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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 337 KB, 1800x1800, 1602650320987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26140267 No.26140267 [Reply] [Original]

>2nd richest man in the world
>is a cucked out beta provider who got divorce raped because he wanted to be with a BOGGED tranny
based or cringe?

>> No.26140295
File: 98 KB, 500x485, 1610265824980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's literally unironically just bogdanoff in drag
man is having the best sex of his life

>> No.26140324

The guy is just a front
He has absolutely no fucking idea what is really going on

>> No.26140338

he looks like an absolute scumbag

>> No.26140403

>sour grapes
The absolute state of poorfags. Seethe more.

>> No.26140474

The one on the left or right?

>> No.26140479
File: 259 KB, 878x740, 1610554952784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's hot would fuck and COOOOMM in that latina ass

>> No.26140506

she bogg built to be blacked

>> No.26140528

kill yourself you fucking braindead bootlicker
I'll fuck your mum tonight again

>> No.26140551

Bezos is a /biz/reali

>> No.26140583
File: 21 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the hell did he de-age?

>> No.26140723

Holy shit, is this the power of being bald?

>> No.26140797

Shaved head and worked out.

>> No.26140834

He's based. I remember buying stuff off of amazon in middle school.

>> No.26140859

His face looks like it’s melting.

>> No.26140869


"I want to smell you, I want to breathe you in. I want to hold you tight… I want to kiss your lips… I love you. I am in love with you"

“I love you, alive girl,”

What an absolute cuck. Imagine being an employee of amazon where they treat you like dogshit and on top of this , thee images come to your mind

>> No.26140891


>> No.26140906

Imagine giving up 100 BILLION dollars for that. This guy knows business but the women in his life take him for a ride. Completely clueless dude

>> No.26140944
File: 30 KB, 473x473, 1606970055753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the cuck who pays you $15/hr for slave labor

how do wagie cagies even cope? it is impossible

>> No.26141094

>richest man in world
Yea thats what the rothshcilds want you to think.

>> No.26141148

he started to lurk /fit/

>> No.26142199

now's my torn... boog

>> No.26142587

Cringe as fuck. How can you get over the embarrassment of your business associates, employees and the rest of the world having read that?

>> No.26142660


>> No.26142698

Worked out, fixed posture, shaved head (it goes hair > shaved head > balding), clothes that fit, makeup, maybe plastic surgery

>> No.26142699

Bezos is extremely cringe.

>> No.26142752

Whats wrong with you

>> No.26143192

i want to smell u

>> No.26143562

You guys need to drop the idea that making money turns you into a chad. This thing’s a beta to the core, it’s engrained into his ugly soul.

>> No.26143574

Must suck to be getting Gilles sloppy seconds.

>> No.26143605

I am laughing so hard at this

>> No.26143606

Def not as Chad as ELon

>> No.26143634


>> No.26144168

hey as long as he keeps making it easy for me to get more of these dia idgaf what that blind cuck does

>> No.26144176
File: 524 KB, 1800x1800, 1610948394210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the blowies from that bear trap of a mouth anon, she probably makes vacuum cleaner noises with his entire junk in her mouth.

>> No.26144310

no doubt.
I took some of this and went into a near-psychotic rage
But I felt great afterwards

>> No.26144364

>bogged journalist
she's obviously his handler anon

>> No.26144400

I bet she has fake ass round porn star tits

>> No.26144580
File: 17 KB, 340x245, bogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he wanted this
>implying the Bogs didn't coerce him into a relationship with this creature, who is one of their genetic cloning experiments
>implying bezos isn't 99% bogdabots at this point

he's a useful figurehead for them, but the moment he steps out of line the female bog clone will psychically-activate the bogdabots in his bloodstream and have them start slowly devouring his internal organs cell-by-cell

i would not envy bezos even with all his wealth

>> No.26144672

Bezos is proof that good looks trump having billions.

He looks like absolute shit and no prime teen slut would get wet for him, EVER. No matter how many billions or space stations he has.

Meanwhile broke tall, skinny white dude with a jawline and full head of hair bangs that prime pussy each day of the week.


>> No.26144757

ywnbaw disgusting trannoid

>> No.26145156

Alive girl? Why does he have to differentiate between dead and alive girls?

>> No.26145242

>2nd richest

>> No.26145330

His former wife had a penis, as well. This one though. OHNONONO.

>> No.26145334

And right during peak Brapper memeing too
Anyone got the edit with the smellorama, this was hilarious

>> No.26145392

He's lucky he doesn't have to be a tranny, just marry one, to join the 2021 elite.

>> No.26145449

some very rich bizraelis will turn this into a legitimate cult that will eventually outpace and outlive us.

>> No.26145495

Based Chad not ashamed to embrace his bogged bimbo fetish

>> No.26145566
File: 24 KB, 112x112, 1582887117138.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's gonna get half his shit taken again over and over until he's back to where he started

>> No.26145664

>be me
>get engineering degree from Mumbai
>abstain from pee pee poo poo, desi staceys and sex orgies in uni
>focus on grades Ranjesh
>graduate and wagie for gorillion lifetimes
>made it in the motherland
>tfw no hot desi waifu
>tfw balding and lonely
not worth it sirs

>> No.26145780

How do I avoid getting assimilated by bogdabots?