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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 200x200, ethereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2613402 No.2613402 [Reply] [Original]

We back?

>> No.2613419

It doesn't seem like it can break $300 for now, so no.

>> No.2613430

its about $310?

>> No.2613477

It's being controlled right now. Someone had a wall up at 291 and wouldn't let it go past there.

This is complete manipulation right now. My recommendation is to skim off the top if you can

>> No.2613487

Has been for the past two weeks. Strongly suspecting the "Coinbase is recouping their refund losses" theory to be true through all this. It's accumulation with wildly off-trend dips and it doesn't make sense outside of pure FUD.

>> No.2613488

See, it spiked back up again.
Basically you find a time of the day with little trading, then you set up a massive wall to prevent prices from going above it, then you buy eth just below it and resell it at your wall.

>> No.2613503

>then you set up a massive wall to prevent prices from going above it,
How does one set up a massive wall?
I'm guessing you need to be a whale with a ton of coins.

>> No.2613540

2K coins for sale at a single point. Not canceling them or anything. Bots will move money up and down the ladder, but this was set up purposefully

>> No.2613552

Good time to switch my btc over to eth for the rebound?

>> No.2613559

This reminds me of the 42-49$ days

Pure manipulation, someone is accumulating and trying to keep the price down

Expect a new ATH within a week or two

>> No.2613570

>Pure manipulation, someone is accumulating and trying to keep the price down

Even on Gemini?

>> No.2613697

There's 2K ETH being sold at 300, 305, and 310. Shit is so obvious, if you're in, just hold out until they move the market in a favourable direction. If you're not, you can go in when it's down. My guess is it won't breach 250 naturally within the next week

>> No.2613718

>2K coins for sale at a single point. Not canceling them or anything. Bots will move money up and down the ladder, but this was set up purposefully
how to make my pleb brain understand diz?

>> No.2613731

>There's 2K ETH being sold at 300, 305, and 310

How does that bring the market down when almost everyone understands it's a 'tactic' to mind fuck them?

>> No.2613735

I sold off my ETH are $290.

Would you guys suggest putting money in LTC instead?

>> No.2613751

This all feels very manipulated. No reasoning behind much of it. It's the Wild West

>> No.2613754

I moved most of my ETH profits to LTC. Anyone with half a brain knows it's gonna moon over summer big time.

>> No.2613758

most people don't, it seems

>> No.2613774

They can force the market to stop climbing because they are selling at a set point, say 291 as was happening earlier. No one can sell higher than that until 2K is bought. The seller then also buys ETH a few cents below that, and can restock his main wall (not that he needs to since he obviously has another 4K minimum ready). People then either panic sell, or he sells it down in price so he can buy it cheaper and set up another wall, or worst case recover to his older wall point. The wall is funded by buying just under the wall as well as other stock and by shorting.

Any panic buyers/sellers just add fuel to it

>> No.2613818

everyone should be ready to restock their coins, the dip is ending looking at the graphs.

>> No.2613829

Where are you seeing this and how?

>> No.2613844


>> No.2613845

>In for 1.5 at $166
>In for 1 at $311
Motherfucker, GO UP!!!!

>> No.2613848

no it isn't. we are still in a bear market

>> No.2613853
File: 2.32 MB, 480x270, bitbeanless.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2614080

Because nobody wants to spend their own money to chew through that wall. Unfortunately poor daytraders will just trade under that wall withing a range.

>> No.2614124

I almost want to buy bitbean just because of how quality the memes are that beaners put out
bitbeaners are bestbeaners

>> No.2614156

Bitbeaners are the only beaners around because that shit is gay. No unique tech, bitbean can die already and the money can inflate the cap of a superior coin.

>> No.2614517

Did you think status and Bancor wouldn't liquidate your ethers?