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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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26136510 No.26136510 [Reply] [Original]

anons, what are your thoughts on Biden's 1.9T spending plan? I am honestly scared shitless with all this spending, but at the same time it seems nothing really happens. Are you just pumping up this debt bubble until it explodes or is it something we will just live with? Honestly have put real thought it putting all my fiat into crypto and gold/silver. Am I just being paranoid?

>> No.26136549

take your meds goy

>> No.26136575

no, put your fiat into bullets, gold, guns, silver, food and crypto. we're fucked.

>> No.26136577

Spending increases liquidity, thus increasing volume and valuation. It's the exact stimulus to support a more thriving middle class, thus lower prices on intangible goods such as college as anyone making 15-20 dollars now has the option of saying to their boss "Fuck you, I can work anywhere and make this amount".

>> No.26136626

They already have an exit strategy. You won't like it if I told, but it is going to be fun to watch. I could show you my nose, but let me tell you, watch the SEC closely. Way funnier to rub my hands, when you schizos know.

>> No.26136684

going to self prescribing myself some more booz after this FED rabbit hole I'm going down.

having those thoughts. Never bought a gun (grew up in a very lib family) but probably going to get my first soon.

>> No.26136711

Biden wants to cancel Keystone pipeline:

Anyone know if Biden is pro-nuclear power? Or is that too scary for him?

>> No.26136721

care to elaborate anon? I'm a retard.

>> No.26136881


All these retards know is that Hannity told them the government will collapse if we spend money

>> No.26136912

Yeah, it's fuckin' retarded, they literally have zero idea how much leverage this gives them.

>> No.26137067

Anyone telling you inflation is a good thing is a mentally retarded ape.

>> No.26137093

Let's say it like this.
What you deemed safe, is already in our hands, goyim. If we rub it hard enough, your money will turn to dust - but not before you increased our wealth. Some of you might be smart enough, but it won't matter. We developed the means to print infinite without getting into trouble, and every Cent will be followed. Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Hamilton, Jackson, Grant and Franklin will only be given by us and displayed as a number, and what is worth will be judged by ours.
4th time is the charm. Milcham.

>> No.26137378


>> No.26137665


Bullish for crypto

>> No.26137693

Velocity, not liquidity, determines prices of goods. Your axioms are backwards. Look to where value accrues with monetary policy that supports such spending and ask yourself what segments of society benefit the most, and the least, and in what ways.

>> No.26137730

Genuinely, we're pretty fucked. Just buying as much crypto as I can and keeping my head low until the midterms

>> No.26137729

Wages are going to rise. Small businesses are going to die en masse (more than they already did in 2020). Big corporations will get bigger and asset prices will continue to rise.

Commodity prices are about to fucking explode.

>> No.26137929

how I feel, what are some non meme cryptos are you into? Honestly, BTC and LTC for me because they have stood the test of time so far, plus some paxg so I can actually spend gold (Swipe)

>> No.26138370
