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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26091476 No.26091476 [Reply] [Original]

I read the white paper, I did my own research, I believed in the tech. This coin was shilled for MONTHS by biz in 2018. Could you explain why this coin never moons & is universally panned as being a shit coin?

>> No.26091605

why would you need or want paypal 2.0?

>> No.26092053


Because there are 10,000 alt coins out there & if a business prefers to be paid in an alt coin, this is a standard they can use to transact.

>> No.26092084

Every time I see this shitcoin's logo I cringe inside, I really thought it was gonna be something.

>> No.26092086

the french are legally required to be too lazy to ever get work done

>> No.26092108


Name one business that is aware that this thing exists

>> No.26092235


Name One business that knows what any of these alt coins are! That is not driving price of a coin. I just don't get it. What is it about this coin that caused people to stop believing in it?

>> No.26092344

This shitcoin literally ruined crypto for me and is why I never even checked prices again and basically missed this bull run. Fuck everyone who ever shilled this and fuck France

>> No.26092388

fuck you. don’t you ever bring this shitcoin around here again.

>> No.26092433

kek sorry bro.

>> No.26092558

Req cost me some fucking much, fuck you for posting this shit thread. Remember when they used ico funds to do a team vacation and then had the fucking nerve to post pics on the official account? God fuck these guys.

>> No.26092640

how do I request my money back?????

>> No.26092652


I remember them eating at a fancy seafood restaurant with Lobsters & clams. I remember it all. But they are still "working" on this project & the price has remained stable in the past 2 years around 1 cent to 3 cents.

>> No.26092673

Once I saw the mozzarella memes I pretty much checked out of crypto, if it weren't for Request I would have put all that money into LINK, probably would have had another 10k LINK or so.

>> No.26092730

i literally exchanged my req for bnb 2 days ago... was so worthless that it was treated as dust

>> No.26092790

i was 50/50 link/req. then went all in on req. i want to kill mused and that ducking mozarella scam group every day

>> No.26092959

I did the same fucking thing bro, was between all in on link or Req and every time I see link go up a $ I remember how much I want to kms.

>> No.26093036

You believed in the frenchies big mistake

>> No.26093051


Same here bros. I'm just looking to see if there is a logical reason for the worthy shit coin label.

>> No.26093096

From my recollection, it all went downhill after they announced that they were changing the roadmap away from fiat-to-crypto conversions. This was around the time that the entire crypto market collapsed so it basically killed any interest in it, forever.

>> No.26093100

The most famous dinner in /biz history.

>> No.26093106

Req was my biggest holding in 2018 and taught me that hodl is a reddit meme for 95 percent of crypto.

>> No.26093203


Thank you for an answer. I'm an OG HODL. Fuck it all. I still think this thing has potential.

>> No.26093277

I haven't followed any REQ news since 2018, is it still active? I'm assuming since it's 3 cents and not 0 that there is a 0.01% chance there is still hope? I am considering just selling my bags for the few hundred dollars and putting it in literally anything else, made a cheap gun to kms.

>> No.26093382




>> No.26093550
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Guess I'll baghold, thanks for the info.

>> No.26093566

MakerDAO uses it pretty regularly

>> No.26093633

an non said Quickbooks is implementing it in another thread but i could not verify

>> No.26093947

The chance to switch into other assets was like the past two years, there will be upward price movement in the coming months. Regardless of whether this moons, it is objectively undervalued. Now that there is a working product, they are moving into marketing phase and plan to add more utility to the token (governance, staking, etc) . Considering the amount of resources the team has, proof of a working product, and at least one satisfied, public customer (https://request.network/en/customer-stories/makerdao/)), it is a no brainer for a mid term investment.

>> No.26093966


I've heard this too

>> No.26093994

Sold this shit coin at $1. So fucking good.

>> No.26094018

holy fuck you retard really are autistic arent you?

Its not the tech, its the name recognition

>> No.26094164

First comes Xero integration, then Quickbooks integration down the line. It should be noted that Quickbooks wouldn't be implementing it, the req team is just making it so that the platform works natively with those accounting softwares.

>> No.26094224

Exactly. Nobody will buy something with such a weird and creepy name.

>> No.26094259

I’m sorry I lost this was so fucking kek

>> No.26094264


Adults only discussion. What are you kids going on about?

>> No.26094357

Normies will never use Request.

"Hey Stacey, want anything from Starbucks?"
>"Yeah, I want a mocha roastie supreme! But can you go get it for both of us, I don't want to stop watching Netflix!"
"Sure, can you send me some money though? My credit card is almost empty, I spent everything on Chad!"
>"Yeah, I just got this new app "Request Network". Download it and send me a request!"
"Wow, I just got it too! I'll put in a request. Hmm, that's weird Stace, it's saying I need "REQ tokens". Wtf is that?"
>"Uh, this app is so fucking weird. WEIRD AND CREEPY. Why do I need a token to send money? How do I even get them?"
"Just delete it Stace and use venmo. That app was made by virgins and creepy ugly losers."

Basically like that.

>> No.26094389

So many people here bought the top or missed out on link and got burned hard. The idea and tech are solid, but they fucked up their public image seriously badly. They really did act like retards during the 2018 crash, but overall it's underrated and undervalued. Definitely keeping a suicide stack.

>> No.26094432

I sold this at $1. KEK!

I have 500,000 from those days bought at 1 cent just for the laughs. If it ever gets back there I will laugh so hard.

Glitch is the next REQ-style 20x.

>> No.26094577


Couldn't it have a behind the scenes use?
And if i recall correctly the tokens are like gas. They're not used in UI transactions.

>> No.26094597

Yes, the copypasta is an old FUD. The average user is not going to interact with the token in any way, it gets bought and burned for fees though, which was the whole mechanism by which the value of REQ would naturally go up over time just based on network usage.

>> No.26095054

I sold everything after the tokens in my cold wallet were selected to be burned in 2017.

>> No.26095068
File: 19 KB, 470x313, 0E271EF9-FD28-4B7D-9C45-87DDE7D204DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the request network ycombinator very aggressive marketing copypasta?

>> No.26095130

The fish tracking copypasta was the best one.

>> No.26095140

This fucking piece of shit ass fuck. I fell for the fucking retarded triforce meme of this piece of shit, link and QSP. Then my dumbass decided REQ was superior and went mostly in. Thank god for my reserve stack of link cause i literally watched tens of thousands just evaporate when this dogshit crashed harder than the fucking jihadi plans during 9/11. honestly wish I could have taken a fat steamy shit on the teams mozzarella dinner

>> No.26095235

PayPal is rolling out a feature where they are going to allow you to pay vendors with Bitcoin ethereum or litecoin soon

>> No.26095328

Lmao... I cannot allow newfags to buy REQ. I AM PLEADING do not buy REQ.