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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2609894 No.2609894 [Reply] [Original]

Ok guys, so instead of panicking what is the plan of action now? Buy more?

>> No.2609919

Yes. The reason why this board is in full retard mode is because of newfags from /pol/ panic selling.

Id wait a day or two and see if it dips anymore before buying

>> No.2609977

Yeah I was thinking the same. What are you guys gonna buy?

>> No.2609987

i only buy coins that are pumping, not dumping.

>> No.2609996
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Stay comfy on the BAYwatch because HODLcoins with slow steady grow and active devs are barely affected by this shit.

Do your research and don't panic just because the bull market is shaking a little. Good coins with good devs and project persist.

Believing in p&ds is just asking for trouble. Real lamboland require patience. 6+ months.

>> No.2610007

sorry I only buy at ATH

>> No.2610022

Sprouts. The money is in 1 sat coins now. Just like MOON.

>> No.2610024

We wait for whales to pump ANS to $100, dump it quick and become millionaires. Then we leave the newfags in the dust. That's our only hope.

>> No.2610037

This desu

>> No.2610054
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>> No.2610096

I'm all in on CFI and BTC, fucking eth only gave me losses.

>> No.2610123

Yeah, you buy when everyone is panicking.

>> No.2610136

except I can't buy. Bots are clogging up the exchanges

>> No.2610141

Short with 500 leverage

Dont try to catch this falling knife

>> No.2610147

RDD about to bounce the fuck up.

>> No.2610172
File: 71 KB, 592x492, 1484184073771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't buy until NMR goes back to .6... until then I hold bags forever

>> No.2610176

Wait for Wednesday.

>> No.2610184


I bought BTC at $2700 and LTC at $47

I think I want to die

>> No.2610215

Whats happening on weds?

>> No.2610231

you bought btc when it was fluctuating like crazy day by day and LTC at ath? lol you deserve it

>> No.2610243

RDD will go up

>> No.2610259

Big news coming for ETH.

New EEA partners to be announced. This could send ETH to $500.

>> No.2610289

Crypto tends to dip on the weekends, but people don't seem to remember this. Wednesday is the middle of the week; if it hasn't seen a moderate uptick by then, maybe it's time to start worrying.

>> No.2610318

What do You think guiz of pnd groups? I have just joined to this one https://t.me/pumpsoldiers

>> No.2610333

if you can buy, buy the dip, if not, just don't log to watch shit turn red if that affects you.
It will go back up, and if you got to buy something, there's a good chance you will make a coin out of the faggots crying wolf.

>> No.2610421

The guy organizing it profits from it, you are the main driving force behind his ability to profit as you and tens of other cucks are driving the price higher so they can unload their bags. Thats my 10 cents

>> No.2610518

Yeah me too, it's a no brainer. Going to rocket next week, suit up and don't forgot to fuel up the moonlander-lambo

>> No.2610519

it's like sending your BTC to me:

srsly, he just opens up a sell wall the second he announces the pump. if he's not so lazy he'll f* you even harder.

you can look at coins, where the volume changes in accumulation patterns, set a stop sell order and forget about it. more of these groups are showing up, maybe changes get higher. cap the address fellow fag

>> No.2610580
File: 403 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-Square_and_compasses2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally someone mentions this. It's Lmost as if everyone with a brain is keeping this nugget to themselves and buying up eth during this dip. $500, if not $600 the whales in my circles keep . I bought a ton today for a steal

>> No.2611035

based BAY is bae

>> No.2611130


1.Watch a coin trend for 24 hours before you think of buying
2.Get your shit off the exchanges to a secure wallet

>> No.2611168

This. I always see people shit on ARK on this board because it does nothing, despite the fact that its a 3 month old coin. If you want to make some nice gains, first find coins that are fundamentally good (ie. good dev team, community, and use cases) and then use technical analysis to determine a good entry point (ie. buy a coin when it stalls/reverses on a support level). If you get board sitting on some coins, invest some throw away cash and start day trading.

>> No.2611211

Nice, what colors will you choose for your lambos?

>> No.2611433

Aggressively protect your entries if you must. Take whatever profits you have now and diversify into some lower volume coins that aren't getting raped by panic.

SolarCoin & SaluS are good examples.

>> No.2611448

we're gonna make it, ant bros.

>> No.2611587

Sit on a stable coin until you see some momentum on a major and buy back in.
Anyone who wasn't greedy would've cashed out of ETH at 350 tops to be safe.

>> No.2611613

Good luck with your useless chink coin.

>> No.2611661

>buying this dip.

It's not dipping mate, you're buying on the freefall. Never buy against market momentum, this is trading 101 shit.

>> No.2611699
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The stock market is a mechanism for transfering wealth from the impatient to the patient. So I'm going to wait. There's no reason to sell unless you're balls deep in garbage that'll never rebound. You really won't be able to make much money until you become zen enough to ignore short term changes, zoom out on the chart, and just wait.

>> No.2611713

>I only buy at ATH and sell during the dips.

>> No.2611745
File: 70 KB, 1499x776, BTCUSD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself faggot. Price will reverse at 2400

>> No.2611758

>I know the market


>> No.2611776
File: 704 KB, 1024x945, eth06252017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello anon here is your daily ETH status report

don't forget to sell @ 0.1375

>> No.2611817

>I made no argument.
again, kys.

>> No.2611860

gona leave what I have to sit and go back to buying small amounts of Btc & Ltc on a weekly basis.
Will reassess where I am in one months time.

>> No.2611887

Good plan. Hopefully you only invested what you can afford to lose. Nothing more annoying than the fags that come here, invest everything they have in some shitcoin being pumped and dumped on biz in hopes of mooning their way to lambo land, and the cry when they haven't made 200% ROI in 2 days.

>> No.2611906

seems like a bad day to buy anything.

>> No.2611916

>posts chart with no analysis or indicators

Really convinced me there retard

>> No.2611917

Honestly, buy more ETH.

It's going to swing between $260 and $300 for a week or so and then within 2 months it'll hit $550. That's kind of the way ETH has always worked.

>> No.2611932

Needs to be updated with pink wojak

>> No.2611938

You really shouldn't be a part of this. Cash out and leave.

This is the PERFECT day to buy.

>> No.2611949

>not buying the most expensive and therefore valuable coins

>> No.2611958

I only started buying small amounts of Bitcoin back in Nov, and I mean small 10-25 quid a week range.
Luckily the Btc went up so much, just a shame I didnt buy more, but hindsight is 20/20.

Ive never put in more than Im willing to lose, but that also means i dont have thousands invested, but whatever.
Messing around with shitcoins the last week has really turned me off messing around with shitcoins, but ill keep what I have and play the long game.

>> No.2611964

>needing indicators and not relying price action

Besides, I wasn't saying what BTC was going to do. I was replying to the anon that said we're in freefall, which, as you can see from the chart, we're not.

>> No.2611997

okay got me. third day here. made a doubling on NMR yesterday followed by a loss in it after putting a toe back in.

you're right though. Im still shit. only had a tiny gain so far so wtf do I know. its just hard to figure out what is going to go where. I just feel like im sitting at a roulette table rn.

>> No.2612001

Just remember this is only the beginning of cryptos, and everyone loses money at some point when investing/trading.

>> No.2612009

How would one go about collecting these coins you guys are talking about? This seems fun. Plus I have money to lose.

>> No.2612043

>yfw crypto dips on weekends cause normies are cashing in their coins in order to go out and do normie shit

>> No.2612065

>create account on coinbase or any other exchange that accepts fiat
>buy BTC using fiat (you'll need to verify your identity, which can take some time)
>once you bought BTC, send to an exchange like Bittrex
>trade BTC for altcoins

If you want to get in now while prices are dropping, go with coinbase. They jew you on fees, but you can buy with credit card and start trading within 30 minutes.

>> No.2612262

Yep,when I started it was with the intention of keeping Bitcoin for somewhere in 3-5 years then see where it looks like its future lies. Ive had to remind myself every so often of this, but it definitely helps to look at the bigger picture when you feel youve made a mistake.

>> No.2612270

anyone have opinions on CRB - CreditBit?

was at 62k like 10 days ago(ath), sitting at 27k now, but its sort of returned to its baseline and may be on an upward trend?

>> No.2612287

(the ath may have been a P&D.. sharp spike and a steady decline.

>> No.2612386


>> No.2612546

dogecoin is making a comeback, get on it!

>> No.2612551
