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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26041145 No.26041145 [Reply] [Original]

Next leg up, WHEN??

>> No.26041191

I just want it to stay stable for a bit. Pumping kills my stake.

>> No.26041217

fucking piece of shit cost me 40k unreal

>> No.26041228

I sent my 500k stack to my kraken erc20 wallet because I'm retarded, so I guess I'm waiting for it to make it and be listed on Kraken

>> No.26041264

Sure it did you dumb fuck. If it actually did, you are the worst fucking person in crypto and should immediately rope.

>> No.26041410

wait till bao man rugpulls you all because he cant handle the heat

>> No.26041459

when $0.01?

>> No.26041465

Fuck off you useless larping sack of shit!

>> No.26041775

500k is worth like 100 dollars what?

>> No.26041837
File: 59 KB, 706x960, 872A0E25-A04F-4B86-9608-4DD6E4BC7F63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would u invest 40k into succh any early project then fud it lmao. Insane man. Just stake Bao for a year and u will legit make it

>> No.26041847

>3.3mil farmed a day so far

comfy farmer life. Can see some long term gains, and its a p small investment for the potential return.

>> No.26041870

Like $40 but he will be liquidated

>> No.26041904

Yeah but it's lost money and the gas fees were like another $20. If it ever breaks out and gets listed on kraken at $0.20 or whatever, I'll make it, otherwise not throwing away more money on a shitcoin

>> No.26041911

I lost 5 eth on this piece of shit.

>> No.26041947

Another loser larp? KYS

>> No.26041964

how do i stake them?

>> No.26042041

This is literally the equivalent of investing in memes but I don't mean that in a negative way.

This is the kind of thing that the more meme energy goes in the value grows.
Meme energy dies it dies.
You just gotta shitpost and meme it all day and it goes up. Days it isn't posted it drops.

>> No.26042253

Combine Bao and Eth om uniswap, add them to pool om Bao party. Need meta wallet. I think i make like 25-30k a day for $100 worth of eth and bao

>> No.26042289

Turn them into uniswap LPs (do bao-eth), then connect wallet to their website (bao.finance) and stake.

When you "harvest", you unstake and get no more farming for 28 days, then get 5% of the farmed amount, with the rest coming over 3 years.

>> No.26042356

when $0.01?when $0.01?when $0.01?when $0.01?when $0.01?when $0.01?when $0.01?when $0.01?when $0.01?when $0.01?when $0.01?

>> No.26042461

another food token scam kek

>> No.26042507
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Any of you Baochads know of any other coins that are this comfy farming? Are all defi farming projects like this?

Is this what STAChads are on?

>> No.26042606

Yeah, SUSHI was such a dumpster only x5 my stack.
Fucking shitcoins now days.

>> No.26042674

STA is doing some sort of pooling, but not sure how the rewards work.

>> No.26043112


>> No.26043167

I think ill go into 1inch pools next bear market

>> No.26043208

Literally a STAchad that got in at 2 cents. Still have my 2017 LINK bags, etc. BAO, i ape'd money into around 6000, now at 8394. For whatever fucking reason, I feel this one isnt a rug. Immediately started farming and am at over 5m farmed as of today. SUSHI explicitly naming BAO in their roadmap gives it enough legitimacy for me at 2m cap. We'll see.

>> No.26043274

But I forgot to answer your question. No, STA is a completely different premise and is much higher IQ than BAO desu. Its Balancer, and pool-centric, and dont want to shit up the BAO thread with a novel about STA.

>> No.26043352

Thank you based STAchad. Time 2 go check it out for myself. All of that sounds like good news for a comfy farmer such as myself.

>> No.26043713

should i be staking this shit i have 4 millon.

what is the best move? join liquidity pool and stake LP tokens on bao.finance?

>> No.26043757
