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2605533 No.2605533 [Reply] [Original]

So now that Ethereum is about to collapse massively, with ICOs scamming people left and right, blockchain being maxed out, Vitalik losing his fucking mind... were any of you smart enough to get out in time?

>> No.2605558

Cashed out at 400 USD master race reporting in.

>> No.2605577

what happens with the network and the tokens if ethereum collapse?
will they (token guys like aragon, humaniq, whatever) just take another chain and give us 1:1 tokens on that new chain. or wont it affect the tokens if ether price collapse?
i dont care care about ethereum i only care about tokens.

>> No.2605620
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>> No.2605626

>Vitalik losing his fucking mind
wait what?

>> No.2605637
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Bought 3 coins at 330

Just sold one coin

The other two coins are still arriving in a few days.

I was just trying to invest in a coin that was strong and stable, now I'm seeing anons saying Eth's blockchain tech does not even work.

I am fucked aren't I

>> No.2605655

everything is down atm. eth will go up again but its allready very high if you look at the chart for a year.

>> No.2605687

> this titanic sinking meme was posted for bitcoin dying when ether was rising high.
>bitcoin did not sink
>same will happen for ethereum, it will rise again

>> No.2605702
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I've exchanged 1BTC from my ETH stash to pay back the £2000 loan I borrowed from my bank to buy ETH, but I'm still not going to pay them
The rest of my entire life's savings are still in ETH and I'm not concerned at all

>> No.2605710

you will become what is known as a 'bagholder', the real beauty of this crash is that its about to take a few billion dollar ecosystems down with it.

>> No.2605832

>mfw all the shitcoin money will go back to bitcoin and bitcoin will hit $10000

>> No.2605858

yeah except ethereum is shit, unlike bitcoin

>> No.2606385

Bitcoin is here to stay that is for sure.

>> No.2606558

as soon as segwit is implemented, and transfer fees go down and speeds go up, no other coins will be able to compete.
I pity the fools who don't hold BTC

>> No.2606642

>holding BTC
>not riding pumps to accumulate more BTC
it's like you hate money

>> No.2606702

I have 3 BTC worth on shitcoins, but soon most shitcoins will go to shit, and only 10-20 will survive
remember dogecoin? it survived because everyone was shilling it, they got a Nascar car, and sent Jamaican guys to the olympic games.
All other shitcoins died.
I have 50+ folders with wallet.dat from those coins
do you think you will remember bitbean in 3 years?
or DGB?
most ethereum tokens that don't do anything?
if a coin doesn't do anything, (not in the future, now) then it's a shitcoin that will die.
Ride the waves, make profit, sure, but they will die soon.

>> No.2606760

DGB is from those times.

>> No.2607240

>So now that Ethereum is about to collapse massively, with ICOs scamming people left and right, blockchain being maxed out, Vitalik losing his fucking mind... were any of you smart enough to get out in time?

Hmm... yes I remmember the DAO hack.
Hedl through it like a champ and came out on the other end richer. Still got a few gs in ethereum, waiting for corporations to start pushing out software.

>> No.2607281

remember when 1 month ago ethcucks were screeching about bitcoin maximalists being out-of-touch grandpas and some other shit that was clearly jealousy of early BTC holders?

funny how all these icos have shut them up -- made them realize the tech is absolute shit -- Ethereum can't even handle an ICO without getting congested

>> No.2607309

God damn it this shit is about to go vertical.
People market selling left right and centre.
You have literally minutes to get the fuck out.

>> No.2607332

Sold my 300ETH around $300-320

Wish I sold at the peak but it could've been a lot worse.

>> No.2607400

ETC LTC XRP master race

>> No.2607421

I didn't get out at the height, but I sold all of my ETHype, and shorted after back to Bitcoin.

Glad I did.

>> No.2607459

ive been buyuing in at around 300 USD what am i in for? gonna hodl for now

>> No.2607499

I sold at 355$

But then i spent bought into ICN, which itself is deep into ETH

>> No.2607502
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anons need to cash out into btc or fiat before they are left holding shitcoin bags forever

ain't nobody is gonna buy DGB at 500 sat when the altpocalypse happens

>> No.2607516


>> No.2607969
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>> No.2608036


> Bought in at 200, thought why not gamble a bit after holding BTC since 2014
> Cashed out at 370

Going back to just holding BTC, no interest in daytrading, and wouldn't put a penny in ETH now that I know more about it.

>> No.2608217

The blockchain has its limitations, but you see, this is why Bancor was made.

>> No.2608701

etherium is coming back! woo!

>> No.2608732




>> No.2608791

9 lives

>> No.2609494


What is it you know, anon?

>> No.2609517
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sold at 330 a while ago

>> No.2609621

I got out at 320. This shit is going down to $100