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File: 22 KB, 1000x500, What-is-Tether[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26035576 No.26035576 [Reply] [Original]

They missed the deadline. They didnt hand over any documents to the NYAG.

What does this mean? Are they about to rugpull? What power does the NYAG truly have if Tether + Bitfinex just tell them to go fuck themselves.

>> No.26035627

Tomorrow Tether is no more

>> No.26035656

How do you know? This is obvious tranny discord bullshit.

>> No.26035659
File: 77 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't her much more based than telling the nyag sheboon to go fuck herself

>> No.26035697


>> No.26035704

There is nothing to hand over because there is no illegal activities. Nothing will happen.

Sell the Fud Buy the News.

>> No.26035752

I've been working remotely for Tether for the last year. Today all employees received an internal email saying urgent update required. In the email was a link, it said to click it immediately. Once I clicked it my computer screen went black for a while and then eventually rebooted. I tried to log into my Tether remote working account and my access was denied. I then checked my hard drive storage and everything had been erased. There is not one reference to Tether on my computer anymore. Ten minutes later I receive a call from an unknown number. A recorded message tells me my name and informs me my contract has been terminated.

I have one person I added on twitter that worked there too, he had the same thing happen and he suspects Tether is going to just vanish into thin air. Don't know what to do now. I'm owed about 2 weeks wages, not sure I'll get it. Also need to find a new job.

>> No.26035782

Tether is located in Hong Kong and Switzerland, and tons of Chinese-ran exchanges stand behind it (ie. big Chinese money). I'm sure they will be very forthcoming in helping the SEC.

Oh no wait, they will tell them to go fuck themselves. But in a polite manner.

>> No.26035827

So is this bullish for bitcoin orrr....?

>> No.26035838

Reality hurts you?

>> No.26035840
File: 385 KB, 720x405, 162820192722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're prophets.

>> No.26035845

Ya know, this reminds me alot like the audit incident they had a few years ago. Something tells me it's a nothing burger. Before you guys start saying "delusional" and all that. I dropped my bitcoin already. I think it'll impact bitcoin short term but it's gonna keep growing.

>> No.26036028

If this is the case, then why is this case even a big deal? They can just print for eternity if those jurisdictions don't decide to prosecute.

>> No.26036051

they will have to invade hong kong to do something and good luck
bet tether works with the chinese government at this point so nyag can't do shit
china is the future

>> No.26036098

>They missed the deadline. They didnt hand over any documents to the NYAG.
Moving the goalposts kek.
Documents were handed in, there is no court case yet, no trail only litigation. You fell for a three year old meme.

>> No.26036296

>They didnt hand over any documents to the NYAG
Sorry to break this to FUD spreaders. Tether and Bitfinex produced more than 2.5M documentation pages in response to requests from NYAG.


>> No.26036325

All I gotta say is fuck tether...it was always shady as fuck. I

>> No.26036436
File: 146 KB, 586x489, mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tether and Bitfinex produced more than 2.5M documentation pages in response to requests from NYAG.
>Discussions are progressing well.
>Business as usual after the 15th of Jan.
Bitcorn will resume its assent to 288,000.00 US Dollars and you will cope.

>> No.26036545

nice larp

>> No.26036734

It's only a big deal for fudders and brainlets.

>> No.26036804

Didn't read your stupid image. We are finally back to normal and will be well into $50k+ by the end of the week.

>> No.26036878
File: 65 KB, 800x450, Jagsfan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my business plan works
>all you need to do is read this 2.5 million page document to understand it

the absolute state.

>> No.26036879

A big deal where? Outside of sourceless 4biz posts this isn't really a hot issue.

>> No.26036918

>2.5M documentation pages
Talk about wasting time. Tether is retarded and are going to get their asses fucked by NYAG kek.

>> No.26036925

Not being up 10X from March hurts you?

>> No.26036975

I like this pasta

>> No.26037038

they can always get enough ethash to 51% the eth network. barring that they can stick their thumbs up their asses and then suck on them after while whining

>> No.26037045

I don’t think you guys realize how long lawsuits take. In the event the FUD is true, it would likely be another 3 years before there are consequences. Maybe more because COVID is making everything slow down

>> No.26037083

I've said it before and I'll say it again - Tether does not give a flying fuck about the SEC. They don't have their HQ, or operate out of America. SEC can file all they like but the people behind Tether will never get extradited as it's allowing the Asian's to accumulate bitcoin at unprecedented pace

>> No.26037170

don't give the americans any ideas, they have invaded smaller countries for less earlier

>> No.26037197
File: 534 KB, 600x777, 1768evq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those green T bastards aren't going anywhere till they pump by shitcoins though the roof!

>> No.26037256

the right lawsuit announcement can bring tether to its knees

>> No.26037443

Same shit everyone said in 2017 yawn

>> No.26037691

Tetherfags are starting to sound like XRPschizos.
>u jealous!!!!1!1!1
>le nocoiner!!1!1!!1
>muh strong hands!!!1!

>> No.26037890

Lmao you don't think assets can be freezed? If the US wants they can fuck up anyone in the world. Tether is small to them