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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2602420 No.2602420 [Reply] [Original]

>come here to escape from /pol/
>get fucked over by jews
It's just not fair guys

>> No.2602432

At least you aren't completely deluded like a lot of the bancor holders. You have that going for you.

>> No.2602440

pol's detachment here did seemingly try to sound the alarm, you have only yourselves to blame, frankly

>> No.2602460

Should have listened

You could have prevented this

>> No.2602472

Prove that they're jewish
or cant you?

>> No.2602493

Now do you understand why they've been kicked out of 109 counties and counting?


As Henry Abramson states, "It's economic in nature."

>> No.2602533


we tried to warn you, anon

>> No.2602564

In the path of trying to avoid the Jew.

You have now become one.

Welcome to /biz/.

>> No.2602576

i said that with ((())) you lose like 3 or 4 times...
but they still bought. poor souls.

>> No.2602655


>> No.2602818

Between the Jews of Bancor, The Chinamen of Antshares, and the Black woman of Patientory.

Im my bags filled with more diversity than a leftist tranny on gangbang night.
>Leftism, not even once.