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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26134673 No.26134673 [Reply] [Original]

>richer than I ever have been in my life
>dopamine already ran out
What now, bros?

>> No.26134688

Kill a hooker

It's a fucking rush bro

>> No.26134714


>> No.26134717
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Yeah I'm feeling this way as well. Six figures in my portfolio now after parsiq mooned and I feel nothing. I took out 6000 dollars of profit though but idk what to do with it. Maybe just move it to stocks. Idk.

>> No.26134721

This hits way too close to home

>> No.26134770
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>TFW worth 1.8m
>Still a massive tightass and hate it when i waste money on stupid shit i dont need
>recently bought a lexus
>basically only spend money on really good food and rent

>> No.26134771

Go to the gym. More dopamine and some adrenaline and endorphin as bonus. And you get that kick every time you go.

>> No.26135027

Simple: dopamine fast. 3 weeks of minimal stimulation and then start lifting weights.

>> No.26135076

How much does it cost?

>> No.26135087

they are all closed in uk until march earliest ffs

>> No.26135113

Hookers and light drug usage.

>> No.26135151

That's the best part, completely free

>> No.26135172

At least cash into the sacred corn not USD

>> No.26135179

I just whack off a lot, to be honest. It’s pretty comfy. My portfolio 2x in the past week and I love jerking off while thinking of mmf sex with a good friend and his girlfriend.

Feels degenerate but I keep having bisex with my straight friends and their girlfriends. I have no idea if I’m a Chad or a fag or what. I’m living out my perverted fantasy.

>> No.26135219

Nah. I'm expecting a large Bitcoin retrace. Otherwise I would have. But I'd rather just sit on cash because I think a retrace is inevitable. Might just leave it in a blockfi account or something.

>> No.26135251

I have a good face, a nice place, access to drugs. I love seeing my friend suck my cock while his girl watches.

It’s so fucking pervy but dominating a woman isn’t as hot as dominating a man while his girl watches. His whole life. His future wife. While he sucks my cock and I suck on her tits and I know I’m going to cum inside one of them.

Fuck it’s so fucking hot.

>> No.26135252

>8.1m net
Still a neet. Though i did buy my sister a house in her city. I feel this is a fall back option for me. If I lose it all I can live there. Other than that I just spend a few hundred here and there to bang young girls in my city. Is this what end game is?

>> No.26135293

>Feel nothing on the way up
>Feel it 10x on the way down

>> No.26135308

what do you hold?

>> No.26135445

How did you manage to sell your crypto to buy an overpriced house during a bubble?
It makes me sick to imagine buying overpriced housing.
I can't cash out because everything else is worse and makes me lose money...

>> No.26135497

Some biz bros are already joining Orothdox Christianity. Monetary gains will never bring you solace, unless you're a low IQ consumer.

>> No.26135506

Have you considered meth?

>> No.26135570

Good now hit a 100x from here and change the world for the better with me friend

>> No.26135618

Did you buy a lexus cause the parts are the cheapest out of all luxury brands?

>> No.26135802

Sometimes I feel there is a switch inside my mind I could flip to let free all my desires and get back some of the emotions lost while waiting for 3 years.
Maybe partying for a few months to celebrate making it would not be so bad.
I wish the yacht party could be organized withour us getting murdered in a boating accident...

>> No.26135898
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>He fell for the materialism/hedonism meme

the next step is realizing how unnecessary all of it is - the consooming, the wastefulness, the decadence

start lifting, meditating, reading, and find hobbies/skills to develop

as you invest in your own well-being you will find contentment with life; start now and build that discipline

>> No.26135920

Mostly btc. Some Eth and various other shitcoin for lulz.
I bought it in 2018. Literally paid it with a cheque and now I realize I should have gotten a mortgage and invested money. Oh well.

>> No.26136013

Get a real housewife and get some kids, depending on how old you are.
If you aren't ready for kids, spend the next 2-5 years with that in mind and hopefully you will see the light.

Religion isn't real, only purpose to life is reproduction.

>> No.26136085

materialism and hedonism are two vastly different things. read some Epicurus anon.

>> No.26136137

well you're fucked. go on a bicycle ride like the PM, though the police may arrest you
this. wife, kids and consoomerism > religion and abstinence

>> No.26136167

I wasn't claiming them to be the same and the definition of materialism has expanded since the time of epicurus my man

nice try though

>> No.26136180

Money makes problems that make you unhappy go away.

Get a therapist and figure out what makes you happy or if you have a medical condition.

>> No.26136213

Not going to make it.

>> No.26136230

Anon this is a board for business and finance please control yourself or gtfo

>> No.26136254

>wife, kids and consoomerism > religion and abstinence
Good goy, embrace the mundanity of normie existence.

>> No.26136283

Also good advice.
I went to a therapist for 2 months, didn't even like the guy, but just someone listening to u talk with 100% attention is well worth $100 an hour.
Ended up helping me immensely for the next 5 years, never went back to a therapist and never took any medication.

>> No.26136306
File: 64 KB, 713x820, E0783716-98F3-42F8-BA59-FAD682D7565F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw massive paralyzing dopamine triggers whenever my portfolio goes up $100

tfw was asked to select cool green tractors on the captcha

>> No.26136310

Lame. Real purpose in life is creation creating something meaningful. Reproduction is just having more kids to perpetuate more shit. If you’re not man enough to make something important you’re not man enough to be a father.

You’re just reproducing more lame kids to make more lame shit and eat up more resources. Become self-actualized and then have children. Yes, I do realize this is ironic as I’m the coomer talking about bisex in this thread.

>> No.26136321

Take care of your friends my man?

>> No.26136323

unironically considering this

>> No.26136358

In mine raft right after you suck her cock haha

>> No.26136369

God my friend rubbed my fucking leg while coked out. I know his girlfriend is down and he’s been mentioning thinking he’s bi.

Risking a friendship for sexual gratification is the most disgusting and ultimate thrill. I am so fucked up. Holy crap. At least I’m successful and not a pedo. I wish normal sex was enough.

>> No.26136406

buy a bar of gold and just look at it anytime you need to feel better

>> No.26136439

do bongs really

>> No.26136443

I think your taking edge lord high school perspective.

Enjoyment from life, I find, is in simple habitual processes. A good cup of coffee every morning, making progress on your lifts. Having kids and raising them is not really a philosophical process. You aren't thinking about Socrates's teachings when you are tired from feeding your newborn overnight and then trying to get your older one to eat green vegetables.

>> No.26136513

This is wisdom. Listen up weirdos.

>> No.26136533
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Based and true

>> No.26136802

How do you not feel like a faggot?

>> No.26136846

Man imagine saying this in 2021 and caring about. Nut is nut, do you have to subject us to your celibate rage?

>> No.26136863

Ah my friends are fine. I could give my roommate an old jacket though since it doesn't fit so maybe I'll just give it as a gift vs just selling it.

>> No.26136959

You should be getting rich and getting jacked and in shape at the same time. Once those two collide your life has so many interesting possibilities.

>> No.26137005

Interesting take. I suppose there is some element of human happiness in the simple pleasures of life.
That said, part of me wants to be the father I never had, pass on the wisdom I never received and had to learn the hard way. Someone I can teach and confide with and take forward all that I'm able to do achieve in my life. I think 1-2 kids is fine but any more and it gets ridiculous.

But at the same time I weigh this against the overall negative nature of human existence and am left questioning do I really want it

>> No.26137155

How do you not feel like shit after have any type of sex with another man? Shit is degrading and would make me feel so much shame.

>> No.26137221

I feel you, but I think you are too into your own head. My dad died when I a teenager from doing aerosol (whipits are what it's called? Not sure).

I think you are to into your own head. I'm not saying go full Genghis Khan, and nut in everyone. However, I do think it's less complicated once your in the right relationship. You'll do better the majority of dads if you can maintain a long term partnership and are just... Not dead or indisposed lol.

>> No.26137332

I did it as an early teenager, felt shame from society, the ruined a relationship when I could have been nutting in my homie. I made my self celibate. How sad. If anything I regret not doing more of it before figuring out girls.

>> No.26137338

Give something nice to your mom/dad

>> No.26137442

So you basically removed your self from people that would tell you it’s not a good move cause it felt good. I couldn’t go through with this shit even if I was a full blown faggot with a lisp. You would bring so much dishonor to your self and your parents it’s not even funny.

>> No.26137466

I just want enough so I can quit my job and ride my bike all day. Maybe ride across Europe or some shit.

>> No.26137499


too bad i'm not attractive enough for things like this

>> No.26137545

Do you like tractors? My bro is autist and is obsessed. Its all he talks about.

>> No.26137559

Take the bikepill. Fellow uk anon...last year or so have essentially been neet, make crypto gains and cycle. Everyone is losing there shit and I'm genuinely fairly happy. Roll on clown world!

>> No.26137632

No I was just larping. Your bro sounds like a chad tho, give him a three musketeers bar on me

>> No.26137694

This unfortunately, I am making great money with crypto but if I left my job, which actually does add value to the world, I would feel like a degenerate. On the other hand I don't want to contribute to a society in decline

>> No.26137704

travel the world maybe and find a gf. You need a partner in life it says so in the bible

>> No.26137752

Praying I reach the levels of some of you

>> No.26137766
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wtf... i bikeposted 3 posts above you. it really is the best thing in the world. idk why its so enjoyable

He engineers weird stuff that works on the PTO of the tractor(its what transfers power from the tractor to farm tools, like mowers, harvesters etc). Sometimes the things he makes are useful, other times just spinning murder machines. I wish I had some pics.

>> No.26137780

I’m a 4chan original from 2004. I was browsing this shit at 10.

I have no shame about anything any more. I’m not a furry or a pedo so I’m good. Also just fucking feels good man. Also dominating a woman is nothing compared to dominating a man.

>> No.26137812

The world needs people like your brother who are interested in that stuff

>> No.26137861

We both have our own brand of the 'tism. He does crazy shit like that, I make half a mil off of shitcoins. To each his own. But we really do mogg normies with the shit we do, neurotypicals can't compete.

>> No.26137910

its not pervy, its mainstream faggotry

>> No.26137915

Sure. I have a fiancee who I've been with for 8 years. We've talked about kids a few times and we're on the same page. She's a good girl, isn't like the typical women of my age group.

My father decided he didn't want to be a part of my life when I was 13. Did the same to my older brother. Fortunately I have a stepdad who was able to fill in but it's not quite the same.

Cheers anon

>> No.26138184

Find a hobby. Stake Suterusu.

>> No.26138576

Find fulfillment and purpose in life quick or you’ll be an adrenochrome addict soon enough

>> No.26139446

Your not the only one from that time posting here newfag

>> No.26139848

Ya everytime I break my previous highest networth I get a dopamine rush for like 5 minutes and then I dont care anymore and just want it to go higher already.
It's never ending torture.

>> No.26139963

Dude don't do it.
Its a bloody mess.

>> No.26139981

Ive read the replies to this shitty thread and decided this board is filled with fucking normie sheep. You guys are so fucking boring. Holy shit.

>> No.26140031

Reproduction isn’t real either retard it isn’t “you” that gets produced it’s someone else. Imagine thinking religion is deluded when you just calmly submit to evolutionary programming kek

>> No.26140561

I absolutely dread squats though, I love all lifts and gym exercises except for back squats. Fuck back squats. It's like I get an instinctive panic whenever more than 1pl8 is resting on my back.

>> No.26140577


>> No.26140618 [DELETED] 


>> No.26140674

Literally this
Pass the adrenaline onto someone else, let them go on that journey

>> No.26140725 [DELETED] 

Actually fuck that, pass it onto me


>> No.26140785

buy a nice house in a nice neighborhood, then find a beautiful and desperate single mom to settle with

>> No.26140996 [DELETED] 


Thanks : D

>> No.26141164 [DELETED] 


>> No.26141237

Fallen victim to hedonic adaptation. Learn to be happy with what you have, practice negative visualization and voluntary discomfort

>> No.26142038


>> No.26142114

ask him what he thinks of John Deere 5425

>> No.26142545

you're brown aren't you?

>> No.26142611

Suppressed trauma or why are you like this?

>> No.26142637

>which actually does add value to the world
Are you a doctor, lawyer or scientist?

>> No.26143705

become a sugar daddy

>> No.26144032


>> No.26144780


can i help. i don't have any money but i'm real fun

>> No.26144795
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>300k last month
>600k this month
>700k today


>> No.26145740

>lost 550 usd last month
>gained 15 since

>> No.26145793

Best reply and no one acknowledges it

>> No.26145821

Psychedelics, only drug u can't tweak out on everyday bc tolerance.

>> No.26146030

why buy such a shitty car brand? A cheap german car would have been better in all honesty.

>> No.26146093

Are you sure your form is 100% correct?

>> No.26146147

Are you brittish?

>> No.26146211

can't lift gyms are closed STOP SAYING THIS

hobbies also not an option they closed the rock climbing places too

>> No.26146216

run a marathon.

>> No.26146272

this, the guy you're replying to is just immature. Someone who acquired some power but never grew up so doesn't know what to do with it.

>> No.26146392

What sort of person does this to your friend? What sort of married man sucks his friend’s dick while his wife watches? Are you paying them? I don’t understand.

>> No.26146496
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>my emotions depend entirely on meme neurological chemicals that are outside of my control

>> No.26146519

Don’t try. This is just the pornified mind talking. It’s not normal no matter how many people on the internet think it is.

>> No.26146573

>hate it when i waste money on stupid shit i dont need
>recently bought a lexus

Anon I...

>> No.26146581

Ironically, yours was the most boring answer on the whole thread.

>> No.26146632


>> No.26146651

go run or buy a home gym, trust me

>> No.26146678

I'm here for quick money with no effort. While dopamine fast sounds like it will work, If I could do shit like that I'd be running a business and teaching my son how to be a man, not posting crude drawings of frogs online.

>> No.26146700

Eat some shrooms

>> No.26146756
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>> No.26146759

Utter BS. Lexus is the only luxury brand that consistently reaches the top 7 in reliability rankings

>> No.26146851

How does one, dopamine fast?

>> No.26147154
File: 397 KB, 1332x1949, 66203D53-2532-4CFD-A9B9-42E9C9C76BF0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roughly this, though this is an extreme iteration.

>> No.26147250

Anon I'm going to be real with you. there's nothing wrong with you. this is going to sound very cringe but the only mistake you made was assuming that money buys happiness. it doesn't.

money buys options. and options buy you security in life. not having to focus on security allows you to free up some brain space to actually feel happiness at the right times when it matters

once you start excersizng those options, you'll get what I mean.

for now, keep accumulating that wealth

>> No.26147251

>Is this what end game is?

>> No.26147313

if you lose it all your sister will let you live there 2 months tops before she tires of you and claims you need to get a job or she will kick you out.

>> No.26147346

I felt overwhelmed at 1MM but now at 2MM i feel even less. Not cashing anything out till 10MM.

>> No.26147412
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>> No.26147839
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you can lift literally anywhere you don't need a gym don't be a faggot and become raworganpilled