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26063695 No.26063695 [Reply] [Original]


Also he says a 2012/2013 scenario is unfolding where there will be 2 bull runs. So far he’s been right and I don’t think DiVinci gets enough credit.

>> No.26064006

What about alt season?

>> No.26064049

He talks about alt coins but I’m not into them. He said something about binance coin going to 1000

>> No.26064639

>I don’t think DiVinci gets enough credit.
He was buying BTC as far back as when it was priced around 50cent so I think it's far to say he has a good knowledge of this market

>> No.26064677

Can i have the video link where he talks about it please?

>> No.26064720


>> No.26064747

>Also he says a 2012/2013 scenario is unfolding where there will be 2 bull runs
Please elaborate anon. I read from another OG that he believes we will see an extended bullrun, which will peak in 2024. Is this what DiVinci is talking abojt as well?
Also based negro, I like him

>> No.26064758

Just go back a few weeks and see how inaccurate his calls are. No one knows.

>> No.26064783

literally fucking who

>> No.26064815

>Also he says a 2012/2013 scenario is unfolding where there will be 2 bull runs
no that's what willy woo says, he's just repeating
imagine being called DI vinci

>> No.26064831

>few weeks
He is known for his long term calls where he is often right. It's useless to see over a few weeks

>> No.26064894


>> No.26065018


>> No.26065069

He's a youtube thats been around for well over a decade, his channel was focused on buying gold and silver / fan of Ron Paul. Once BTC came around he slowly started to incorporate this also until it eventually all become about crypto. He was talking about bitcoins and buying them when it was still in the cent range.

>> No.26065089


>> No.26065161

btw, he's been buying NANO and he thinks it could go as high as 600k sats but keep fudding and stay poor faggots.

>> No.26065162


>> No.26065194

nano, looool.

>> No.26065309

based davinci

>> No.26065350



>> No.26065522

Based diVinci

>> No.26065680

why does charles barkleys brother shill his referral links so hard, and stream so much with the two other weird guys always shilling some bullshit
if he really has 1000s of btc he wouldn't bother shilling for crumbs and streaming everyday

>> No.26066067

>he sells his crypto


>> No.26066969

Hmm and to think that when I make it I'll be able to do whatever the fuck I want. Whether it be streaming/shilling or simply sitting on a beach somewhere. Apparently there are specific things you must do when you make it; Care to elaborate for all us plebs?

>> No.26067009

when you have tens of millions you want hundreds of millions

>> No.26067773

I came to this conclusion myself like a big boy. Other big boys will have came to it themselves too. Literally just clip the price action of the last couple of months and try to find somewhere on the chart that looks the most similar and you can come to this conclusion too!

>> No.26068098

Which video does he explain this in OP?

>> No.26068338
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This nigga your crypto prophet? Any freshman will shit on his bald ass, embarrassing.

>> No.26068365


>> No.26068398
File: 450 KB, 576x662, creptoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GOOD MORNING FOLKS, remember, this bideo is for entertainment purposes only and is not financial advice. Please do your own research before spending your own hard earned money

>> No.26068594

shouldn't he be a literal billionaire by now?
shilling BTC aggressively since 2013 and still needing to whore himself out daily on youtube LIKE SHARE SUBSCRIBE CLICK MY COUPON CODE LINK AND CHECK MY LIVESTREAM GUYS TO THE MOON HAHA something doesn't add up

>> No.26068842

>May 2011

>> No.26068911

>does what he would normally do but on camera for more money
idk seems like a no brainer desu

>> No.26068968

>Jan 2012

>> No.26069065
File: 18 KB, 320x242, 1602101469594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iz like yuro for dem internetz shieet

>> No.26069130

Never listen to shitskins or kikes when it comes to money or investment.

>> No.26069168

if you trace back his entire video from over a decade it's the same narrative regardless if it's gold and silver or bitcoin. He read Ron Paul and it changed him, he had a true understanding of how money work and how it works against the poor and middle class. Ever since then he has done the same thing which is to tell as many people as possible about gold silver and now bitcoin. He does it cause he can and cause he whats as many people as possible to break out of debt so I highly doubt he gets on YT for the money.

>> No.26069176

Both him and his streaming partner LOOK low IQ

Anyone want to redpill me on why these guys deserve any attention?

>> No.26069204

shame cause this guy would have told you to buy BTC when it was in the cents

>> No.26069235

this schwartza has more money than you ever will. how does that make you feel

>> No.26069270
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, billionaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude I have billions, but I also waste my time making dumb zoomer thumbnails for videos with titles like "BITCOIN & ETHEREUM | THIS GRAPH WILL SCARE THE BEJESUS OUT OF YOU (but its not what it seems)" and get 15K views on it
something doesn't add up

>> No.26069376

Moneymaker, or whatever the name of that retarded redneck is, won wsop main event and kickstarted the poker hype. Don't think any pros lost sleep because of it.

>> No.26069426


Plenty of other people did the same. You still only have one Thomas Sowell for 5 billion nigger apes.

>> No.26069464

maybe he's bored, maybe was married and the bitch took half, maybe he is passionate about crypto environment.

The guy was in from 2011, so it is safe to assume he made a shit ton of money.

>> No.26069553
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, aaaaaaaaaah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26069688

he also has a paid telegram group lol

>> No.26069707

you ever think he might just enjoy it?

>> No.26070259

shilling BTC aggressively since 2013 and still needing to whore himself out daily on youtube LIKE SHARE SUBSCRIBE CLICK MY COUPON CODE LINK AND CHECK MY LIVESTREAM GUYS TO THE MOON HAHA something doesn't add up

>> No.26070485

that's all they have. they are 'rich' but they shill referral links for noobs to get absolutely owned by pros and bots. these aren't good people they are scum and this one is scum and a nigger.

>> No.26070584

you are a brainlet. 'maybe he's bored' lmao. maybe this nigga is playing you retards. people with 1000s of bitcoin have absolutely no need to make cringe youtube videos w cringe thumbnails. he almost certainly got REKT trading so he tries to sell his referral links so you can also get rekt

>> No.26070633

It’s too early to tell any of that

>> No.26070660

He's your average /pol/tard though.

>> No.26070872

& @all

>Is a Dev since years
>Never really talks about /pol/itics in his vids.
>Is a hardcore chart analys
>Does videos bcz he´s a boomer, wants to monetize his knowledge but isn´t like your basic yt´er

he´s a good one in my eyez, maybe he isnt even enough in politics.

>> No.26070909

based groid unironically