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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26049525 No.26049525 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please explain what’s going? I’m new here obviously and ever since I started browsing it’s all link is dead link is a scam link is a security...etc basically stuff that would put off an investor from buying. But now, it’s all positive threads speaking about it going to three digits and what not. I’m honestly lost and feel like buying some right now but I’m also confused on why the consensus changed suddenly? Wish I didn’t listen to these threads and bought some when it was cheaper.

>> No.26049559

Just buy some faggot. What else are you gonna do, have the money sit in your bank account? LOL

>> No.26049599

LINK is still a scam we're just shilling it so we can dump our bags

>> No.26049638

It's mcdonalds coin

>> No.26049641
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It's all random

>> No.26049687
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>I’m new here obviously and ever since I started browsing it’s all link is dead link is a scam link is a security...etc basically stuff that would put off an investor from buying. But now, it’s all positive threads speaking about it going to three digits and what not.

>> No.26049690


>> No.26049703

dont buy and stay poor, buy and die broke
what do?
dyor fren
here's a hint
market buy

>> No.26049751
File: 38 KB, 530x476, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double top, Link will be at $10 tomorrow. Also, I made this pepe.

>> No.26049815

bro... this board is full of literal psychos who lie and pretend just for fun. in fact, they’re on every board. biggest redpill of all. over time you’ll just have to develop a sense of what is real and what isn’t... and what you can’t know. LINK and ETH are legit, they aren’t going anywhere and their usage will just increase. The rich boomers are trying to meme BTC into the spot gold occupies and frankly it looks like they’re gonna get there. Crypto is here to stay

>> No.26049938


>> No.26049982

OP u should learn about market cycles & shiet
link was in a reaccumulation phase & dum dums here were all upset about it or just FUDing it for fun
Now it's broken out of ATH and has clear skies ahead, price discovery blah blah
just remember most of biz is retards and u should like learn & experience some trading things so u don't get influenced by retards or dumb emotions

>> No.26049998

Unfortunately, I bought grt instead at 0.68, still holding. Should I sell and go into link?

Oh wow, thanks. It just amazes me how the opinion shifted immediately in a few days I was really puzzled. I guess I have much more to learn. Thanks again.

>> No.26050157

im no rich man, nor am I gonna try and claim to be one of the dudes who bought thousands of link under a dollar, but I started going all in on link with whatever I could off my shitty wage when it was at $2, feels really good today, about to hit my first $10k

my plan: all in but don't put in more than you're cool with losing

were all with you friend hope to see you on the yacht

>> No.26050198

I admit I’m extremely gullible, I will strive to be better thanks. Probably not a good idea to buy now though right?

>> No.26050205

wish i didnt listen to myself and bought those days
we cant predicts the market %100

>> No.26050260

a man is rich by his integrity my friend. Thank you for sharing your story and I hope we all make it.

>> No.26050295

OP, I lied and I'm sorry. I did not make that pepe.
Truth is, 99% of projects are total scams. Biz is full of psyops. Honest advice: research and put money you can afford to lose in solid projects.

You may make profit off some obscure coin with no future, but, then you have to become the scammer to get someone to buy it from you.

Link is good, always was.

>> No.26050319

You have to undertand that sentiment on /biz/ is extremely bipolar. It's either all or none. When something moves up, it's going to the moon EOD. If something dips, it's crashing to zero. And god forbid it remains stable for a couple hours, and then people will complain about it being a crab/snail.

Basically take anything you see here as a 100x overreaction.

>> No.26050390

Link is a scam
Its run by a fat russian philosophy major
HQ is in cayman islands
How many red flags do you need?

>> No.26050395

If you’re going to buy a top 10 coin just buy BTC. If you want real gains buy lower market cap coins. I typically have link threads filtered because their shills are literally autistic screeching faggots. New phone so thanks for reminding me to refilter these losers.

>> No.26050457

Those losers made a lot of money

>> No.26050491

Can anyone even explain what LINK is and why it's got potential to grow?
I just dropped a 2 grand into it because randoms on a Korean gambling website told me too

>> No.26050561


>> No.26050644


not OP, one of the dum dums who saw the first spike.

i would wait till it goes down again, i bought at 10 and sold half at 14 after the drop from $20.

>> No.26050691

My advice to you is to just use /biz/ as a starting point. It’s really good for getting to know what projects are out there and then researching them on your own. Don’t take the evaluations you see here too seriously. Keep in mind that people who say bad things about a project may be doing so to prevent other people from driving up the price so that they have time to buy more of it at cheap prices.

Another important thing is that it really takes time to get used to the way markets behave. I don’t think it’s possible to truly have a feel for it until you’ve been paying attention over the course of at least one cycle, which is usually like 3 years. To start developing this intuition if you’re new, just keep paying attention to charts. Try to guess where prices will head next and try to figure out why they did or did not do what you expected them to do.

>> No.26050850

If you bothered to do any research on your own you’d see that chainlinks IPO wasn’t available for US investors therefore it is not a security. If you’re going to make money on this board you need to filter gold from the mountain of shit.

>> No.26051982
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This. I shill AND fud chainlink almost everyday here because I fell for the chainlink is a meme meme before I got in after the google pump. Now I just like to spread confusion. Token not needed.

>> No.26052063
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Please tell me this is a LARP

>> No.26052065

It's called buy high sell low, join us!