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26032454 No.26032454 [Reply] [Original]

I just read a yahoo finance article suggesting middle class people in America will be priced out permanently.

I’m really freaking out to be honest. My budget is 380k, and could go to 400k depending on the area... it just depends on taxes, some areas are more affordable at that price because of lower taxes. But unfortunately, zero homes come up.

I have more than enough money to put down. I cannot save more to to make this any easier. Unless I saved another 100k to put down on top of the already 20% I plan to put down! I suppose. But of course the house would have higher taxes.

I don’t know what to do! There’s just nothing at all here. I don’t know what anyone can suggest. What am I asking here? I am hoping someone will say it isn’t so that buyers are permanently priced out.

>> No.26032514

Are you posting this gay as fuck thread again? Just get a house using the Morrowind method. Find a nice house, kill the owner, and it's yours.

>> No.26032521

Look for available land and start laying down a foundation.

>> No.26032550

buy land and build your house

>> No.26032568

I'm gonna pretend you're not a troll, but for anyone listening who's believing this shit, the kikes WANT you to believe you can't afford a house. Yahoo Finance is for goyim who can't tell their heads from their asses.

>> No.26032578

>find other broke losers with no house
>convince them to pool together to purchase one communally
>kill them slowly
easy OP

>> No.26032595

In Canada, a popular magazine here published an article with the same message. Say goodbye to home ownership, say hello to licking the boot of your landlord for the rest of your life. Just condos here are 600-700k to give you an idea.

>> No.26032618

Based and CHIMpilled

>> No.26032632

Fuck it. Live in a trailer for a few years and move to a third world country. That's my plan at least

>> No.26032645

>cashing out to buy boomer bricks

>> No.26032684

why not just build your own house?

>> No.26032686

Move to a different state.

>> No.26032717

Literal jew propaganda because we're in a housing bubble and the kikes want people to fomo in so they can exit because for the first time in a while the government might not be able to bail them out.

Give it 6 months and real estate will be 1/5 of it's current prices and interest rates will go up.

>> No.26033035

Do not buy a house in this market. There is extremely high demand for housing and low supply, at least near big cities. The house I'm in is valued over $1MM despite being valued ~$650k a few years ago. Just wait. Every asset is overvalued right now because there is literally nothing else to spend money on due to the lockdown. When it ends, money is going to come flying out of stocks, crypto, and real estate (since more people will be able to move) and back into the social space.

>> No.26033281

Shoebox condos cost 800k in most major cities

It's over, if you don't come from generational wealth then good fucking luck pal

>> No.26033302

concidering this.

>> No.26033669

you will live outside forever as the good lord intended and you will enjoy it FAGGOT OP


>> No.26033745
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I don't know how much longer I can take listening to third-worlders screaming through the paper thin walls and dealing with bugs and crime.

>> No.26033791
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You know that in most of the world housing is quite cheap.

You can get a great house with land in most of the US for under $250K

>> No.26033945

Have you considered living in metropolitan area with less than 1 million people perhaps

>> No.26034018


>> No.26034511
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Yeah, but how am I going to make money there? There's a reason why I can get a job in this forsaken area because nobody can barely afford to live here and I manage to eke it out so far.

>> No.26034827

dude we are maybe days possibly months before the economy finishes bleeding out from the corona drive by assuming we don't go full blown civil war, world war three, or flat out genocide. best financial advice at the moment besides basic boogaloo prep is get your money out of cash before the inflation from all the corona bucks their printing hits.
though just getting it out of banks is a good plan especially if your Canadian they are going totally totalitarian on those poor bastards and are just barely hiding it.

>> No.26035841

this or unironically vanlife

>> No.26035899

Blame all the HGTV boomers getting cheap loans, putting 3% down on a property and then either holding onto them or expecting a renter to pay their mortgage forever.

>> No.26036858

Living in ontario is a joke. 50%cg tax and people wonder why they are priced out

>> No.26036889

Move to TX?

>> No.26036919

China's been buying boomer's homes because we've fallen for the meme of them being giant nest eggs instead of just places to fucking live in because renting is gay
Housing market has been fucked for ages m8

>> No.26036942

I was shocked by how expensive housing is in Canada, like your country is 99% empty, can't be that difficult to find some land and build on it.

>> No.26036946

You posted the same question several days ago, you are only here to demoralize people. FUCK YOU.

>> No.26036971

>budget is 380k

I wanted to call you a faggot who should just look for cheaper places until I realize that $380k IS the cheaper place, now.

Other than “have a bigger budget” I really don’t know what the solution is, OP. Wait for boomers to die out? I don’t know.

>> No.26037053

It's over

>> No.26037112

but 90% of us live in 3 pockets by the US border

>> No.26037118

You will own nothing but you'll be happy.

>> No.26037180
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I have an appartement in the middle of an European capital.
Thing is I don't see me wanting to live there in the foreseeable future but I don't wanna sell it because value will keep increasing.
I'm literally a real estate bag holder.

>> No.26037231

jobs are near the major urban metros, so development needs to happen near there. The problem isn't 'not enough land', its:
>mass immigration
>zoning riddled with bureaucracy
>corrupt developers and politicians being lobbied to keep things the way they are by everyone who benefits from the sky high prices

>> No.26037307


What housing market are you in, exactly? It really has only heated up in major metro areas. In most other regions it is a tepid increase that you can absorb comfortably.

Just realize your house is no longer a moneymaking investment you will easily flip out of and make profit from, it's somewhere to live for a very long time.

>> No.26037329

Get a easy WFH job and go live in bumfuck nowhere with satellite internet. <500$ mortgage in most rural areas if you can’t afford to pay it off immediately

>> No.26037345
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Any sane municipality would tax the ever living shit out of vacant properties. What you are doing is done all over the world while the number of people who will never afford housing keeps going up. Vacant property tax should be 10% of the property value every month and increase by 5% every month (10, 15, 20, etc). The amount of luxury condos in Toronto and Vancouver that are empty is disgusting.

>> No.26037390

My cousin is a Provincial Planner in Ontario and Ontario zoning is 100% designed to cram people into as small of a space as possible.

>> No.26037413
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No one can afford an apartment there anymore except mudshit who get free housing and Saudis

>> No.26037483

itt: poors who aren't inheriting houses from their parents

>> No.26037499
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I'm buying 4 acres of land with full RV hookups for $20k and just going to live in a nice camper for the next several years to save up money. In about 5 years I'll have a Clayton home built on the property for $130k. A lot of manufactured houses' quality have caught up over the years. Theres no close neighbors so I can hunt and there is a river I can fish on.

>> No.26037608


Even middle class people aren't going to inherit because boomers didn't live in their means and took out loans against their homes they never intend to pay back.

There was a major malfunction with the idea that children should move to entirely different parts of the country that made it okay in people's heads to do this.

>> No.26037633

>No one can afford an apartment there anymore
Yeah, hence the property tax. The price of rend and property would drop significantly if you were losing tons of money on it. Property being *primarily* an investment vehicle is morally wrong and bad for society. Its like allowing people to buy individual beds in a hospital or buy up grocery store aisles.

>> No.26037682

Works fine if you don't have any siblings I guess

>> No.26037687
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It's not an investment it's an inheritance.

>> No.26037858

That's what the Founding Fathers were afraid of. Banks stealing America like they've stole Europe. Your child will be born on a continent of their forefathers as a wage-slave, doomed for eternity to rent from the Real Estate magnates (that are all coincidentally Jewish bankers).

>> No.26038197

Housing is due to correct cyclically but probably not in an expedient timeframe.
Anyways buying housing is expensive but land is cheap and so are materials, relatively. Materials of course have inflated the same as everything else. The point is that you could build, most people are just too lazy and impatient to do it.
What do you get for $300k. Well you get a ridiculous suburban mcmansion or you get a piece of shit in or around an urban center. Or you get two houses in rural land.
Boomers really liked the mcmansions because they consumed a lot and needed room to store all their junk. And now we have a market full of enormous square footage and pricing.
Unimproved land is pretty cheap. You can pick up a couple suburban acres for $30k. Mortgage it. It's $30k, put the minimum down and drag it to 30 years or whatever, the purpose is to not blow up your account when there's no house on it yet.
New construction is a bitch. The discount you're getting on the whole project is the value of dealing with these annoyances.
Building small square footage stick frame is pretty cheap. The most expensive part of the process is going to be foundation and utilities. Consider utility access before you buy. You can attempt a foundation yourself, if you like to suffer.
Get a free CAD software and model the structure using building codes as a guide. Then take it to a private engineer and have them improve it. Don't take it to the municipal or state engineers before this or they will basically auto fail it and be annoying.
Banks do offer new construction loans and structure them as a loan on an investment property. Doesn't matter if you end up really using it for that purpose but there is no collateral to start so caveats apply. Have your drawings already done and certified. Have your permits. Have your budget breakdown. Rent a cheap room and build it over a couple years. Or one if you do it full time.
Try pricing this out. Do it. It's not unobtainium

>> No.26038564

I cannot emphasize this enough. In my midwestern town you can grab a 3bed/2bath for ~150k if you don't mind putting in TLC, or 200k if you want a reasonably new place where you don't have to do anything.

Your budget of 380k could get you a 4bed/3bath on like 5-10acres of land.

So your choices are either
1.) Make the US go full 1488 and sets a severly low cap on the size of mortgages and abolishes usury altogether causing prices to plummet
2.) Move to where it's affordable

One of these is much easier than the other, and you have absolutely no excuse if you work from home.

>> No.26039024

Lads, with the kind of money you guys make here you could live like kings in the countryside of developing countries, just saying.
I'll never understand why the american boomers would ever do such a thing to their children. It's like most of them resent having children.

>> No.26039262


>> No.26039361

House hack. Buy a house and rent it while living in it. Hopefully you will break even. Then after a few years it will hopefully appreciate and you can cash out refinance and buy something better. Live in that and rent out the original completely.

>> No.26039480
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Reject normal housing and buy a crypto shack for 40k-100k you can have pretty neat ones

>> No.26039998
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>bought a new house in a small town
>wife is pregnant with our first child
>Making sick gains on my stonks and crypto

This is our year

We're all gonna make it lads, don't get demoralized