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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26024981 No.26024981 [Reply] [Original]

Please redpill me on rubic anon, some anon wrote btc <-> eth swaps will be possible, but it only seems to work with WBTC. What are the killer features, what are the caveats?

>> No.26025367
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Not just BTC and ETH, but also Tron, Binance Smartchain... Polkadot coming soon too.

This could give 1INCH a run for its money. The kicker is that it is still sub 1M (2M diluted). Non-anon team and token actually needed.

Layer 2 incoming as well.

>> No.26025457

>team talking about prices
Well... looks like we have a candidate to SEC investigate on future for the same reasons that Ripple

>> No.26025485


What is layer 2? I'm 5 yo.