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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26095100 No.26095100 [Reply] [Original]

Bros who knows where the markets are going. This week I passed $1MM (post tax) paper worth, and for the first time I can almost taste freedom. I hope things continue to blossom.

Let us not forget that while many of us fud our own shitcoins for fun, the goal is that we all make it. All in LINK? Great. All in GRT? Great. All in BTC like some fucking grandpa? Amazing. ETH? PRQ? AAVE? RSR? I don't fucking care, I want you all to make it. We have been through a lot together. I'm proud of all of you. Crypto is the future and you are an early adopter, don't ever forget that despite your autism you were able to find a single truth in the world that gave you a great advantage over most. I know some of you from when I first came here have already well made it (some of you old ETHbros must be 8 figures deep by now & a lot of the LINK OG's are mid 7's) and I'm so happy for you guys.

For the newfags, feel free to AMA... how to avoid scams, what my picks are for the next year, if your favorite shitcoin is a good choice, what /biz/ was like 4 years ago, whatever. I'll stick around for a little.

>> No.26095193

OG LINKer here that recently purchased a stack of GRT. Thoughts?

>> No.26095284

I have a small stack myself. I see the use case, I don't totally understand the scale in terms of token supply:how much the network needs to be used to fundamentally value the tokens, but crypto honestly is still pretty paltry in terms of speculative value vs. the stock market and I think any respectable speculative value for the use case makes it a good buy right now. I thought about doubling my stack in the mid .20's but pussied out. Kind of regret it.

I think it'll be a strong play for 2021 and beyond, but I don't believe it'll be anything close to LINK in terms of the value it will add to the blockchain environment.

>> No.26095287

May God bless you anon. RSRfag here although I am tempted to swing into GRT right now. Do you know anything about LGCY? I like their ideas but I don't want my political ideals to get in the way of my system of picking good coins. Best of luck to you anon.

>> No.26095293

I have 100k grt
1000 link
32 eth
Will I make it

>> No.26095343

should I get a stack of kin

>> No.26095412

any sense in investing in AVAX? really wanna make it, bros...

>> No.26095457

is getting into LINK today a good idea? I plan on holding for years and to never swing trade

>> No.26095462

i’ve been in crypto a couple months and have made lots of mistakes, made a little money but offset by FOMO buys. now everything seems too high to buy in. i have around 15k to play around with. what should i do, i feel like i missed this bullrun already, everything i look at has already doubled if not more in the last 60-90 days

>> No.26095480

Yes, if you are wise, ywmi.

>> No.26095484

I don't know ENOUGH about RSR to try to give you real advice on the swap. I would really evaluate how much you think RSR has a strong use case, team, place in the future, and if your instinct is it's really just a good buy then don't chase anything. All of the bets you make you believe in, hold and don't look back. If you want to diversity, find new money elsewhere and enter fresh into GRT. GRT is getting a ton of hype right now and as I said above I think it's a sound project, but there are plenty of good projects and RSR -- from what I've seen -- has stood the test of time better than most.

That being said, one of my best moves was early on swapping out of REQ (at a massive loss) into LINK because I lost faith in REQ's ability to achieve. So, I think moving can make sense if you don't believe in the project(s) you're invested in.

Don't know LGCY but surface level look tells me it's just a hyper decentralized focused blockchain... and I don't see a ton of added value in that compared to what already exists out there, but again that's just surface level.

I will say the big red flag for me is the guy who started it has no real world experience. Looks like he had some VERY low level jobs in India before interning at Reserve for all of 2 months before starting this project, and that lone kind of screams cash grab to me. Clearly doesn't have the experience to be building something like this successfully.

Depends on your version of make it but I think that'll be a portfolio worth well north of $1MM in the next 3-5 years, possibly sooner (and I'm considering $1MM as current dollar valuation)

>> No.26095561
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checked, based and frenpilled. i wish a healthy and prosperous 2021 to all /biz/bros! even the xrp schizos... even though you guys are fucking retards...

>> No.26095681

Been holding mine since 2017 lol

>> No.26095707
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im either going to be a millionaire or kill myself this year, let's fucking go

>> No.26095758


>> No.26095764

I really don't think so. I think this will serve as a model for something greater, perhaps, but as it is it's basically like a high school science experiment. I don't see it making big waves on its own
Very interesting concept, I see it as a high risk high reward play. I think the question is will a bunch of smaller, focused enterprises who prefer to build on another platform for XYZ reasons be the leaders, or will those building on Avalanche be the leaders. I haven't looked closely enough but I'd investigate who's building on their protocol and if you believe in those companies and their ability to succeed, and if so it could be a good indicator that this is something worth throwing a bunch of money at.

Just remember there have been some seemingly very useful protocols (like 0x) developed over the years which just never wound up putting out heavy enough hitters, and a lot of people are developing more specified protocols for building dapps on top of, so it's a pretty competitive environment.

I believe so, yes. It took >3 years to get to where it is now, but patient hands have reaped the rewards. I know some people think $1,000 is a meme but if blockchain really sees mainstream adoption I honestly believe in 10-15 years LINK will be well beyond $1,000/token. Try 10x that or more. People like to throw mcap valuations around and compare that to stock valuations, but with LINK specifically you really just need to be looking at how much money will flow through the network. In a blockchain enabled world, it'll be trillions and trillions if not quadrillions of dollars. Most tokens will be staked, circulating supply will be minute and a single token's long term value to a node operator could easily be ten's of thousands of dollars. If you have iron hands, and you believe in LINK & blockchain, then $20 even is peanuts compared to where you should believe it to be going. I'll literally never sell.

>> No.26095789

I only have 2k in coins so far. Mainly ADA and another coin that I dont want to mention on here. Im inspired by oatmeal anon making it with LINK. My question for you is If I keep DCA all of my available funds every two weeks, do you think I can make it? I told myself that I wont stop investing every dollar I can for two years. I want to be free. Ill kill myself if I have to keep working jobs I hate.

>> No.26095813

I'm sure there are guys making good money swinging or leveraged trading but I'm also sure the majority lose their money. This is a highly volatile market, trying to time anything is a good way to either lose your shirt or miss out on a 50%+ gain you could have had from just sitting in your position.

My best advice is do some REAL research, look at the use case, the team, the backers. Find projects you believe in. Buy, and hold. That's really all you need to do. Be prepared to wait 3-5 years for serious returns. The more you can put in right now, the quicker you'll make it. This market is not going to slow down for anyone.

>> No.26095832

How should/ what do I use to scalp so I don't get raped on fees?

I day trade stocks successfully, but the holidays/weekends don't feed my gambling desire. I just hold my crypto, but I wanna actively trade it

>> No.26095852
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Hello Fren. Are you ready for the DEFI revolution and separation of economy and state?

>> No.26095862

Thanks for taking the time, fren. Can you make a quick prediction on how much my holdings will be worth EOY 2021? Just for fun, bc I am never selling.

29 ETH
500 LINK

>> No.26095935

The market is a little more mature than it was a few years ago, but there are still some fantastic low cap opportunities coming up as the industry itself is still in its infantile stages.

My advice for someone totally new is to portion out something like 50-60% of your investment to low cap higher risk high reward plays. Then the remainder in top 25's which have proven staying power. LINK, BTC, ETH are all good long term holds. As a guy who made most of his $ off LINK and who still very much believes in it, I think that even like a 50% LINK/50% shitcoin of your choice could wind up treating you very well. As a freebie for your higher risk play, look into ROSE/Oasis Labs. I've been accumulating that as my next big payoff, the backing & people behind it are unreal and the use case is incredibly appropriate for where blockchain and enterprise adoption is heading. I could easily see a 10-50x this year. But, like all low caps, it can shit the bed and disappear forever too.

FWIW I think ADA is a shitcoin. At that mcap just go into BTC or ETH, or even DOT at this point.

>> No.26095945

I clicked the wrong thread opie, sorry.

Meant to ask you, thanks for the thread fren

>> No.26096009

Sure, has to be for fun because I don't have a crystal ball. But these are my best guesses:

29 ETH: ~$90-$150k
500 LINK: ~$20-50k
9k ALGO: ~10-20k
4 BCH: ~$3-4k

>> No.26096110

Thanks. Those are very reasonable predictions.

>> No.26096135

What are your thoughts on Jarvis and where it's headed?

>> No.26096139
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thank you for the info. any thoughts on UNISWAP token? currently put all my savings into it. you can tell me that im a retard, thats okay lol

>> No.26096147

NP, I don't typically day trade crypto but have plenty of general experience day trading. From a fees perspective, most exchanges are % based on your trades and that can be really small. Some as small as like .1%. So I mean from a baseline perspective just account the fee % into your trade goals e.g. if you're using Coinbase Pro let's just say you're going to have a .4% fee both ways (taker/maker). Then your trades need to be >.4% profit. In crypto this should be simple.

IF I was going to "day trade" crypto I'd be looking for 10-20% swings minimally. I'd learn a chart, wait for a 10+% dump on no news (e.g. Bitcoin shits the bed and takes your alt with it even though the alt is going strong and building great things). Buy, hold, wait for 20%+ gains, sell, and wait for the next dump or move onto your next shitcoin.

That being said, I think holding in this market is the best way to stay sane. One of the worst things I've seen happen to anons here is they try to swing after successfully swinging for a while, then the coin/token they swung goes up like 400% and never comes back down, meanwhile they're sitting in cash and all of their stressful swinging over the last months didn't even pay.

>> No.26096259

This is solid advice anon.

>> No.26096323

Don't know enough about it, honestly. Quick look I like the premise though there's some competition in that space now so I'd probably dig into the team more and if they have any venture backing (and who that's from). This is the area of crypto I see regulation potentially crushing these companies at least near term. Most governments don't want people to be able to expose themselves to this level of risk. But I could also see a world where regulation allows enterprises & financial institutions to own these markets and give retail a new asset class... just sort of goes against the whole "decentralization" push these DeFi exchanges and liquidity pool companies are really driving towards. You have to wonder who the end game customer really is.
UNI is totally legit, I see them either absorbing or getting absorbed in the future, and even being a candidate to get swallowed up or integrated by a more regulated exchange or even a bank or something down the road. That being said, they gave out a SHITLOAD of tokens and it could be pretty rocky for a while. Some guys will be millionaires for free off of UNI alone.

I think it's a good long term prospect. I don't own any myself, though... mostly the DeFi exchange space frightens me because of how much really strong competition there is - I'm not quite sure how to pick the winners but if I was playing I'd probably have a bag of UNI.

>> No.26096352
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Based. Been here since mid 2017, still haven't scraped 7 figs but so damn close ($975k ATH). Good positive thread, anon, wagmi.

>> No.26096361


You seem cool op, what do you think about pnk?

>> No.26096404

grt and link will be the primary third party data aggregators for the entire eth ecosystem.

both are great investments.

>> No.26096524

Thanks bud. /biz/ is like crypto itself, on a low level it is a chaotic adversarial mess, but on the high level it is an ordered beneficial system to all it's participants.

>> No.26096737

>stupid question here
Hey OP what do you think about link staking? would the announcement bring the price down?

>> No.26096743

Yeah I like the use case but the marketing images are cringe. Makes it feel juvenile and not serious. Can’t decide if I really trust the grt team

>> No.26096797

very poorfag here, I have 40 USD in LTC, how can I make that in a x100, I really need a new laptop, doesn't matter if it is for the next year

>> No.26096938

As i guy that has about 2k into some money to invest in coins, Any advice?

also, biggest advices for a newbie into crypto?

how secure is managing a portfolio through my phone?

Much appreciate, love you guys.

>> No.26096972

Honestly I know it's a fan favorite here but I can't get my head around (1) where does trust in dispute resolution really come from, and can it be built in a decentralized environment and (2) I think most humans are in no way capable of being fair jurors, and while I'm not saying current dispute processes are not prone to human error/degeneracy, I'd have to be convinced these guys have built a great algorithm & process for identifying good jurors and I don't know enough about what they've accomplished but that seems like a HUGE task to take on.

I certainly like the idea of reducing the costs of disputes, that has a lot of implications in both business and gov't that are useful. It's just that this is such a messy complicated area I really can't feel confident evaluating if the idea has legs that will take it far enough. In theory I guess I like it and if you feel like what they're building makes sense to you, I can't think of anything else like it in the space right now so they certainly have an advantage there.

>> No.26097012

Why would the price go down? This would give nodes incentive to hold as much link as they can in order to receive valuable jobs.

>> No.26097033

sell it for btc when it dips then hodl

>> No.26097067

Just buy btc. If your going to buy 2k it wouldn't be unsafe keeping it in coinbase on your phone but you can buy a trezor for less than 50 dollars.

>> No.26097080

just a positive thought that i have in my head since I missed out on link

>> No.26097084

Hey LINKie OG. What price did you get in, and was it on etherdelta?

>> No.26097113
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Thanks for being frens. We couldn't have done it without each others.

>> No.26097175

Hah, what? These morons who use that fud point to actual shitcoins where of course staking drove the price down: staking only has value when the product has adoption.

Look at projects which have staking and adoption, even to a small extent such as a larger firm simply backing them.

XTZ is a good example -- frankly I don't see XTZ as a great investment long term but it has had enough backing such as Coinbase introducing staking that people are keeping their money there. It doubled in value post staking on CB and has held around that level ever since, now pumping mildly with the larger market.

Look at ETH and how it pumped after ETH 2.0's release date got finalized.

I can't think of another blockchain project with more rapid adoption than LINK. I genuinely believe that eventually we'll see so much money running through nodes that the tokens will have a totally non-speculative value that dwarfs where it is right now even with speculation baked in.

I think LINK will rise on staking, but how much depends on the APY. a 4%+ yield will absolutely double the price, and as adoption furthers and scarcity increases you will see that rise fairly quickly.

There are 100x's left in crypto. You need to do a lot of research and digging. And make sure you check out teams in details. Look at their LindedIn's and evaluate what they've done. Don't be impressed if you've seen someone as CEO of 10 companies, dig deeper - are those companies even real? How big were they? What happened to them? Look for VC backed projects bc at this point basically every legit project is getting VC funding. Since ICO's are pretty dead for legal reasons and everyone scared shitless of that, the only way to get funding and operate as a legitimate company right now is via raising capital the traditional way. Anyone still ICO'ing has no intention of operating in a regulated environment which to me tells me they have no intention of building a useful product.

>> No.26097233

Here smart money anons have been alluding to this for awhile


Don't put it in BTC with paltry funds especially during alt season with btc about to dump and alt about to moon

>> No.26097295

thank you fren, I will take not

>> No.26097297

I popped some advice for someone like you here >>26095935

As for managing a portfolio through your phone, depends on what you're using but I'd look into hardware solutions or keep your money on a US based large exchange. Coinbase or Gemini would be my picks.

My original buys were at $0.11. I swung that early and lost big time. I then decided to just accumulate as much as I could over the years, and have bought everywhere from $0.17 to $12.60 since then. I almost grabbed a bag the other day around $16.80 but my disposable income has been tight and I've been having fun trying to diversify a bit so I held off. I'm sure I'll buy another LINK stack soon. My last LINK buy was for $2,500 worth when it got crushed a few weeks ago and dipped below $10. I wound up buying on the way up around $10.80 or so.

I bought on Binance in early days.

>> No.26097337

>For the newfags, feel free to AMA
So LINK, PRQ, PNK, and GRT all solve specific problems. What is the next problem/solution I should be looking for?

>> No.26097346

Ok I need to head out but any other OGs feel free to step up and help some of these newfrens.

Godspeed all and I'll see you on the yacht.

>> No.26097351

>My original buys were at $0.11.
Fuck, nice.... I went in at 50c on the early Binance pump, before it got rekt by that conference. Never got the stack I felt I should have had. Sucks I never had the disposable income to spend on it either, but there, we have what we have.

>> No.26097436


What's your take on NEAR Protocol? I saw a thread about it 6 months ago and told a friend and he's convinced the project's got legs, but I'm not so sure. He's more tech minded than investment minded, so I'm wondering if the technical applications are clouding his judgements.

>> No.26097516

Answering this quickly since it got in before my goodbye but this is my last... I mentioned ROSE above and one of the reasons I like it is because it attacks the corporate data privacy problem very efficiently. This to me is not nearly as large of a use case as LINK, but still a large use case in its own right.

I'm not sure there will be many (if any) more base layer/protocol type projects that come through that are worth throwing money at. The crazy thing about LINK is they've really cornered the entire market via acquisitions & proprietary knowledge, and when you think about how people do things like compare ETH to HTTP, etc... at scale for a lot of this you really only NEED one player. Like, Chainlink can handle all of its use cases globally without any problem, and they're the best equipped to do so. If you look at GRT, it's a similar story except I don't think the GRT use case is quite as large.

You might have an "a-ha" moment with someone coming through, but I'd start to look at more specific use cases and industry focused projects. Even in blockchain gaming I think you'll eventually see some highly valuable tokens coming out that if you can get in early enough with the right project you can make a shitload off it.

I'm not smart enough to know what the next big problem to be solved is, I'm only smart enough to know a good one when I see it. So if you're asking this question you might be in a similar place. Just read about new projects constantly, don't ignore ANYTHING on /biz/ -- yes there are a TON of scams but you should be able to determine that, and I can tell you a lot of schizo posts or things that go ignored for a while here wind up being some of the biggest/most legit projects. I'm sure a lot of people saw LINK posts as just scammy at the time. There are a lot of good projects posted here early -- GRT is a good example. Anons all shit themselves and fomo'd when it hit CB but there were low-key anons here trying to shill it for weeks.

>> No.26097790


Exactly what I thought, thanks based op

>> No.26097915

I will have ~20k to invest this year. 22 year old white healthy male, low 150 lbs 5'10". average penis. what should I put my money in?

>> No.26097981

K bros I must be fuckin retarded cause I can't find the answer to this anywhere:
What's binance's fee for buying crypto with fiat? Is it different if I buy with a debit card vs a bank transfer?

>> No.26098079

Ultra Newfag here, where would you guys recommend learning about crypto trading? any book suggestions or the like would be welcome

>> No.26098189

OP is it okay if I add you on discord or something? you seem nice and I need some crypto frens

>> No.26098247

I buy lite coin because it’s digital silver

>> No.26098891

What are your thoughts on algorithmic stablecoins?