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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2612580 No.2612580 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2612584

What about it?
I'm holding some, i'm in the pool. What more do you want?

>> No.2613120

I want a white girl to suck my dick.

>> No.2613128

Best get working on that Lambo then m8.

>> No.2613145

I bought all mine at ath and i still dont give a fuck. Holding til the end of time

>> No.2613148
File: 141 KB, 375x523, immfff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24 years old
>No girlfriend
>Never had sex
>Never been kissed
>Tfw every night I look at my ARK holdings and dream about one day not being a wagecuck

I wanna make it, /biz/.

>> No.2613151

Are you me

>> No.2613180
File: 80 KB, 500x421, 1473213199483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he's me.

>> No.2613200

I want a white girl to wrasle with

>> No.2613255

Don't worry guys... I know ark will hit $1000 one day. Then we will be set.

>> No.2613375

>Don't worry guys... I know ark will hit $1000 one day. Then we will be set.
Just divide that by 100 and you may be right

>> No.2613405

The problem with ARK is that you get high reward from dPOS voting, and that will thereby lead to inflation.

>> No.2613499

$10 would still make me a lot of money, stay mad noarker

>> No.2613514

Wouldn't the high rewards from dPOS voting lead to inflation, man?

>> No.2613529

How is that different to traditional mining or POS? Every coin that isn't 100% pre-mine has inflation it's just about the inflation rate being slower than the adoption rate.

>> No.2613551

Decred's PoS voting system is slow as fuck, and they even keep your decred tokens from being spent. You only get like 1-4 tokens depending on how much you spent to buy the ticket, which goes live and is involved in voting in mining.

Ark, on the other hand, you just pay 1 ark to vote and get a lot more tokens after 1 week -- much less time than Decred's cumbersome method.

Decred wouldn't lead to inflation, I feel, but Ark is practically throwing money around with its delegates... It would lead to inflation, I think...

>> No.2613577

Fuck this, will make a copypasta with info about ark. Every thread with the same questions

>> No.2613589

except you don't get that many tokens from ark. You'd need almost 10K ark to get a decent amount of payout each week

>> No.2613616

I've heard people get like 10-30 tokens from voting in delegates...

It's going to lead to inflation, man.

>> No.2613627

You're looking at it wrong. Look at circulating supply, total supply and max supply. It's all significantly lower than most other coins

>> No.2613632

Yeah that's if you have 10K+ ark lol. I have almost 2K ark and I get .5 tokens every week.

>> No.2613636

It's pretty much self-regulating once it gets going.

>> No.2613637
File: 156 KB, 821x1137, ARK inflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has much less inflation than ETH.

>> No.2613643

Inflation isn't some oogie boogie bad thing. There's positives to it too

>> No.2613647

I pulled out of Ark because the founders can't take criticism and barely do anything to help the project. Someone said it perfectly when they described it as a small group of decent developers surrounded by blood sucking leeches

>> No.2613650

Please do some fucking research. I own 8.5k ARK and i get 15 a week

>> No.2613654

Weird. What delegate did you vote for. You should be getting around 5-7 every week.

>> No.2613657

How is "this apple isn't an orange" an appropriate response to "the apple is rotten"?

You didn't address inflation remotely, you're just saying "well it's better than the next guy!". Hasn't been a successful pitch recently, looking elsewhere...

>> No.2613659

I don't know what to do! I want to become rich!

>> No.2613668

just bought 365 ark, link to join pool? I'm too lazy to google it

>> No.2613669

Yeah, exactly!

>Inflation isn't some oogie boogie bad thing.

>> No.2613674

Dude holding ark isn't gonna get you a gf. Hit the gym and stop whining.

>> No.2613678


>> No.2613703

Ark's inflation rate is only 5.3% which is lower than most cryptos. Even bitcoin's is 4%.

>> No.2613714

When did you vote? It takes that into account too.

>> No.2613715
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>> No.2613727

2-3 weeks ago

>> No.2613734

download arks wallet, click vote, type in biz

>> No.2613747


my model shows that ark will likely rise to 42000 satoshi within the next week, followed by a period of stagnation. remember this.

>> No.2613778

if you zoom out you can see we are going to hit at least 50000, but only at the end of july. not much will happen till then

>> No.2613779

I have 12k Ark and receive 30 tokens a week. That's really not that crazy.

>> No.2613876

I just downloaded the ark wallet and transferred funds to it. When I tried to vote it said my passphrase is incorrect,
but it's the same passphrase I had just typed in when creating the account. Tried several times, it's not a typing error.

Did the ark wallet just eat my $400?

>> No.2613886
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>> No.2613898

had done something similar, with 40 ETH
thank god i had my password somewhere written down

>> No.2613900

and a new fudder is born

>> No.2613908

even took a picture of it... typing the passphrase in exactly but it won't work.
I'm a poor sucker who fell for the ark meme apparently.

>> No.2613921

you'll figure it out familiar

>> No.2613958
File: 184 KB, 1080x1080, 1483736887274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I won't, google search brought no solutions. why did the passphrase work the first time and not now?

>> No.2613975

Never type into the field when creating a passphrase, type into notepad then copy / paste so you know exactly what was entered.
Also try CAPSLOCK.

I hope you can recover your shekels but this is user error.

>> No.2613980
File: 42 KB, 261x278, Arkie retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rules for Arkies:

1. Try to lay back, close your eyes, and scream into the pillow. Your shitcoin will be worthless and it will all be over soon.

2. Do not keep loaded guns in your house unless you plan to turn them on yourselves.

3. Do not antagonize law enforcement. Hot lead in the average Arkie is a complete and utter waste of public money.

Fuck you, Arkies. I want to watch you rot, and the I am going to get my wish.

>> No.2613994
File: 259 KB, 1024x768, scrooge-mcduck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You love FUDing ARK but never talk about what you like? What are you balls deep in?

>> No.2613998


>> No.2614011


Ethereum and Bitcoin. Small holding in Litecoin and Stratis. I dumped every other shitcoin on my docket in May. I have enough to make the biggest whales here grin uncomfortably with their envy.



>> No.2614013
File: 59 KB, 919x720, 1482592417180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the passphrase was typed in correctly because it initially worked. it's no longer working and I don't understand why. fml.

contacting support wouldn't get me anywhere, right? even though I have evidence of the initial passphrase?

>> No.2614024

are you putting spaces?

>> No.2614028

Why open a ticket when you can get live replies from people?

>> No.2614029

>Small holding in Litecoin and Stratis

Okay this makes me feel a little better about my own STRAT bags

>> No.2614036

check for small typos, caps, double spaces maybe
if you know the passphrase is 100% right, try that shit. typos are possible

>> No.2614059

alright so typing it in didn't work, but copying and pasting it from notepad did. what a frustrating issue.

thank you anons for the support, was ready to off myself

>> No.2614066
File: 75 KB, 360x270, 135552821266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now remember to save that notepad version as it's clearly different in some way.

>> No.2614071

i know the frustration. thought i lost my shit forever
make sure you save that shit somewhere safe!

>> No.2614095

Psst... hey... you wanna join my gang?

>> No.2614097

So you were typing it wrong...

Anyhow, congratz on not losing your $400. Also you can change the background of the Ark wallet and make it pretty :3

>> No.2614115

Holy shit that's awesome

>> No.2614120


>> No.2614137

You wanna join my gang?

>> No.2614151

what do they do?

>> No.2614152

Don't worry about inflation, ARK has a capped supply. Look at the coinmarketcap website to see how many are in circulation versus how many total supply will ever be. DPoS is also a way to distribute the remaining, and, once the cap hits, the voting and tx fees will cover the DPoS distribution.

>> No.2614241

I'm about to go to bed. But guys we're gonna make it. Good night.

>> No.2614249

Divide by 1000000 and you might be right

>> No.2614277

just bought 3k more ark

>> No.2614289

There is still too much hype supporting the price, I'm hoping to get a heap more during the inevitable shakedown.

>> No.2614340

This is one of my favourite things about ark... a subsection of our poisonous but lovable community, taking over a crypto from the inside.

I've had some great gains with crypto, and cashed out a fair chunk a couple of weeks back.

Ark is my speculative little punt on something, I'm not into trading, I think there's a reasonable enough chance Ark could be a winner.

Long term and still pretty high risk though, but since I'm reinvesting profits, at an early stage in its lifecycle, with the rest of you idiots it feels pretty good.

>> No.2614364


>> No.2614367

>I'm not into trading
same. made my money with ETH and still holding long (3+ years)
same for ark
>with the rest of you idiots it feels pretty good.
we're all gonna make it, brah

>> No.2614379

Heres an idea for the FUDDERS. how about instead of REEE SHITCOIN REE U ALL CRY

>ACTUALLY TRY TO USE SOME LOGIC AND TELL US WHY YOU DONT THINK IT WILL BE SUCCESFUL. and then the arkies can tell us why they think it will be - using LOGIC*.

I know this is a fucking 4chan board but cmon, shouldnt we be put ourselves a level above seeing as we into /BIZ?

>> No.2614389

>insert molyneux not an argument & commie helicopters meme.

>> No.2614404

How are they doing on their roadmap in terms of timeline? I get bad vibes from people who talk about the useless board members that are on the slack group. Not FUDing just genuinely curious.

>> No.2614410

>24 years old
>No girlfriend
>Never had sex
>Never been kissed

Aww dude, you'll get lucky one d-


Ooooh :/

>> No.2614412

Don't save that notepad on the hard drive either, and learn about gpg

>> No.2614551

What the fuck guys a 16.75 btc buy wall at 27k and this coin can't even break 28k.

>> No.2614606

Welcome to whale wars, one has finished acquisition and wants to push the price up while another hasn't and is determined to keep the price down until he has.
How will win? We have no idea. What will this do to the price? No matter who wins it's in both of their best interest to push the price up eventually.

>> No.2614679
File: 68 KB, 1621x427, ark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say the price is stagnant because of sell walls, but more because nobody is actually buying.

>> No.2614693

how big is your cock anon, do you think you have a high iq? surely you have some redeeming features, just find them and accentuate them.
learn to say things like "i got that gorilla dick nigga. I make dyke pussies wet."

>> No.2614738

gorillas actually have pretty small peens

>> No.2614748

>being fit will land you a girl
t. 18 year old child

>> No.2614773

This may be the beginning of the stagnation phase I was talking about here >>2614289

>> No.2614791

debatable. Theres a difference between working out for fun and being really /fit/. If you got muscles so big that even guys point out how big they are, youre gonna get some girl pussies wet.

>> No.2614796

No with a big dick brags about their big dig. I have heard one of my mates is hung like a horse but he never talks about sex at all.

>> No.2614844

It could be. I'm holding a small chunk and would love to scoop up more cheap.

>> No.2614863

Especially since people (maybe even one person) are selling into the buy wall.

>> No.2614878

Wrong. Women just like some tone and some abs. they dont like huge veined up muscles. They would much rather a fat fucking wallet and a nice car exemplifying your strong social status.

Besides, it's going to get the wrong type of pussies wet.

The type of skanks who will head fuck you into oblivion with the amount of men they fuck + their games.

If you bros are looking for something legit other than the degeneracy we have descended to, look for the warning signs.

>> No.2614905

where do you see the buy wall? id otn see it

>> No.2614943

Look with your eyes. It's in the order book now.
Or see >>2614679
The 14.5 btc buy order at 27000 sats.

>> No.2614961

oh my bad and fulfilling this pushes the price up?

>> No.2614984

A buy wall is generally used to push up the price because people will place buy orders at a price above it. If a buy wall is being sold into, people are looking to push down the price once the wall is taken down or completely sold into.
That being said, I have no idea where the price will go in the short term.

>> No.2615046

ah ok thanks

>> No.2615147
File: 74 KB, 1621x334, ark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wall got blasted down. Going to see 26.8 next

>> No.2615236

he should go to italy or some asian shithole, both have manlets errywhere

>> No.2615387

What position is /biz/ delegate these days

>> No.2615407


>> No.2615423


>> No.2615431

The average height in those places is at least 5'8
He's never gonna make it

>> No.2616135


>ARK wont get you a GF

no ARK virgin exposed

>> No.2616178

I'm seeing people say that Ark will require a hardfork of every currency for it to be compatible
that's not true right? It's just faggots fudding?

>> No.2616208

You can do your own research.
Look for the phrase "encoded listeners"

>> No.2616218

The smartbridge tech works without a hardfork, which is what everyone is excited about. It works via "encoded listeners".

It can also work by putting a snippet of code into the codebase, which would require a hard fork.

It's just two different ways to connect the smartbridge.

>> No.2616241

alright, I knew about the encoded listeners but I didn't know if there was something new that I hadn't heard that required a hardfork
that didn't answer my question

>> No.2616261

Obviously I wasn't giving you the answer. DYOR

>> No.2616285

there are 2 ways.

the hardfork or the encoded listener which doesnt need a fork.

its just fake news FUD. join the slack and ask the dev and you will know that this isnt some shitcoin

>> No.2616318

You're a faggot dude

>> No.2616331


>> No.2616333

I don't think it's a shitcoin at all, it's why I invested in it
I just needed some clarification because I thought there was something I missed, thanks anon

>> No.2616583
