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26029403 No.26029403 [Reply] [Original]

Max comfy staking GRT. This will literally be my new salary after I quit my job. Other subgraphs coming soon = more query fees to delegators. Have fun staying poor.

>> No.26029780
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Sell me on GRT

>> No.26029814

Google of the blockchain bro. Simple as that

>> No.26029826
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ok pajeet

>> No.26030186

tokenomics are shit. I hold 20k, but I really don't really see the price mooning. Maybe 2x.

>> No.26030496

Tokenomics are a big question mark, but delegating is awesome. Even if this crabs at $0.33 for the next three years, I'm comfy making my 25% APY by delegating and doing nothing. Easy money.

>> No.26030784
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>> No.26030919

Muh tokenomics. You guys really don't understand what these protocols are doing and how much they will be used.

>> No.26031372

send hopium please anon

>> No.26031424

Its a jewish coin.
Sell it and buy AVAX. At least avax is turkish

>> No.26031479

whats apy means

>> No.26031643

Currently making roughly 35% delegating. GRT could crab for eternity and I’ll still be comfy.

>> No.26031656


>> No.26031772

I’m getting 3-4grt p/day from 5k staked, is this good?

>> No.26031847

Take the data of blockchains give it to developers to develop new app. It is called web 3.0

>> No.26031851

so you dont know either

>> No.26031965

Dapp developers: Lots of data! Too much time to sort through it.

GRT: I'll do that for you (for a tiny fee).

Essential service.

>> No.26031981

I do.

>> No.26031987

ok checked myself, it’s around 25% apt. Bought in at .30c so only up from here. With gas fees and undelegating period I’m struggling to think it’s worth finding another indexer(s)

>> No.26032982

Amount per year
Do you even have 3 digit IQ? First time im seeing "apy" and i realised what it means

>> No.26033160

>betting against the jews and on turkroaches

>> No.26033660


>> No.26033706

how many token ?

>> No.26033742

So you think there's no value in a way to query data in a decentralized way? That we should be forever cucked to bezos and whatever aws decides? Fuck that.

>> No.26033783

*Annual percent yield

>> No.26033847

i already hold grt, howd i stake?

>> No.26033910


>> No.26033919

1.5 week till i get paycheck and can put 2k in

>> No.26034034
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>> No.26034061

newfag here what is delegating mean?

>> No.26034089
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This is an absolute shitcoin that has no value anon
There is no way that it will be the backbone of web3
Companies will rather download, store, index and manage terabytes of blockchain data for free to develop their app instead of paying to use the graph
You should buy PRQ instead :^]

>> No.26034132
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>mfw noGRTs Laph at The Graph
$2 EOM

>> No.26034192

based thank you

>> No.26034243

Guys stop shilling GRT.
You're just asking for retards to FUD the coin and call you a curry nigger. And also newfags who didn't make 10x in a week and complain.
It literally won't make a difference if 1000 people buy right now, this shitcoin will moon regardless.

>> No.26034421

that's the plan. i need to accumulate to 100k before the moon mission starts.

>> No.26034538

Any recommendation for a humble noob on indexers? I don't understand why the fee cut and the rewards cut don't sum to 100%?

>> No.26034661

Avax and GRT continue to be the best two coins to own in all of crypto.

>> No.26034692

>FUDders putting in more effort to make memes in paint than shillers put into shilling

>> No.26034846


is this a good guide??

>> No.26034877

fee and rewards cuts are not from the same location

fee cut = fee charged to those using the indexing service

rewards cut = based on how successful the indexer is and their size of stake, they get issued new grt

so if indexer WGMI.eth receives 1 GRT from charging for indexing, they keep the fee cut % of that 1 GRT

Then, because they've been a good boy, they get rewarded 3 GRT. They keep the rewards cut % of that 3 GRT.

the leftover GRT goes to the delegators

>> No.26034968

yes. thats what i used.
t. 30k stack

>> No.26035101

how much do you make?

>> No.26035226

projected ~25%/year using real numbers.
note: my data is only 18 days old.

>> No.26035346


>> No.26035411

What indexer do you use?

>> No.26035442

all of them

>> No.26035476

ty sir for doing the needful

>> No.26035651

gonna have to dyor on that one broski. im not done accumulating with my chosen indexers.


np broski.

>> No.26035715

Lmao, like pottery

>> No.26035819

Hey that's one of my posts

Feels good man

>> No.26035967
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im the second guy in the sc. your cheatsheet has made it easy to explain delegating to newbies.

>> No.26036067

If it's 25% per year why does this site say 6%?

>> No.26036108

We all gonna make it bro.

>> No.26036154
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How much GRT to live off comfy neet staking and quit my job?

>> No.26036261

kek agreed

>> No.26036384


>> No.26036420
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not familiar with that site, seems like you cant input. use the tool i provided in >>26035651 instead. the calculations i got there are actually slightly more conservative than my real world results.

here's to $1

>> No.26036464

*seems like you cant input all necessary data

>> No.26037037

This sarcasm makes me bullish.

>> No.26038111

That’s not. No.