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26076502 No.26076502 [Reply] [Original]

If you’re over 30 and still haven’t made it either financially or socially, what keeps you motivated to not off yourself /biz/?

>> No.26076534

>implying i'm motivated to not off myself

>> No.26076593

29 here. I’m already dead inside. I’ve reached a point where it’s just becoming like a game where I live vicariously through myself

>> No.26076639
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2 months till 30 fuck.... and only 40.5 link

>> No.26076712

if you make threads like this...
what keeps you?

>> No.26076722

I can't leave without knowing I tried everything.

>> No.26076756

because 40 year olds can still bang teens if theyre rich enough

ive got another 8 years to make it

>> No.26076773

I gave my life to Christ, I will always have purpose no matter what

>> No.26076777

You can’t self insert as an anime girl either when you hit 30. Sad

>> No.26076809

Christcucks are turbo cringe

>> No.26076828

checked and fuck.... i swear i have sexy feet in stockings, can i profit from this maybe?

>> No.26076876

piping your mom every weekend when I am off of hustling and making it... old cunt, but cunt...

>> No.26076906

what do you mean by made it socially?

>> No.26076928

Extremely few people have "made it" by 30. Just keep improving your situation and don't worry about how everyone else is doing or you'll live everyday in your own personal hell.

>> No.26076937

I have no desire to die. Im in no pain. I’ll take as much life as I’m granted. Why would I kill myself when there so much content to consume till death

>> No.26076983

>If you’re over 30 and still haven’t made it
You haven't made it either... unless you sold everything.

>> No.26076986

30 is coming soon. idgaf tho. money is the only answer. age means nothing. keep slanging shitcoins boys

>> No.26076990

cringe is living for your own pleasure like an animal

>> No.26077015

Having a decent friends circle
Being in a relationship

>> No.26077049

Cringe is using Christian based slave morality to cope that you’re a cuck to success

>> No.26077079
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I am at uni and I am dirt poor but I decided to spend an hour each night before I go to bed to do match betting and online surveys, this gave me an income of roughly 150 britbongs a week.

I have invested 100% of that money in LINK and ADA I now have over 20,000 britbongs.

You can make it too loser, you just need to hustle.

>> No.26077122

Because life can turn around just as quickly as it can go to shit. I'm enjoying the ride and I couldn't give a single solitary fuck about a bunch of metrics and checkpoints designed to make you feel defeated and weak.

>> No.26077166

chekt. your one last cope is about to end...

>> No.26077255

all these digits..... i'm ordering kneepads and stockings now

>> No.26077409

>one kid who doesn't like me/want to see me
>travelled to 70 countries
>lived in 17
>masters degree
>University lecturer
>just starting a business
It's not so simple anon. /biz/ is also my home. Why don't you kys?

>> No.26077646

most people who make it do so in their 30s and 40s anon

>> No.26077680

That would be easy way out. Boring.

>> No.26077681

I just don’t care. I play video games, I watch anime, and I act weird. Apparently I’m good looking so girls see my nerdy weirdo quirks as cute and endearing. Every girl I’ve dated commented on how I’m “not like other guys”. I’m not special, I live in an apartment, drive a civic, average sized penis, and 25k in savings. I’ve come to realize I just wanna do what I wanna do day to day.

>> No.26077733

yeah except the purpose of life isn't to live comfortably or to be happy, the purpose of life is to change the world around you and any other conclusion is pure cope

>> No.26077763
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>Be me 30 y/o
>make $17/hr
>have bad back, irritable all the time and hurts to stand for extended periods of time
>live with my mom
>still a virgin
> don't know how to get girls

I don't know anymore.

>> No.26077765
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>Every girl I’ve dated commented on how I’m “not like other guys”.

>> No.26077885

Just turned 40 a couple of weeks ago. The thought of being around an 18 year old girl is enough to make me want to off myself. They are quite possibly the most fucking annoying people in existence, including pajeets. But, I thought the same thing when I was 18 too, so maybe its just me.

>> No.26077968

you’ll make it anon

>> No.26077977

Bought link when I was 27 now I'm 31 with a networth ~$900k. Ghosted everyone a while ago after they got married or started having kids. Will probably disappear and move somewhere nice soon and figure shit out. Wtf do single people do in their 30s?

>> No.26078035

>The thought of being around an 18 year old girl is enough to make me want to off myself
You're not supposed to talk to them anon.
>t. 39yo

>> No.26078104

only zoomers use the age of 30 as some boogeyman

>> No.26078174

Why should you off yourself, you can become a terrorist

>> No.26078190

>being around them
Come on son, try and keep up.

>> No.26078201


>> No.26078208

>Turned 30 a few months ago.

Only thing keeping me sane is my XSN stack

>> No.26078277

Just turned 30, I have a good job, enough free time to relax, and I don't feel any social pressures. And I have a pretty good shot of making it by 40 anyways.

>> No.26078306

I fuck girls that young in Philippines but even if they're older they're annoying to be around.

>> No.26078336

turned 30 few months ago. what keeps me going is the fact I am close to making it. also have a great fulfilling career.

>> No.26078384

I'm alive, I live comfortably with next to no effort compared to that my ancestors had to put into their lives. I have all the entertainment of the world and all its knowledge in my hands if I want to enjoy or learn from it.
I can eat delicious food any time I want. I have a warm and comfortable bed to sleep in.
I am content and sincerely thankful that my efforts, while not grandiose, have kept me afloat.

>> No.26078493

I’m 31, I have a daughter incoming so death is not an option.

Why do you faggots always cry about gay bullshit? 100 years ago people worked digging ditches for shit money and lived in wood huts

>> No.26078524
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Because only pussies give up OP. You sound like if you reached 30 you'd off yourself, regardless of how much money you'd have at the time. You need to get out of that mindset.

We need to make the most of the time we have, regardless of age. We're all going to die and if you worship youth, you'll die a million times before you hit 60.

>> No.26078622

Kek, based

>> No.26078783

have you reserved her onlyfans account?

>> No.26078819

>asking that question
You don’t get any empathy here anon

>> No.26078952

To be frank I would rather live off-grid in some wood hut being self-sustaining than being a wagie like I am now. If I don't make it to economic independence within a couple of years I'm buying a small plot of land somewhere and doing just that

>> No.26078974

I am 30 and starting to get bad thoughts. Did not make it and I am quite far from it, living in rented studio which I do not like that much in foreign country away from my family and friends. Do not have girlfriend and because of fucking covid I gained like 10kg. Can not stop thinking about all stuff that I fucked up in a past

>> No.26079046
File: 32 KB, 649x542, net worth by age percentiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw in 95th percentile but flirting with suicide erryday

>> No.26079105

Because 30 is nothing, when you are 16 you think 30 is old as shit, when you get here you realise that was a delusion.

>> No.26079339

1.5 Years until grad Stem-Degree. Took the courage to 4-digit everything DCA since October into Crypto, nothing on regular bank account, just enough to get along every month. I just want to 5x this Year to get a good Start ahead. Im happy as everything is.

>> No.26079344

38, two sons

I FOMO-ed and decided to put 20% of free cash into crypto.
I was lurking since 2016, but always thought you are all fucking retarded for playing with internet coins (stockfags and metalfags are ok, though). Sorry bros.
Anyway, anything I will make by the end of this year on crypto I will still put into dividend stocks.

and making it is a meme. money alone will not change anything.

>> No.26079524

Absolutely based

>> No.26079649

Parents would be sad; Feel like my short life of suffering will be nothing compared to an eternity of bliss with God; Don't want the jews to transfer my debt to my folks, etc

>> No.26079694

define 'socially'

>> No.26079760

is there an EU version?

>> No.26079809

Damn I can taste the tears over the wires

>> No.26079864

Im married, have a kid and my parents take care of my main expenses.
Im fine.

>> No.26080027

because I will have millions of monis in a couple of years
and also, money isn't everything
life has many many other benefits

>> No.26080307

>raising a daughter in 2021

lmao fuck me, good luck

>> No.26080540

I try not to think about it too much.