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26078234 No.26078234 [Reply] [Original]

>Gavin Wood, founder of multibillion-dollar cryptocurrency project Polkadot, wrote a graphic blog post in 2013 in which he described having sex with an 7 or 8-year-old girl dying of AIDS.

>In December 1998 — when Wood was 28, meaning Elizabeth would have been only 7 or 8 — the girl told Wood she was dying, according to his post. “Her young body was maturing behind her mind” and she wanted “to know love,” Wood wrote. He claimed she asked him to “take her virginity” while he was home for the Christmas holidays from university and described the sexual incident that followed in detail.

>”And so, that evening, in a bedroom full of the childhood memories of my grandmother’s house, we slowly undressed each other and went to bed. We cuddled for hours, before she manoeuvred herself on to me and mischievous smile intact, began to push her tender sex onto me. It hurt her, of course, but it was almost as though she craved the pain – as though she expected it and accepted it gladly for what it meant. Again and again it continued through to dawn, with the barest of rests in between; one night of passion to make up for a lost lifetime.“

>By the next morning, she was tired and sore, but more content than she had ever known,” Wood wrote, adding that Elizabeth died a few days later.

>> No.26078263


>> No.26078262

dude your just fucking jelous

>> No.26078278
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>> No.26078284

yuck what a sick fucker,

>> No.26078298
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>> No.26078322

There's no way this is fucking real

>> No.26078341

Da Fuk!?

>> No.26078414


>> No.26078477

it's real, google it. When people found the blogpost, Gavin deleted the it and claimed it was just a joke

>> No.26078483
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Don't care, still holding.

>> No.26078498

Yeah It's real there was buzzfeed article on it

>> No.26078509

dyor, crypto is full of such degenerates

>> No.26078567

Mate, is this fucking real? Holyyy fuck this is so fucked up mate

>> No.26078575

what the fuck

>> No.26078586

>7 or 8 year girl dying of AIDS
Some say she even had a 12 year old son
I cri erri tiem

>> No.26078596

this shit is almost the same price as link lmao

>> No.26078600
File: 379 KB, 1566x816, Screenshot 2021-01-16 at 21.24.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek just searched.
If you search "pedophilia" into buzzfeed the first thing that comes up is Gavin Wood.

Top kek

>> No.26078606
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What you need to understand OP is that dot will be the blockchain protocol adopted by the elites precisely because its founder is a pedo.

It is our duty to get rich off their technologies in order to end up with the kind of power necessary to cleanse the world.

It is our long march through the institutions.

>> No.26078646

Holy shit it's real

>> No.26078650

Why would you ever publish this shit on the internet?

>> No.26078652

If I had known this a week ago I would have bought a bag, guy seems based as fuck.

>> No.26078764

was he also responsible for Parity multi-sign wallet hack bug?

>> No.26078876

FUD because you missed the pump

>> No.26078973

a terrible task but one that has to be done if evil is allowed control over this planet

>> No.26079025

whats the fuss about? nabokov dabbed on the haters too. just bought more DOT

>> No.26079034
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Why are lefties trying to normalize pedophilia??? I cant be the only one noticing this behavior? They want more then anything for children to have an adult mindset when it comes to sex and that is not the case.

>> No.26079067

so who posts these threads? Never been able to figure it out
is it AVAX shills?

>> No.26079088

Fudders how do you sleep at nigh, with so much lies?

>> No.26079089

No wonder Polkadot is so popular in Asia.

>> No.26079148

still a scam tho

>> No.26079286

Nah its legit, in terms of digital commodities this is going to be a good one to hold. ksm as well

>> No.26079372
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That fucker gives me some serious pedo vibes. Unfortunately these pedos can make you a shitload of money

>> No.26079643

Polkadot sounds exactly like what some retard pedo would name their cryptocurrency

>> No.26079763

Is there anyone of the Ethereum co-founders who isn't a pedo? What about Charles? Sure looks like one.

>> No.26080113

questionable fantasy aside, most disappointing is his trite writing style. and why would he want to have sex with someone who's hiv positive? am more worried about his latent deathwish desu. imagine if he ropes after the market succumbs to his spotty whims, "sore, but more content than she had ever known"?? especially since his name is an anagram of "gain do vow".... WHAT VOW, GAVIN?? WHAT'S THE GODDAMN VOW?!

>> No.26080167

Degenerate leftists dont think hard.

>> No.26080193

> yfw normies buying pedo coins
pedos get the rope btw.

>> No.26080467
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 60AF6B8A-44A5-43BD-80F9-012B2D33797F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is their favourite coin

>> No.26081192

Good, I'm buying more. Cope and dilate.