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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26033992 No.26033992[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.26034015

Try kys

>> No.26034038

try eating a gun

>> No.26034040

maybe by killing yourself

>> No.26034070

what's bipoc, some sort of nigger?

>> No.26034093

America is op we didn't need anything from Africa to get where we are.

>> No.26034108

Jews did this. They tend to own jewelry stores. You can figure out the rest.

>> No.26034242
File: 32 KB, 750x484, 1584667581832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been given everything except for the one thing the majority of your people will never have.
A brain.

>> No.26034295

I watched Uncut Gems too.

>> No.26034316

probably means "bisexual person of color" -- someone of non-European ethnicity who's into faggotry, in other words a completely worthless lifeform that should just disappear

OP, not trying to make you feel bad - just telling the truth.

>> No.26034346

The fuck is a bipoc?

>> No.26034351
File: 9 KB, 320x320, 1610638256350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be non-white
>refuse victim mentality
t. non-white
also stop using these fucking retarded acronyms

>> No.26034385

Nice pic, can't quite see Haiti can you zoom in and enhance?

>> No.26034453


>> No.26034456

it's all jews and the (((federal reserve)))

>> No.26034492
File: 297 KB, 1266x1315, 1610527998923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, why don't you start by blaming a poorly defined large ethnic demographic for all your problems and see where that resentment and desire for revenge take you. I'm sure that's how many great men reached the pinnacle of success.

>> No.26034519

Get into porn, put your BBC to use.

>> No.26034571

I hate amerifats and burgerland, but look at shit they did when UK was cuking them hard; they fought a fucking war, teamed up with France and now have their old masters sucking their dick. Make your own destiny instead of excuses. No one ever truly came out ahead by playing the victim card, regardless of how justified it may be

>> No.26034603

just kill yourself

>> No.26034612

Pic related assumes that Europeans made Africa poorer rather than wealthier. Empire was actually a net cost to European nations, which is why most could no longer afford to subsidize those imperial projects after WWII.

>> No.26035287

I know its bait, but there's so many things wrong with that picture.
First off other than cobalt, what's so great about african minerals/exports? Rubber? Diamonds I guess but eh. If there wasn't european demand for them they wouldn't be worth anything.
Secondly, and more hilariously is that south america is untouched and spain has nothing, despite the gold taken from south america far outweighing any value ever taken from africa
Lastly I notice ottoman/aabia isn't guilty of anything despite having a slave trade far larger than any cotton farmer could hope for.

>> No.26035338
File: 35 KB, 500x500, simperino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bait goes in all fields

>> No.26035342

china should be on there not europe lmao china basically owns africa now

>> No.26035420

Kek you didnt even know what minerals and metal were until Europeans showed you. You wouldnt even HAVE access to a computer if it wasn't for you being liberated, educated, and civilized. You should kiss the feet of every white person you ever see to say thank you for everything you've been given after we colonized you out of our empathy for our fellow man. You ungrateful swine.

>> No.26035475

I think it means Black/Indigenous Person of Color since chinks got their POC card revoked

>> No.26035565
File: 196 KB, 361x362, 1610636243064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys nigger

>> No.26035594


White people left Africa, so surely it will be fine now.

>> No.26035633

why burgers create acronyms or everything?
OP can you just say NIGGER?
It's an acronym too

>> No.26035691 [DELETED] 

Easy with the n slur my guy
>racism outside of /b/

>> No.26035702


PoC here. Try not being a waste of space.

Like you can either be competent or you can be a hard worker, or you can be both.

If you can do either of those you can get by. If you can have both, you will thrive.

So do try and work hard, Tyrone.

>> No.26035724

lurk more

>> No.26035764

Act as white and conservative as you can at all times. Especially while alone.

>> No.26035800

Kys nigger.
Kek, you would still live in a hut made from shit and mud if europeans never came to you. Maybe go back into the shithud, if you want to get back what was taken from you.

>> No.26035939


>> No.26036083


You first, redneck.

>> No.26036184

I am a german, here isnt currently enough sun to become a redneck. I bet you did nazi that comming.

>> No.26036273

Buy krugs

>> No.26036335

Chinks had to pass their card to slavs for some reason.

>> No.26036358

also buy LINK OP

>> No.26036413

Firstly stop being a victim and maybe you'll get somewhere. Until you adopt responsibility and self discipline you will forever blame "whitey" for your problems.