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26034902 No.26034902 [Reply] [Original]

So anon, which part of Switzerland are you moving to once you make it?
I'll be personally looking at having my regular abode in Bern along with some leisure villas in Romandy around Lac Gèneve and in Wallis valleys.

>> No.26034953

enjoy paying taxes you stupid fuck.

>> No.26035041

Since I'm black, I choose Zurich as it's the largest city

>> No.26035089

Beautiful country. I love Geneva for the lake, and Verbier is fucking awesome.

>> No.26035204

Don't monkeys like the forest better?

>> No.26035223
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Im not giving up on her bizbros.

>> No.26035302

0% capital gains tax bitch

makes sense tbqh famalam

good tastes

you can do it fren

>> No.26035670

Oh yeah, so I'm going to Australia then

>> No.26036475

If you aren't Swiss or look Swiss, don't bother. You will never fit in either way.

>> No.26036554

Lake of constanz anon. I grew up there its nice

>> No.26036594

What does it mean to look swiss? Is there a particular phenotype?

>> No.26036597

this Switzerland is not america you can't just go there and be accepted

>> No.26036656

I'm planning to leave this shithole full of retards and Africa tier weather behind as soon as I can. Figged eu doch alli, ihr Hueresöhn.

>> No.26036701
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>> No.26036792

> 0% capital gains tax bitch
That's true everywhere in Switzerland

>> No.26036799
File: 162 KB, 680x717, Erc7T6lXAAEUfHO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Switzerland will be UK 2.0 in the next 3-5 years. Enjoy living in another cuckland while I'm sippin hot chocolate while enjoying even better views than in Switzercuckland in Slovenia.

>> No.26036847

Switzerland basically has become Slovenia so
it doesn't really matter

>> No.26036921

If you're from EU all you need is to prove you have enough money to sustain yourself and you can get a residence visa which you can renew as long as you got money (or a job alternatively). As for not fitting in, 30% of the country are immigrants.

Will check it out, tnx man.

Everything seems in order.

>50% income tax
>25% capital gains tax
>retard slavic language
>calling anyone a cuck
bruh half your country are savage serbs and bosnians who are you kidding

>> No.26036928

Lausanne or Montreux

>> No.26036936

listen here assholes. youre welcome to my country just dont fuck it up. here are the rules.
>you must buy a bicycle. all citizens have to ride bicycles on weekend to reduce greenhouse for melting our beautiful glaciers
>if you have bringing children you must have them not be seen in public until age 12 until theyre heavy enough to withstand being carried away by gargoyles
>you must always be carrying at least 1 oz gold bar
>dont stare any lake or large body water after sunset if the sky is clear and you can see reflection of night sky in water

>> No.26036949

>not living in Ticino
>best food by far, possibly in all of Europe
>one of the best climates
>world’s best lakes
>30 min to the best alps
>god tier italian language over frog or nazi
>all yugo refugees are in Ticino with their hot, poor Slavic women
>italian douche bros instead of fukken nerd and farmers
God, I love it here

>> No.26036981

even if you daytrade?

>> No.26036996

>30% of the country are immigrants
And these are old numbers. Soon it will be 60%+. Enjoy being cucked, fren

>> No.26037034

Move? You dont move to Switzerland you nigger you open up a bank account and then go every now and then for shits and gigs.

>> No.26037051

kolleg wa isch dis problem in apäzell isch es no guät

>> No.26037122
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Don't forget to pray to Satan/allah 5 times a day

>Rund 380’000 der in der Schweiz wohnhaften Menschen sind muslimischen Glaubens. Die meisten von ihnen stammen aus den Ländern Ex-Jugoslawiens, rund jeder fünfte Muslim hat türkische Wurzeln. Derzeit beträgt der muslimische Bevölkerungsanteil rund 4.5%, dies entspricht einer Verdoppelung seit dem Jahr 1990.

>> No.26037149

En Schissdräck isch no guet.

>> No.26037184


Is this how you cope with never being white?

>> No.26037291

wa isch den nöd guät wen in äm klinä dorf bisch isch alles chillig

>> No.26037386

You’ll never fit in, and it’s filled with subhumans and hordes of alboniggers

>> No.26037392

Everyone has to cope with that since our path had been muddled since the 40s

>> No.26037440

It's a fucking shit country and outrageously expensive.
I like you Swiss germans, but still- fuck you

>> No.26037563

Zvil Mongos, egal wo bisch und es werdet immer meh. Und es gaht nur no abwärts mitem Land, nur no e Frag vo de Ziit bis mer genau so beschisse sind wie die umligende Länder.

>> No.26037782

fare enough.