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File: 864 KB, 780x1065, Homeless life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2608465 No.2608465 [Reply] [Original]

Well, I'm fucking fucked. This crash is taking EVERYTHING from me.

I have exactly $500. Enough to get some rice, beef jerky, and an Amtrak ticket to the West Coast. Not nearly enough to pay my rent.

My plan is to wait until the end of the month, then hit the train station and leave Wisconsin in July. Well before the winter sets in because I won't fucking survive.

I'm heading for Seattle or Portland. There's large bum communities there and the libfags are generous with gives, supposedly.

Please give serious street survival advice. I've never faced anything like this. I bet everything I had on crypto and I fucking lost.

Any tips about West Coast homeless living would be much appreciated.

>> No.2608502

get a dog and you'll quadruple your donation amounts when you're on the street begging

>> No.2608546

Kill yourself bro, you're effectively a nigger now.

>> No.2608571

Do you not have fucking family you can go live with?

>> No.2608588

Just get a job, you dope.

>> No.2608593

Just break into one of the thousands of houses where nobody lives. Find a small job, stabilize. Then invest in crypto when the bubble has burst, you'll be rich again in no time friendo.

>> No.2608642


>> No.2608648

Hope your larping
West coast doesn't need or want your worthless flyover state bum ass over here. Most likely you will be beaten raped and robbed, if your lucky. Probably murdered after the raping though so enjoy your last moments

>> No.2608665
File: 70 KB, 752x552, IMG_5507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. pic related

>> No.2608677


Wow I didn't know this existed

Reading those threads makes me fucking depressed

>> No.2608699

>Any tips about West Coast homeless living would be much appreciated.

Fuck off, we're full.

>> No.2608710

You're a fucking idiot.


Fucking hell, this board.

>> No.2608722


I wish I were larping too.

I've been studying this for days, and whether you want me there or not, West Coast is clearly the best place to be for a homeless person in the country.

Northern half of the Midwest will kill you in winter.

Large southern cities are inhabited by truly dangerous diggers.

Seattle and Portland are still mostly white/Asian, and have high tolerance for homeless. I have no other choice.

>> No.2608736

>buying beef jerky
>being poor


>> No.2608745

>West Coast is clearly the best place to be for a homeless person in the country.

Fuck off, we're full.

>> No.2608749

Washington and Oregon actually are your best bets.

California does not want you, and you will get fucked with.

t. California.

>> No.2608752

i hope you get deported to mexico

>> No.2608792

>down 30%
>lost everything

anyway in seattle it's pretty comfortable being homeless but i wouldn't say that anybody is generous here. women with children can stay for free, but regular single dudes are always stabbing each other and stealing from each other and local communities. most of the news about how we have a homeless epidemic and how they are everywhere is meant to raise property tax and MAYBE build affordable housing (for poor people, not homeless). if you're already a heroin addict then you might do okay here, but it's still a short life

>> No.2608801


What's a better alternative for meat that will last a long time and can be easily transported?

>> No.2608856

Homeless people are awful and if I was a serial killer I would prey on you.

Try to get to Hawaii instead if you can't get there come here to LA. There are a lot of shelters here and services for homeless who are legitimately trying to get back on their feet and the weather is the best in the world.

Downtown has all of the food. All of our homeless there are overweight. They have containers you can rent out so other bums don't take your stuff.

There are a lot of jobs here. If you don't have a job in 30 days then you must want to be homeless.

>> No.2608899


>> No.2608937


Thank you.

I don't do drugs or drink so I'm hoping this will give me a small leg up some way. I don't know what to do about the crazy addicts except try to stay out of their way.


Isn't LA more dangerous compared to LA and Portland though?

My real concern is finding somewhere that's warm most of the year and has minimal street thugs. Or I guess serial killers as you say.

I will not look for a job. I can only take my chances on the streets and panhandle for food/tent/possible small device so I can still attempt crypto for very small amounts.

The truth is the last few years of losing have broken my soul. I once had a business that pulled in 300K a year and then was sued into the ground. I took my last money I had from savings and lost it all in a series of very bad trades. Digibyte alone murdered half my money.

I would rather die than ever work a normal job again. I can't fucking do it. The thought of making it through an interview or lasting a shitty job fills me with a blinding rage. I would not last a week.

I will consider doing simple one off things like homework, washing cars, or editing for money.

>> No.2608954

look into Steemit

>> No.2608970

dude hes homeless.
do wat all our bums do and just eat cats n dogs n shit. use a golf club quieter

>> No.2608983


>> No.2609048


this nigga said look into Steemit

nigga OP don't got any of that money
he can't be looking at crypto rn retard

>> No.2609075
File: 14 KB, 240x312, Jezus Raptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to let out your inner nog.
Time to take.
Time to stop giving a fuck.
You've got nothing to lose.
Do it.

>> No.2609091

>I'm heading for Seattle or Portland
Huge mistake, and this is from a former Seattlite. Do you really want to be homeless in city where it rains all of the fucking time? Yeah there's a large homeless "community" (of mostly junkies), but all those people are going to do for you is rob you. Plus the cost of living is prohibitively high so you're gonna have a bitch of a time getting back on your feet.

Go somewhere with warm weather like Miami or San Diego. NYC is a good option too. It's cold and expensive but you can make huge money panhandling there due the sheer volume of the foot traffic. Try to save up enough cash to buy a beater SUV and sleep in Wal Mart parking lots. If you legally can, try to get yourself a cheap pistol (Raven, Lorcin, Hi Point etc) at a pawn shop in case someone tries to fuck with your car while your sleeping.

>> No.2609186

don't listen to this guy

is nice to the homeless
Super cool to the homeless


>> No.2609199

The platform, not the currency.

All he needs to do is shitpost about his bumlife and SOMEONE will give him pity money

>> No.2609235

ya dude! the libtards here love giving handouts :D
they look at people like you and wonder why you don't have as much as them, because you deserve it!

>> No.2609271


The ETH and Bancor bagholders will be coming to join you soon, so at least you'll have company

>> No.2609276
File: 794 KB, 500x281, 1439174230626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2609460

Live out of your car/van. Get a gym membership wherever you go so you can take a shower and not smell like shit. Doing this will keep you motivated to not turn into a crusty shit bum who screams at squirrels. Also you can work out. You will be around a lot of niggers, junkies, and crust punk shit people if you are homeless in Seattle. Anything you have will get stolen and you will most likely develop a heroin/meth problem if you stay under the Seattle highway overpasses (405 and I-5).