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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26069216 No.26069216 [Reply] [Original]

My mom wants me to go see a financial advisor. Why do I need to do that?

>> No.26069602

Pay off all denbts, spend less than what you earn, and invest the rest. There, I saved you the time and money you'd spend with a financial advisor.

>> No.26069970

financial advisor may refer you to Boomer stocks and hedge funds

>> No.26070329

So you dont ruin your life on a frogomancy forum you fucking idiot.

SHE IS DOING YOU A FAVOR take care of the women in your life OP stop being fucking selfish. /biz/ is ultra retarded I lost so much money on this stupid fucking board, IF I HAD ACCESS TO YOUR ACCOUNT ID JUST PUT IT ALL IN THE BANK. Yeah its boring and yeah you still have to do your 9-5 but its SAFE. Whats wrong with retiring at 60? Do your community a service, pay your taxes, and become a functioning member of society. STOP FUCKING GAMBLING YOU CHILD. Oh yeah and Im 40 and what Im telling you is true. Im usually on /pol/ but I like going on /biz/ and telling these kids on here (I can tell your like 18 by the way) how to properly invest. LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER, GO WORK, AND PAY YOUR TAXES.

>> No.26070471


> /pol/ retard
no wonder you ngmi

>> No.26070524

>(((financial advisor)))

>> No.26070542

10/10 topkek

>> No.26070599
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Op whatever you do don’t listen to this guy

>> No.26070610

kill yourself

>> No.26070630

She wants you to get a job & get out of the basement

>> No.26070713
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And most of all OP, do not forget to take the vaccine

>> No.26070751

So you can "invest" into Boomer scams. Take profits and convert them into hard assets like PMs, farm land (although be conscious that the market is a bloated bubble), livestock (people will always want steak and pork chops regardless of the economy), as well as a good arsenal of firearms with plenty of ammo for each gun. In regards to STAWKS, PM miners, gun manufacturers, ag stocks, booze, and tobacco might retain value after the Boomer collapse (think of industries that would do well during economic depressions and large social unrest - booze, tobacco, and other "sin products" always do well in addition to basic necessities).

There bro. I just saved you a fortune and gave you the blueprint you need to survive the Boomer Apocalypse.

>> No.26070774
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im either retiring at 20 or committing suicide, sorry shlomo

>> No.26070796

>thinks investing in the 4th industrial revolution is gambling while not realizing inflation ass rapes your savings
that presupposes we live a cohesive society that cares about your well being it doesn't
>Im usually on /pol/
go back you fucking storm fag the only way to stop what the powerful are doing to us is getting wealthy not this gay, "lets just organize shit"

>> No.26070808

You missed healthcare. Godless boomers will sell their families entire wealth for another year of watching TV.

>> No.26070842
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Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.26070894

>Trusting the bank with your money

>> No.26070933
File: 128 KB, 750x920, kekaroo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh yeah and Im 40 and what Im telling you is true.
Oh it's a Gen X /pol/ boomer too that's even funnier

>> No.26070972

You already have financial advisors! All members of biz registered fa's that specialize in upcoming and fringe assets. Assblaster was my advisor for a while and he has made me wonderful returns

Actually tho I had a financial advisor at Edward Jones and honestly the guy was an idiot. He didn't know anything about bitcoin, just pushed normie stocks and boomer etfs. He even told me it was a bad idea to put 20k in tesla in 2019. Needless to say I dont have a financial advisor anymore

>> No.26071050

sounds like hell

>> No.26071120
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Holy shit how many times do you think this guys future wife or gf will fuck tyrone a week? Id say 6-7 times min

>> No.26071131

^^^True true, OP. Don't dismiss the narcissistic God-complex that most Boomers have. You could make a goldmine off of it.

>> No.26071164

ngmi: the post

>> No.26071193

this is literally one of the gayest fucking things i ever read in my life shut the fuck up

>> No.26071318

>put it all in the bank
>wage slave
>work your whole life untill 60
>functioning member of society
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha what a faggot

>> No.26071380

You're not gonna make it unless your family private recommends a financial advisor first.

>> No.26071413

She wants you to lose all your money because she’s jealous of your crypto gains.

>> No.26071458

Just get a good accountant.

>> No.26071512
File: 402 KB, 828x595, 8A9E6DA8-3631-4BC9-A6DF-43574E31A0F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chi chi wants him to grow up to be... a functional member of society?... yeah, lame, that’s what.

>> No.26071545

>all these seething responses
Thanks for the fresh pasta

>> No.26071615
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>> No.26072009
File: 45 KB, 609x615, simpleas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good bait anon, cheers