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26105172 No.26105172 [Reply] [Original]

So I took some time off during the holidays and returned just to find a letter in my mailbox that I got fired without notice.
I felt so good about the crypto gainz the last few days now I am happy that I got some money to soften the blow. Man guys this feels awful, I mean I hated the job but now everybody will think I am a loser just dealing with some fake internet money.
The worst part is I just got my a more expensive apartment and a car just before all this. I mean I was in a lot shady defi projects but this feels like the first rug pull.
I never believed there was anything good about wagecucking but I needed the paycheck to put them into crypto. Man I tell you green frogs, I don't want to go back.
Even if I should get some money out of this because I got fired illegally this experience really blew my mind.
Been told to get my stuff out there asap. So I went there last week and I will never forget how the other employees looked at me with pity and a bit of fear, not talking a single word to me.

>> No.26105219

Why'd they fire you?

>> No.26105303

>So I went there last week and I will never forget how the other employees looked at me with pity and a bit of fear, not talking a single word to me.
your coworkers seem retarded

why dont you just lower your expenses and find a new job. also nice blog post.

>> No.26105385

Sucks bro. How long have you worked there?
Also, why do employees do that? At my job they had to let someone go (not her fault, position wasn't needed). As soon as they terminated her, everyone looks the other way/stop talking to her.

>> No.26105700

no reason given
why get a job when they can just pull the rug at any time. sry for the blog
3 years. like what the fuck, manager wasn't even there just a security guy I never saw. the other employees seem to have been "briefed" not to talk to me.

>> No.26105735

are you American?

>> No.26105764

Is it legal to fire without notice?

>> No.26105785

I got fired in June, they called everyone in and said that we are all fired and that they are closing down
i got drunk just before and was super happy, joking and laughing

don't do what i did , be smart

>> No.26105813

Kek that's sounds hilarious. Everyone crying and miserable about losing their jobs and Anon starts cracking jokes.

>> No.26105815

yes if there is a valid reason, otherwise it's over anyways but you can sue for 2-3 months wages

>> No.26105888

I don't even care about the fucking money I am no consoomer. It's just fucking evil.
As you say the other guys take it pretty bad, so when they see it happen to you all they feel is pity and fear.
Can't flex my link stack at them can I.

>> No.26105926
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>The worst part is I just got my a more expensive apartment and a car just before all this.
That's what really screws people up. Instead of living like they did when they first started working people tend to expand their spending as their career progresses and they're paid more money making it so even the six figure salary managers and directors end up broke when the cash supply they got used to suddenly stops and their bills are now far higher than before they got the job.
Part of why you should stop renting and get a decent single family house while your job still exists and you have the money for the down payment. It's a lot easier to keep your house by working out a new payment plan with your lender than it is to avoid eviction from your apartment since you actually own the house, the lender has to go through a lot more trouble to get ownership transferred away from you, and the lender has a lot more to lose if you still have most of your mortgage not yet paid down (even with PMI the lender still take a bad hit any time a borrower stops paying the lender while the lender still holds the majority of the cost burden).
Plus obviously if you're somewhere like the US where 30 year fixed mortgages are standard then you're locking in how expensive it is when you pay each month for decades to come while renting an apartment means you'll likely see increasing cost of rent as time goes by.
Granted your property taxes can go up every few years when your city or county does a new appraisal but for most people escrowing that annual property tax amounts to a very small portion of your monthly expenses and unlike with rent there's a standard process you can participate in after each new tax appraisal to contest it and get your tax burden cut back down again. And you're paying for property taxes even when you rent since the landlord will use your money to pay their own property taxes.

>> No.26105944

keep holding my guy. the trajectory to $1000 EOY is confirmed.

>> No.26105953

thats the nicest pepe ive ever seen

>> No.26106035

Great reply. Very based.
OP, sorry to read this you sound like a decent person good luck with whatever you chose to do.

>> No.26106041
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Looks like Harold Bloom.

>> No.26106065

Holy fucking glowie post.
Never Internalize Getting Gains Every Rebase.

>> No.26106082

Sorry to hear that Anon,
I'm praying for you today friend.

Hey keep your chin up pal, God loves you and is holding your hand right now.

He wants the best for you :)

I've been fired many times myself and always found that god was just reminding me to lean into him (a little more). So far God's Never dropped me even while living in my car while working.

Blessings for you today my friend!

>> No.26106216

>why get a job when they can just pull the rug at any time
thats life. you could die at any moment. welcome to reality. if you like being alive i suggest you don't stop trying.

>> No.26106244

>I've been fired many times myself
probably because u are an insufferable godfag

>> No.26106294

thats true of course, but it is also true that you won't get anywhere by being a wagecuck in the next 20-30 years.
So I am just figuring out how I could invest my time better somehow.

>> No.26106898

You remind me of the log I put into a blazing fire I'd cut into a nice shape to burn more efficently.

There were ants inside of it.

They spent twenty minutes frenzying around in a fire some self combusting, others found the way from the fire into the path out of the fire and led others away from danger, while the really weak, cowardly, and spineless stayed in one place lamenting the sad state of the nation.

You are the scum ant of the moldy log I chainsawed. Instead of acknowledging your basic DNA acknowledgements of a fundalmental order in this beautiful universe you have chosen to be the ant I took my spare knife and watched squirm for pleasure at dispatching a weak willed and useless slave.

You are the epitome of worthless, degeneracy, and forsaken your tribe instead of shouldering responsibility and basic logic.

You will never be a Man.
You will be forgotten or at best, remembered as an ant that was squished for amusement.

Enjoy the inferno!

>> No.26107037

>So I am just figuring out how I could invest my time better somehow.
lower your expenses and invest. the fact that you recently increased your expenses indicates you have the wrong idea.

>> No.26107377
File: 14 KB, 474x314, D7F2CFD1-3E0D-4979-B48F-399BA31AC73F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I feel bad for you. I hope things look up for you in the end you sad sad little man. I’ll be your fren

>> No.26107419

Just go on unemployment. By the time it runs out in 6 months, you will be able to retire.

>> No.26107443

This is a bit harsh lad, or perhaps I am a burning ant with OP

>> No.26107455

This is unironically a pretty cool story.

>> No.26107689
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you got fired from a job for no reason? fired from a job that even the low iq wage monkeys in your building managed to keep hold of? I dont know anon...

>> No.26107880

I once got fired from a job and even though I was annoyed in the moment and yelled at my faggot manager, the moment I walked out and got home I felt great. The other time I had a huge grin on my face as I shook my bosses hand after being fired and said it wasn't for me anyways. But I lived with my parents at that time with minimal payments to make so it is different.

>> No.26108276

that's how it should be - you should absolutely be able to tell management to fuck off and walk out. employers have too much power in the job market because everyone's dependent on healthcare/living expenses.