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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26043648 No.26043648 [Reply] [Original]

have no debt besides 65k in low interest mortgage. Have several thousand cash saved. Can add at least 500 more a month for the foreseeable future. Where do I start boys? I'm somewhat financially literate. I just dont want to drown in inflation. Is there a pastebin or something? Please frens.

>> No.26043678

lurk here for 6months

>> No.26043749

dHedgeDAO would be a reasonable thing to research.

>> No.26043865
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Will do/ have been
Thank you fren!

>> No.26044368

thats it

>> No.26044450

Lurk /smg/ and buy the first three things you see posted.

>> No.26044478

Most people here just buy low and hold.

>> No.26044583


>> No.26044713
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I appreciate it
I am totally new to crypto but see a lot of references to link. I want to learn a lot more before buying as I'm not even sure HOW to buy yet

>> No.26044743

Do your own research. People push their coin on here for their own agenda and not due to any sound financial advice.

>> No.26045145

Is buying coins really ALL that biz recommends ?

>> No.26045290

You make an account on coinbase to buy it. People here talk up LINK because years ago when it was worth 20 cents people here wouldn't stop talking about it and the people that listened are making hundreds of thousands of dollars now.