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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26059947 No.26059947 [Reply] [Original]

I shill for the greater good. Fudders and trolls will post the paid shill package image, but they're only half right. I'm being paid by my staking rewards. Together we will witness the next mooning

>> No.26060008

How long until we see $80 mememeister?

>> No.26060106

i literally bought this fucking shit just to not be irritated by the red memes

>> No.26060135

I feels so good to have bought AVAX, right now it's the second best thing it has happened to me after bitcoin, and I have no doubts that it could even surpass that.

>> No.26060168
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Wise choice

>> No.26060177
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same I bought in at 8 because I was tired of everybody memeing, then wake up- it's pretty much at 12. op you are a fucking legend, cannot wait to smoke cigars with you in the infinity pool

>> No.26060201

we will see the great beyond. we will break 80 and then 100. we will suffer the corrections and reaccumulation periods together, for we know what the future holds. we are the AVAXarmy

>> No.26060223

LMAO I see you read my other thread. real ones know

>> No.26060320

Damn, we Avax Chads just cant stop winning. Dont worry, we accept you even if you fudded. As long as you are a true belirver now and have seen the light. It is still really early.

>> No.26060339

Biz FUDs this, so I buy. It's really that simple.

>> No.26060350

Wagmi bro.

>> No.26060525

the shilling simply brings the fudders out of the woodwork. doing gods work here.

>> No.26061301

I'm already 4x and this stuff isn't easy for Burgers to buy.

I'm going to make it mum.

>> No.26061394

Imagine the potential. Thats at least x10. This is what we have been saying all along, but they were too blind and jelly to see. Youre gonna make you mom proud, thats how we Avaxbros roll. We do well our best for the senpai.

>> No.26061440

I bought in at 9 how to get rewards bros?

>> No.26061491

I hold a nice stack of AVAX but I feel there's too much euphoria going on in these threads.
On the other hand I firmly believe this project should easily shoot to top10 mcap.
I would feel more at ease if this project got fudded a bit more

>> No.26061697

$100 AVAX EOW!

>> No.26061792

The stuff we say here is irrelevant. Look at the project itself. Learn about it and understand the euphoria. The real big buys are not being made here anyway. This is a taiwanese figureskating board. People all over the globe are buying Avax because they believe in the project + fomo.

>> No.26062129

I bought at 7, 8 ,9 and ten. They told me everytime that was the top.
1 AVAX a day keeps the rope away!

>> No.26062208
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Why does me being an AVAXCHAD make you seethe so much? Let me explain why; psychologically speaking you want to project yourself to your peers on /biz/, because you want a safespace for your weakchinned, effeté body, face, and personality. You want to be in a safespace of likeminded maximalists as you defend and shill for your substandard coin. The POSSIBILITY that someone in this safespace actually being a chad with foresight and the wisdom of betting on the Turk Prime, Emin (PBUH), destroying pussy and being a social bon vivante is utterly degenerative to your self esteem. You are, in every sense of the word, envious because not only do you baghold the worst coins on earth to live life fully, but you don't want anybody to NOT have the luxury to live life fully. You're probably a borderline personality and a sociopath, and I see that as the case with too many slavs or pajeets because the FUD regime has turned you into soft malleable clay for stupidity, conformism and psychopathy.

>> No.26062476

This is why you should think for yourself. You made the right decision by seeing all the untapped potential and thats why you deserve your gains. No more ropes for us.

Holy fucking based. I think its true brainlets that cant see the projects potential and future and try to FUD it with nonsense. The people in the know understand the road ahead. Its comfy.

>> No.26062479

I missed buying at a price to make a make it stack due to slow banks, now I'm completely priced out. Any predictions on a dip?

>> No.26062819

I've missed so many projects because of this mentality. "damn it's too expensive now, I'm priced out", "it has to come down, I'll wait for the dip"

If I spent the time to calculate the unrealized gains from all those times that I used those excuses to justify not buying a coin I would go to the store right now and buy their strongest rope.

The funny thing is, that mentality that you and I share is called "greed" and it means that when the dip comes instead of buying, you'll think about how it can go even lower, you will miss the dip that you begged so desperately for.

Just do yourself a favour and buy in now and stake

>> No.26062842

what's a make it stack in AVAX?

>> No.26062859

It's literally at an all time high though and this is my savings from the last few years. Currently a node is $22,000. Surely BTC crashing is something to wait for?

>> No.26063277

It was an ath at 8, 9, 10 and 11 usd

And now it's almost $12

There has literally been one or more anons in every thread for the last week saying that it's an ath and to wait for the dip.

Also this thing was pumping through Btc drop from 42k to 30k and continues to pump now so it's a risky play imo.

Tldr your greed and fear are getting the better of you.

>> No.26063547

I already bought at 3.5 and 7. I was just waiting to move a large amount so I can get to a node and by the time that arrived the price skyrocketed.

Sure it's been hitting all time highs but it's not just a straight line up. Yesterday it also fell to 8.5. It doesn't just rise.

It's me not wanting to squander my savings because I won't have a chance to spend this much again in the future. It literally costs double what it cost on Monday. It's only going to get more and more impossible to get a node. Even if it stuck at the price it is now and never went up I wouldn't be able to afford a node for the next few years.

>> No.26063783

2k desu. Thats enough for a node and yearly 10% + appreciation of Avax. Maybe 1k. 500 is comfy. 200 suicide stack.

>> No.26063828

>but I feel there's too much euphoria

I mean yeah, I kinda agree. The is bound to be a dip and some point - question is, when that will be, could be after $20 for example. Me personally I just love seeing the fudders get BTFO.

I'm in at an average of $5.5 which now looks super comfy, as I doubt it will go back to that price again. If it does I will be lowering my average buy in and buying more.

>> No.26063886

Remember... 1 AVAX a day... keeps the rope away

>> No.26063922
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Look at the guy in pic realted.

He didn't rebuy and watched ETH "moon" to $100, then he still didn't rebuy. He must want to rope himself now.

At the end of the day, this is a solid project and insanely undervalued. The price literally doesn't matter. If you are obsessed with the short term price movements and "MUH TOP" you're not gonna make it. Simple as.

>> No.26063986

>Surely BTC crashing is something to wait for?

1) BTC Might not crash
2) This thing was pumping vs BTC, when BTC was dumping

You couldn try dollar cost averaging in, but I fully expect that will be more expensive than apeing in now. Just my own personal opinion, but DYOR of course.

>> No.26064030
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Being a poorfag fucking sucks when I see an opportunity as good as this.

>> No.26064041


Thanks anon. Yeah it stings that if I ape now I'll be spending a few thousand to get what a few hundred just got me a week ago, all because I was waiting on banks. This puts me miles away from a make it stack

>> No.26064106

Same i can only scrape enough together for 10 avax

>> No.26064437

Fuck man, that screencap is heavy af. I've saved it so that I can remind myself in the future that it's better to ape in and become a bagholder for days/weeks/months than to get left behind and spiral into darkness

Luckily I heavily research everything that biz shills and I've been in avax since $3.60. 10,589 avax, I'm in the process of setting up my node now. It still doesn't feel real, knowing that I'm literally set for life.

>> No.26064488

You're in 6 figure hell

>> No.26064900

For now bro, but I honestly believe that $100 is bare minimum for avax in the short to mid term, which will put it in the top 10 and put me over 1 mil and living off the more than 100k/year passive income

I'm thinking about naming my node AvaxBizbrosMoneyPrinter I wonder if any biz bros would delegate to me.

>> No.26065105

1k here, am I gmi?

>> No.26065157
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slightly corrected the pic sir

>> No.26065182

if it reaches 1000$ yes

>> No.26065705
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Yeehaw pajeets

>> No.26065949

I would.

We could have annual meet ups. Compare notes on lambos.

>> No.26066014

Lmao Java

JS + Typescript is way better for initial adoption.

>> No.26066178

Where should Americans buy AVAX?

>> No.26066608

All of my AVAX are on Binance, how often do they freeze withdrawals like this? Is it something that I should check back in on daily or weekly or what?

>> No.26066717
File: 720 KB, 1538x312, 1610785724151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Written in pajeet webdev language

No type safe language

Consensus algorithm unproven your testnet with 5 friends making up 2000 nodes does not matter

Turks about to unload on 1st june

Classic pump and dump shitcoin

See IOTA Digibyte Holochain Peercoin Feathercoin

>> No.26066769

They freeze withdrawal because the avax network is shit
Binance node is under attack
Binance node is out of sync with rest of network

There is no way for binance node to continue but to trust and be spoonfed by a coinmakers turknode

>> No.26066868


>> No.26066880

No real person on /biz/ formulates sentences that are this gay, only the shizos are polite here and they dont shill AVAX. In fact, they say that it is a stupid scamcoin and even a braindead retard like my self can agree with them after some researsch. So just kys turkroach, or I will equip grecce with napalm to roast your country.

>> No.26066905

Is it too late to buy in? I had trouble buying as an American and now I feel it's too late

>> No.26067488

I should have listened to the AVAX shills when it was at $3, can only afford 22 now

>> No.26067680

check the status on this Telegram bot channel:


The reason Binance does this is because it competes again Binance Smart Chain. Binance support will tell you to sell your AVAX to other crypto to withdraw instead. They like to do this often to suppress the price or they are running out of balance as people withdraw.