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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 329 KB, 912x610, 1498245333876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2606081 No.2606081 [Reply] [Original]

What REALLY killed DGB, the shills, the FUDders, or Jared?

>> No.2606090

sharpie in pooper killed all of dgb momentum going forward

>> No.2606093

All of them, but mostly the shills.

DGB was meme'd WAY too hard, thats why the fall was so savage.

>> No.2606098

All of the above

>> No.2606114
File: 5 KB, 832x405, sharpiesales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sharpie in pooper was when i knew dgb had no future

>> No.2606159
File: 3 KB, 452x523, 1438948609534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes goy, DGB is dead, you should sell your last bags now that we're sub 1000 sats

You people are retarded. DGB is 50% from what it was last month.

>> No.2606182

Rip dgb just sold the rest of my stash.

>> No.2606199

this has to be coordinated anti-dgb shilling. tell me pajeets, who is paying you to do this?

>> No.2606200

>implying the jews didn't already cash out at 2400

>> No.2606226

>implying the Jews aren't accumulating so that they can cash out at 3000

>> No.2606994

Not to mention, fuckhuge trading volume during pumps. Over 50k BTC combined from all exchanges. It'll recover next week. Same shit happened when it rose to 900 sats then dropped to ~500 sats.

>> No.2607039

>implying the Jews will dump at 3000

DGB is FOR strongman alpha hands only cause that shit is going to go much higher.

nothing really killed the coin
it has a lot of volume and high buy amounts of you watch the order book closely which is suspicious so there's some suppression happening for whatever reason

the coin is extremely undervalued just be patience and don't blow all your money on it trying to get rich quick you autistic fags

>> No.2607079

this did it for me

>> No.2607115

>A coin with no new tech or future which smart money never invested in.


>> No.2607203

Alpha big cock hands only. Will moon soon

>> No.2607212
File: 76 KB, 580x715, DGB Panel Citi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Tech or future, riiiight.

They were invited to this btw, to speak, and demo their tech. Wasn't even supposed to be their day.

>> No.2607222
File: 342 KB, 1681x1502, 1497835139460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this

>> No.2607223
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>> No.2607294


citi is fucking huge. And, of course, they said "yea lets invite some shitcoin creators to show our jews how shitbank we are"
guys you are missing another moon mission.

>> No.2607335

Got started as a quick PnD, it had potential as a legit coin but just got shilled too hard.

Jared had to jump out of bed to clean up house before the guests arrived but they came in before he got his pants on.

>> No.2607357


what the fuck LOL!

>> No.2607425

I saw that live it was glorious

>> No.2607505

Hilarious how much of a joke Citi must have thought of them to invite them back days later to present at ANOTHER conference in Hong Kong.... hm............

>> No.2607514

i was there too
hope bro got that 0.5BTC for rent he did it for

>> No.2607525

read that as #sharpiethefuture at first

>> No.2607544

>expecting a coin that went x25 in 2 week to continue going
itt: dumb niggers

>> No.2607588

How is it even possible to be this hairy?

>> No.2607621
File: 243 KB, 720x405, 60531939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this episode of seinfield when jerry didn't have iron hands and george became a god? He then fed his poor friends not to gloat but to have them enjoy his happiness? That will happen here. The difference? I aint sharing shit with any of you niggers.

>> No.2607637

>not to gloat but to have them enjoy his happiness
No, I don't remember that because it never happened. George always did things to gloat and never cared about anyone else but himself.

>> No.2607653

Yea that's why he was telling them to eat more and more and to order whatever they want.
GTFO of here Jerry.
You a Jerry.

>> No.2607686

That was just part of the gloating
>"I made so much money I can afford to buy you all this food that you can't yourself because you made nothing"

>> No.2607739

Or he showed that persistence and not being a bitch with weak hands and buy high sell low is a stupid thing and that even though everyone doubted him he wanted to share the fruits of his labor. Like the story of the chicken and the soup no one wanted to help her make the soup so she made it all by herself then niggas wanna come around and shove sharpies up their pooper for some soup but she said "nah"
George on the other hand being strong mind body and soul recognized that these were still his friends and want to share something with them.
I mean whats the point of doing anything if you can't sit back and enjoy things with your friends?
Do you have friends? Asking on a real level cause you seem like a selfish cunt who buys high sells low then whines when someone else makes it.
You are most certainly a Jerry.

>> No.2607801

>misinterpreting the characterization of george costanza this badly