depends on how much volume the exchange itself gets, how much of the fees holders will get, etc. To accomplish such a feat of 1k per month would depend on how many dexg you would have. If you have 100 dexg this number would only need to be around 34 cents per dexg, where as with 50 you would need it to be around 67 cents. You need to average 33 dollars per day in holdings at any rate, but such a number will be more difficult to attain depending on how things play out. It will be very easy if the volume reaches on par with current uniswap or even half that however.

>> No.26146720
File: 43 KB, 800x450, chadchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speculative AMM Vs Constant Product AMM

>> No.26146842

You're right, it's just my take. And i know it's not realistic. I can't imagine uniswap disappearing but the scenario i could see playing out seems inevitable if even it starts very slow it will eventually rise to be #2 exchange. Featuring uniswap's endless ability to pool liquidity plus possibly lower gas fees and a completely different pricint mechanism, no loss for LP's, i don't see how it will naturally grow into the second best. 1inch is an aggregator, balancer is for indexes, falconswap is kinda shit and only has one utility that requires depositing, INJ, JRT, etc, none of them take on uniswap as directly as dexg, which is why they have their own niche and have a limit on their growth

>> No.26146902

what about sushiswap? about 80 times higher than dexgs marketcap which shows where this could go?

>> No.26146971

I currently have 2 of them, and I'm trying to understand the risk of aping in. The high rewards seem mindblowing but the exchange could also go down the gutter and 100 dexg mean burning 15k € if shit goes wrong.

It's not like I could afford 100 dexg at this point, but I could have 2 months ago if I hadn't swung like a retard.

>> No.26147155

This isn't financial advice anon, but this project with the team behind it and the technology they're working on is insultingly low at $10,000,000 cap.

>> No.26147262

Yeah i meant to say, i dont see how dexg wouldn't get to #2 exchange

>> No.26147705
File: 76 KB, 512x512, wolfwall2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not buying this when it’s literally guaranteed to be 50 million mcap by march.

>> No.26147718

Haha great! But honestly this can be so good. DEFI space is so young and most DEFI projects are from some unemployed dev living in momma's basement. This is real deal. Big company behind it and working with Taiwan National University.

>> No.26147739

I'll keep that in mind. Even if swinging has done poorly for me so far.

>> No.26147889

One fear remains in my mind: dodo exchange boasts all the same advantages as dexg. Why did it fail?

>> No.26148154

Reducing slippage.
Reducing impermanent loss.
No external price oracles.
Advanced trading functions.
Fee sharing for holders.
Secondary token airdrop.

Marketcap only $12,000,000?

How is this possible?

>> No.26148274

luck for buyers fren, its unironically at least a 10x from here

>> No.26148275

Because dodo doesn’t boast half the advantages DEXG does.

>> No.26148294

>limit orders, order books and chart tools.
Oh fuck I can't wait

>> No.26148318

Good to buy now after the dip.
Going to load up.
The amm is great stopping the whales.
Who else is getting a piece ?

>> No.26148388

i bought 20 anon

>> No.26148490

Suicide stack.

>> No.26148552

Not trying to fud but can anyone report on what advantages we have over dodoex. I looked into it and dodoex features single-asset, no impermanent loss, and less slippage. Now idk if it works well enough but the mcap for dodo is super low. What makes us better? And why has dodo failed?

>> No.26148564

what a make it then? 200?

>> No.26148581

make-it stack of 100 is creeping out of people's reach already.

>> No.26148799

Lol that's my question from the telegram. But seriously, someone please tell me in detail. I have been holding for a few months and only just thought about this

>> No.26148843

Its an excellent question

>> No.26148941

Dodoswap reduces slippage using a speculative AMM, reduces impermanent loss by having single tools, has the capacity for off-chain asset minting, is connected to an IoT network, has the capability for order books, limit orders, chart tools etc, offers fee sharing rewards for holders. Does dodo really do all that?

>> No.26148979

I am hoping someone who knows more can clarify because otherwise...i mean i believe in dexg and i figure the speculative amm achieves these features in a much more advanced way, but dodoex touts almost the same benefits, i have to start thinking more rationally. How is dexg going to live up to my dreams when dodoex's promises weren't enough to attract volume. I am guessing the tech will be much better for dexg but will people even realize it?

>> No.26149116

Well they claim to teduce slippage and loss. May be ineffective idk. As for all the other stuff, idk if traders want that yet. Theres been a lot of half assed attempts so far for advanced trading tools with other projects. My formula for dexg's success so far has been independent of any limit orders/order books, chart tools etc that would be really nice though and could pull in a lot of users if it was clean enough to provide a CEX like experience while still being cheaper than uniswap. But the main factor is the slippage in my opinion. Does dodoex just fail to deliver? I think so. But i'm hoping someone else can tell me definitively that dexg's solutions for slippage and impernanent loss are significant

>> No.26149619

I’ve just bought a few more too dexgbro

>> No.26149730

200 will be worth $200,000 by spring and then all being well $2,000,000 by EOY (sounds a lot but it’s only a 500 million market cap anon).

>> No.26149943

This is actually reasonable in any sort of half decent bull market.

>> No.26150238

If it’s any less I’d be highly disappointed

>> No.26150351

I think i may have figured it out. Dodoex's prices are determined by an oracle. It could never stand alone as a DEX and support the endless wealth of erc-20 tokens because it can't determine prices without chainlink. Most of the tokens available on dodo already encounter low enough slippage on uniswap due to their sizable liquidity..which doesn't offer any reason to attract volume. any smaller cap token on dodo would be unsustainable because there could be no other source for the oracle other than uniswap, which could then be easily manipulated by a counterparty. All in all, despite dodo's ambitions it has little room to grow by being dependent on an oracle for price. Dexg makes all the difference with sAMM and calculating price internally. Now uniswap could completely disappear and Dexg would still be functional for every erc-20 token available. Now there's limitless room for growth, constant arbitrage opportunities, and a home for any and all liquidity providers, not to mention protection from whales. Tl;dr price oracle makes dodo completely impotent

>> No.26150519

There we go, it’s all back on boys, we’re going to the fucking moon now it’s been confirmed there’s no competition for DECh.

>> No.26150555

DEXG too

>> No.26150640

Go on biz.... Sleep on it. I dare you.

>> No.26150748
File: 44 KB, 400x300, copying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conman Cronje

>> No.26150864

dangerously based anon

>> No.26151193

It’s bullish that the team are IP over a lot of their developments like the sAMM, this is so under the radar, it’s ridiculous.

>> No.26151219


>> No.26151277

Easiest 50x you will find at a $10 million market cap.

>> No.26151303

Yeah this is one of the best projects to get in on, in my opinion. This is the first thread I’ve seen on it with more than a couple replies on biz so it’s pretty under the radar. I think it’s a guarantee we at least 10x

>> No.26151328

Checked 50x is believable I was just trying to be cautious with my 10x prediction but I guess kek likes 50 better, he has spoken!

>> No.26151988

I’m starting to think I might actually be a delusional faggot, how can something with potential as obvious as this hardly ever get shilled on biz and have a 10 million market cap? Am I seriously missing something here Anons? If they just deliver an absolutely bog standard dex with no external price oracles this is a 50 million project, so why is it so undervalued?

>> No.26152034

Yes, obviously massively bullish that they're protecting their work.

>> No.26152264
File: 84 KB, 750x725, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easily my comfiest small cap hold.

>> No.26152417

I'm starting to doubt my reality too here. It is not like this hasn't been shilled here. I have seen at least 1 or 2 threads weekly on biz for the past 2 months.... And there are still not even 1000 holders. So wtf is going on here?

>> No.26152826

Now staking is finishing and they’re nearing product launch I’ve heard that the marketing is going to ramp up

>> No.26152934

sure, but even the amount of shilling on biz that we have seen so far is marketing. Just wondering how it is possible that so few people have invested so far

>> No.26153149

very good that they’re copying, just proves the ingenuity of dexg

>> No.26153684
File: 55 KB, 1261x793, firefox_9OlDfFtAtG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I have any confidence in this project when Jollen's previous project looks like this?

Pic related, lost 99.8% of its value KEK

>> No.26154189
File: 129 KB, 650x810, trolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're incorrect when you say that's his previous project, it's actually a current project - businesses and enterprises need to use FLC to access Flowchain's private blockchains. The only reason it has a "price" is because it was picked up by scammy exchanges and listed. There is no utility or value in it other than for private companies, ergo the price reflects that.

Nice try with fudding though anon.

>> No.26154272

Not everything is an attempt to FUD you paranoid weirdo, it was just a legitimate question.

What you said makes sense though, I didn't look at the exchanges it was listed in.

I might buy in after all then...

>> No.26154625

Apologies anon.

>> No.26155435

when is the medium article coming out with more information on the IL, slippage and great sharing, soon isn’t it nibbas?

>> No.26155519

50X is half a billion marketcap mate, far smaller than uniswap and sushiswap, can’t see why that won’t get eaten up easily.

>> No.26155547

Some projects get slept on, the team hasn't marketed yet, and biz seriously is mostly interested in pump and dump .finance scams that end with a rug pull. Load up anons this rocket could leave station any minute.

>> No.26155859
File: 75 KB, 1280x198, IMG_20210108_183313_113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully this actually posts and doesn't compress but it should give you an idea of what you'd get paid per dexg you hold based in uniswaps volume

>> No.26155914

They been saying soon for a month now..lost all hope in them

>> No.26156108

Is that right? If it gets 5% of uniswap's volume and pays the lowest reasonably considered fee to dexg holders of 0.05%, then we would get 36 cents for each dexg we hold? Even that would get me $150 a day, BASED.

>> No.26156135


>> No.26156194
File: 40 KB, 385x512, staking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they said it would be out towards the end of staking which is basically next week.

>> No.26156460

These numbers should be correct unlike the brainlet anons weird math earlier in the thread. You're welcome to do the math yourself, it's very simple.

>> No.26156537

You have a massive supply and have already made it fren! You could safely sell half your stack at 10k and live off the fees like a king

>> No.26156740

Even selling at 500M cap seems premature, but it would be crazy not to sell some.

>> No.26156785

The math is correct, I did that spread sheet. If those numbers don't convince you, you deserve poverty anon.

>> No.26157040

cointiger safu?

>> No.26157075

not ideal, balancer or uniswap is a better bet.

>> No.26157229

also it’s a good thing OP

>> No.26158045

Even with low prediction of 0.05% for reward fees dexg is bullish with such low supply and possible 100m+ daily volume in next 6 months

>> No.26158583

They will achieve that easily from what I've seen of the beta, just need to work on the UI

>> No.26158665
File: 85 KB, 800x1200, wick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jollen Wick will take Adams and Cronje out.

>> No.26158798

Kek based

>> No.26159680

That spreadsheet makes me want to buy more.

>> No.26159952

I've just bought a big bag, time to fucking rocket.

>> No.26160649

amazing work anon.

>> No.26161436

About time UNI had some competition, I’ll do some reading about this one, thanks anons.

>> No.26161851

It would be worth it fren