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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 232x217, 1inch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26114292 No.26114292 [Reply] [Original]

Uniswap exchange volume 608,705,967 US
UNI coin marketcap 1.8 billion

Sushiswap exchange volume 252,675,008 US
SUSHI coin market cap $891,671,399 US

1Inch exchnage volume $160,495,600 USD
1INCH coin market cap $147,697,688
1Inch is around 300M
1inch coin around 200m

>> No.26114317

except 1inch is a pajeet scam that nobody uses

fuck off

>> No.26114356

i tried using 1inch once to swap shit and the fee was like over 100 dollars lol

>> No.26114364
File: 37 KB, 657x527, 12312qfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only got 114. but i got in early.
What the fuck is this newfag talking about ?.

>> No.26114425

Volume disagrees with you

>> No.26114571

why does it have a unicorn logo. Can't they even be a little bit original. fucking uniswap clone.

>> No.26114642

I told you a couple days ago i finished accumulating... This is going 2-3x minimum from here. It's intrinsic value is greater than uniswap because it TAKES LIQUIDITY FROM MANY DEXES AND COMBINES THEM.

>> No.26114694

Anyone whos not in now must be retarded

>> No.26114838

How many inches to make it?

>> No.26114916

10000 to make 100k this year

>> No.26115073

It works great for me. Been using it instead of uniswap when I can. I don't own any 1INCH, but if I was going to expand my portfolio, it'd definitely be in the next 3 cones I pick up. It honestly looks like a very easy 2x, with maybe even 5x-10x in the not distant future.

>> No.26115306

Easy math is easy
44% APY staking as well

>> No.26115341

it literally has a working product that saves people money
fucking retards calling anything that they don't like "pajeet"

>> No.26115414
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, hesold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he sold at 90c?
>pump it

>> No.26115801
File: 108 KB, 1000x972, 1610798588438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon it will be $0.01 when everything ports over to AVAX ;)

>> No.26116317

you will always get the best possible price when you swap on 1inch
that is the purpose of 1inch

since I started using it, other swapping protocols seem like a scam
if you enable the gas token "chi" alongside your swaps you are guaranteed to save money

>> No.26116574

What is the tokenomics of 1inch?
I’ve been using their services more.

>> No.26117554

same as UNI

>> No.26118173

Not exactly same as Uni. Uni governance is fkd compared to 1inch look it up. Fees are capped at uni and they have less fee parameters to fine tune as a DAO.

>> No.26118443

Why this shit is copying uniswap logo?