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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26073958 No.26073958 [Reply] [Original]

why is he such an unlikable asshole?

>> No.26073996

narcissistic personality disorder

>> No.26074017

because he's a fat fuck

>> No.26074054
File: 871 KB, 828x788, Screenshot 2020-11-26 at 12.56.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you sold you stack faggot. And you still poor. Go check the charts we are $0.005 away from breaking the $0.36 three year resistance. Once we go past $0.36 the next level of resistance is at $1.18.. This is literally your last day to buy

>> No.26074105

I like him

>> No.26074114

>holding for years just to acquire a 3x

>> No.26074152

If you bought like me at $0.05 you would be up x7 right now

>> No.26074165

Imagine if you had bought link 3 years ago. Hehehehe....

>> No.26074185

If you bought the dips you’d be up 15x from June.

>> No.26074235

>if you bought like me years ago
No thanks. I already achieved that with statera alone in august kekw

>> No.26074288

>years ago
It was $0.05 in May who said years ago?
Also Statera is fucking trash

>> No.26074348
File: 139 KB, 1596x1018, Screenshot 2021-01-16 at 19.40.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>statera alone in august
Also if you bought Statera in august you would be down 66% right now. You are just pulling figures out of your ass

>> No.26074393

That’s not the point.. Have fun with your shelly goguen whatever the fuck that weeb shit is called kek

>> No.26074425

>assumes I bought on august 12
Cardano holders, gents. kek

>> No.26074454

Have fun with your worthless brown chip ERC20 token that nobody wants

>> No.26074470

got rich because he peddled his shitcoin to midwit reddit retail. next in line for the SEC. going to say his name a few times so his web crawler picks this post up.

Charles Hoskison.
Charles Hoskison.
Charles Hoskison.

>> No.26074487

even the worst pajeet ERC has smart contracts. ada doesnt

>> No.26074529

The lowest price it hit in August was $0.05 and the current price is $0.09 thats not a x7 not even a x2.

>> No.26074567


>> No.26074578

Smart contracts go live in four weeks. I don't know what you are fudding about.

>> No.26074631

Hello Charles Hoskinson we know about your 4chan crawler. You seem pretty cool though

>> No.26074677

what a fucking tool lmfao

>> No.26074713

>is ""releasing"" in 2021 what vitalik made in his loli dungeon basement in 2014

>> No.26074833

Keywords: Charles Hoskinson IOHK Cardano

Cardano is a cool coin. You should just be gay though Charles. You are so cute, and so smart, and so funny. I hope you enjoy reading this PDF. :-)

>> No.26074911

lol... its pretty obvious to me that hes saying he bought before the august pump and sold on the uptrend

>> No.26074954
File: 1.83 MB, 720x1280, 1610687570357.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hosk's crawler is my favorite /biz/ meme kek

>> No.26074971
File: 316 KB, 921x944, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice reminder that 99% of shitcoins will financially ruin you

>> No.26074989
File: 162 KB, 600x600, 1610460905188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a woman and I find Charles Hoskinson extremely attractive

>> No.26075015

Hi Charles, I really enjoy watching your videos, especially your AMAs

Cardano IOHK ADA

>> No.26075025

He’s disgusting and I hate all the fucking cuckold faggots that support him. Worthless

>> No.26075068


>> No.26075083

Never gonna stop fagposting about what a cute cub Charles is. Also eth is crappy.

>> No.26075134

Stop, he’s fucking handsome as hell and who wants a twink during snuggle season anyway? He’s my internet husbando. :-(