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26101581 No.26101581 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit! Polkadot is decoupled from Bitcoin

>> No.26101624
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>> No.26101717

AVAX: ‘hold my beer’

>> No.26101740


>> No.26101835

Infinite supply massive inflation shit outdated tech hype merchant shitcoin, EOS 2.0 100%.

>> No.26101842

I hate polkadot

>> No.26101866


You hate it because you don't understand it.


>> No.26101878

Literally just copy and pasted IOHK’s consensus algorithm. It’s pretty funny. Charles spends all this time hiring competent coders and people just copy and paste his open source code. Ethereum copy and paste job next.

>> No.26101922

So you're telling me, in under 6 months DOT has managed to do more than Cardano did in 3 years With copy-pasted code?

So DOT and ADA are basically the same except DOT has major funding and development while Cardano is still a tranny ghostchain? Didn't know that, even more bullish now.

Selling my remaining ADA for DOT

>> No.26101932


And if it wasn't for Satoshi, none of them would have built anything. What a dumbass

>> No.26101963


Yeah, hilarious how tons of eth ecosystem devs are flocking to DOT and not that shitcoin Cardano with its 100 telegram bagholders

>> No.26102023

It's all about shilling. Or "promoting" as they would say.
It's just like biz. Whoever shills their project better wins. Polka people are just better at marketing than Cosmos and Cardano people.

>> No.26102046

Has been for a long time

>> No.26102059
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Is 12k a good stack, anons? Will I Make it? I felt so fucking bad.

I lost some on ponzi coins and can't get more of this.

>> No.26102075
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>> No.26102088

No I’m just saying Polka’s BABE PoS looks extremely similar to Ourosboros (they even openly claim that it’s based on Cardano) and its not illegal to copy and paste code. They openly admit to taking it. I own some Polka, more ADA and I think it’s mostly just funny.

Idrc both these coins are mooning heavily. It’s p cool that everyone except Vitalik who worked on eth is shitting on Eth 2.0.

>> No.26102125

Blind Assignment for Blockchain Extension (BABE) is a block production engine that was inspired by Ouroboros Praos, another proof-of-stake protocol.

Literally copy and pasted code tho. Both coins are insanely bullish for 2021.

>> No.26102131

>It’s p cool that everyone except Vitalik who worked on eth is shitting on Eth 2.0.
ETH is even shittier than ETH 2.0 andyet it double in price in a span of a month.
The mind games about what is "shit" or not are irrelevant.

>> No.26102136

Okay boomer cardano and polka are objectively outperforming Eth right now lmfao

>> No.26102142

so what? Gavin developed Solidity and wrote the Yellow Paper, you don´t think this helped Cardano?

>> No.26102166


That generates around $2500 per month via staking. Was thinking of staking myself. It's pretty easy to do and you can use a ledger

>> No.26102194

No such a thing as an almost a decade old system getting outperformed by pump and dump shillcoins.

>> No.26102197

Uhhh Cardano is written in Haskell boomer.

>> No.26102227

Literally cardano and polkadot are created by founding members of Ethereum. Both are using a different consensus algo than Eth. If you don’t see this as bearish you’re a n00b and all your base will belong to me. Hahahahah.

>> No.26102232

I tell you Ada is this crypto newfag ponzi scheme, if someone gets into the crypto space, they read about ADA and it looks amazing and they invest in the shit. Only after a while you realize that nothing really happens on the fucking chain.

>> No.26102256

Doesn't matter how shit it is, Dot has better branding = easier to sell

>> No.26102260

You type like an underage phoneposting memelord.
You need to be 18 to post on this site.

>> No.26102266

Lmfao Fudding cardano post-Shelley and right before Goguen I’m seriously lmfao you are so dumb you’re gonna be like “why was I so dumb” in like 1 year and I’ll be like “idk”

Casper is just a vague and shitty and inferior PoS.

>> No.26102275

that´s not the point you retard, I am saying that Gavins work also benefitted Charles.

>> No.26102291

Lmfao okay but like cardano post basho can handle more tps than any financial institution on the planet. Hehehehehe. I am evil! But seriously I’ll troll your dumb ass but really hydra and Ourosboros are fucking incredible technologies going forward and the transition to PoW to PoS should not be taken lightly in valuing cryptos.

>> No.26102349

Yea I own both. I only own a couple Eth for shitcoin gas fees desu.

>> No.26102356
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Where can I see a list of dapps being built on Cardano ?

Also, Polkadot is taking over slowly but surely

>> No.26102372

Cardano doesn’t even have smart contracts yet. Why it’s trailing Polka.

>> No.26102374

>nothing really happens on the fucking chain
That's because smart contracts aren't live yet. March is the expected launch for that part of the functionality.

>> No.26102390

Can’t really build dApps w/o mainnet out which will be out by like March lol you are so dumb

>> No.26102404


Ledger? It's cool to staking it in kraken?

>> No.26102433

Yes we will see it in March. I still think the advantage of 2 chains is really big, you can implement important changes very fast. It takes way too long for ETH or ADA to do any meaningful changes.

>> No.26102465

I only have 400...

>> No.26102474

>2 chains

>> No.26102492

ADA will run Eth dApps on VM software sooner than you think. If you don’t think IOHK’s code is p dank nugs you don’t know crypto.

Even your beloved Polka is taking some cues. Buy both. Fuck Eth. I can’t wait to stop paying gas fees.

>> No.26102491
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lmao 2chain

>> No.26102498

I am thinking of getting into Parachain auction, Anon.

Staking it will mean I need a certain time when I want to pull out my DOT.

>> No.26102518

You can unstake whenever you want on Kraken

>> No.26102527

What does DOT do different compared to ETH?

>> No.26102580

What is the minimum amount you have to have in order to be able to do stacking?

>> No.26102586

Uhhh a lot of things DICK face use fucking Google tardo

>> No.26102637

>What does DOT do different compared to ETH?
DOT has shards (called parachains) ready to go now. ETH won't have those until the end of this year at the earliest. DOT also has a framework called Substrate that allows developers to create a new blockchain, point and click style, like Ethereum allowed developers to create ERC tokens. Those blockchains not only get security from Polkadot's central chain, they also get on chain governance capabilities baked in, something that Ethereum lacks.

>> No.26102654

I don't think there's a limit on kraken.
I tried with 40.

>> No.26102669

>What is the minimum amount you have to have in order to be able to do stacking?
No minimum on Kraken. Less than 10 minutes to stake or unstake.

>> No.26102687

Go back to Twitter

>> No.26102723

I have trust issue with centralized exchanges. Trusting CZ is probably the furthest I could go.

If it pulls a Mt Gox, I am rekt.

>> No.26102754
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oh no no no dotard bros the decoupling isn't working

>> No.26102816

Thanks anon!

One last question regarding the stacking: is this riskfree or are there any risks doing it with kraken?

>> No.26102895

>are there any risks doing it with kraken?
There are always risks when you use an exchange. You can stake using Dot's web wallet, or with a Ledger + the web wallet, but I'm not comfortable enough yet with how that works to do that yet, so I'm accepting the risk (and the convenience) of using Kraken for now vs. the risk of moving it to a wallet I'm not comfortable with yet. Eventually I will move it though.

>> No.26102906
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Blown the fuck out!

>> No.26102933

Just to clarify, I think Kraken is one of the better exchanges. It's US based and has been around forever. I prefer Gemini, but it doesn't support DOT yet.

>> No.26102982

It's unironically tied to ETH and ETH itself is tied to BTC.

>> No.26102990

I hope we'll meet again at $100

Polkadot already has sharding implemented. Easy AF to start staking and make 12% a month. Blockchain developers migrating from ETH to Polkadot due to ETH's scalability issues.

This thing is not even listed on Coinbase, not even added to Grayscale. Some retards from the crypto ecosystem are not even aware of Polkadot

>> No.26102991

imagine not holding any DOT before next month

>> No.26103006

There is risk. You are not in control of your token. So if anything happens to the exchange, say it get hacked or exit scamu You lose your holdings.

>> No.26103045


Posted proof here >>26102906 that it not tied with Bitcoin and you post that retarded answer.

Also ETH went up 10% since Jan 14 while Polkadot doubled. Can't you just look at the market instead of being fed like a fucking baby ?

>> No.26103060

>r*ddit sp*cing

opinion discarded

>> No.26103125


But that is just the normal risk you have when leaving your tokens on an exchange. I was specifically asking about additional risks that might occur while stacking (for example not getting your tokens back or smth like this)

>> No.26103173

Ewww Ethereum you must be sooooooo old to shill that you’re about to die soon RIP 90 year old loser I’m gonna listen to Lil Peep and buy more Polka lol you are soooooooo old and lame

>> No.26103283

I don't know of any additional risks - just the normal risks of keeping tokens on an exchange.

>> No.26103309

Given that Kusama is now over 100 bucks, would Dots price rise to 30 dollars due to parity? I remember Kusama being traded at 6 bucks while Dot was 2.50 a few months ago.

Considering Kusama itself is a test environment for Dot, I find it surprising that Dot is valued less than Kusama.

>> No.26103416

No, Dot's price would be sitting at $180 if they didn't do a 1:100 token rebranding 6 months ago.

Current DOT marketcap: 15 billion
Current Kusama marketcap: $750 million

If anything, KSM will give you better gains since it has more to move

>> No.26103500

your meme bump saved him

>> No.26103525

retard logic.

>> No.26103891

For the love of God, it's staKing not staCKing

>> No.26104136

- DOT’s from the auctions will be locked for 2 years (same like ico’s eth)
- DOT not even on Coinbase
- DOT not even on Greyscale
- DOT will get a rebrand by KOTO

(Koto The company has previously worked with leading global companies such as Venmo, Airbnb, PayPal, Nike, and Sonos. It has also been involved in designing Discord, a major social community platform)
Have a nice day!

>> No.26104415

>DOT will get a rebrand by KOTO
What do you mean rebrand?

>> No.26104629

DOT exit scam

>> No.26105180

I just don't see where they are going to store all the data for the parachains and any high latency and keep it all valid with all other para chains to keep it all in synch.

Latency limits this a well.

>> No.26106104



>> No.26106199
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uhhh dotards why does it keep going down

i thought we were supposed to be free from the schakles of b*tcoin

>> No.26106241


You can always refer to this pic


>> No.26106360

>feature creep is a good thing
then there's the OG, btc, slowly plugging away at the bottom, maintaining grandpa satoshi's code, absolutely dominating muh contract bois

>> No.26106656


You are comparing currency with blockchain based finance/storage/contract etc apps. It's like bashing Apple for being worth less than all the dollars in existence

Polkadot is not competing with Bitcoin. It's above every blockchain in existence, providing interoperability, a bridge to connect all these digital isles

>> No.26107214
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>> No.26107233

It’s been on coinbase for a long time now

>> No.26107243

Will you avax shills piss off.
DOT is mooning keep coping

>> No.26107260


No it's not on the exchange, just on Custody with staking

>> No.26107438


>> No.26107654

Dot is being listed on coinbase next week. Not getting it now is retarded. I've been averaging up since $6.

>> No.26107758

>Fuck Eth. I can’t wait to stop paying gas fees.
Pretty sure ETH is the biggest scam in crypto. The whole thing relies on super abstract Layer2 tricks that will always be impossible to explain to normal people so adoption of real world smart contracts is seriously hampered on ethereum. And of course all hope hinges on ETH 2.0 which seems to be based on a lot of hope. On top of that Vitamin tries to shill his coin and claim it's undervalued. Even if all the Ethereum upgrades work an expensive coin make the network less workable. I think Vitamin must see the writing on the wall and wants to cash out big.

Cardano takes an opposite approach. They are making sure their ideas work before implementation. I can't really comment though because I haven't tried anything. I will be learning to dev on cardano and polkadot together and will see which is better. My hunch is Cardano.

>> No.26108230

Can you substantiate this claim?

>> No.26108388

If it’s true somehow I feel Kusama will be listed too.

>> No.26108554

coinbase amassed dot and kusama in the last dip, thinking it won't be listed anytime soon is silly

>> No.26108624

well they need a replacement for XRP which they delisted right? .... and everyone delists xrp now... dot took xrps position in the ranking right? ... and it is aiming to take all of xrps lost market cap and true position.... so its inevitable that coinbase lists dot to replace the lost xrp and dot becomes the true 3rd main crypto coin to take xrps old position. lets face it, this is the herald of the true end for xrp and the time for dot to rise up and take a main spot.

>> No.26108655

Wtf does this shit do desu. Its like mutlple eth clones on demand or wat

>> No.26108660

Any proof? I’m a big DOT holder since $4 so not fudding just curious

>> No.26108701

also how everyone in this thread is not ball deeps in link? Link is the defailt oracle of dot afaik

>> No.26108725
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>It's all about shilling. Or "promoting" as they would say.

>> No.26108871

LINK is obviously a good project but it’s already seen a crazy run up with many anons sitting on major profits. This potential selling pressure combined with Sergey taking fat dumps on the market isn’t very appealing. Plus there is reason to believe that other oracles could see better profits this run. Oracles are easy to integrate and aren’t as difficult as developing on top of a whole new platform, which even those projects (DOT, ADA, AVAX) have been more profitable than the OG as of late (ETH).

>> No.26109185
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>> No.26109737

It's ETH 2.0 that actually exists now instead of being vaporware

>> No.26110314
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More like KUSOma lmao.

>> No.26110357

Just a yet another ETH killer.
Same shit as ETH but faster, less fees and supposed to connect different blockchains together.

>> No.26110390

Why is the price going down then? The market is in full fear mode right now. It,doesn't even follow BTC or ETH, it just crabs down.