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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2602068 No.2602068[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/biz/, do rich people invest in crypto? If so, where do they get their info?

>> No.2602099

Money gives them information.

>> No.2602101

mmm, usually they form groups by themselves and work hard together - acquire outside contacts that are part of existing organizations regarding crypto asset trading. In most cases they collectively research data, markets, companies and, of course, grow user bases that help them become more stronger and impactful in the market.

>> No.2602107

are there like some well known info groups or something?

>> No.2602127

the well know ones are mainstream, they are shit, out of control, straight barbarian shit. the more organized and collective ones are usually out of the public eye sight, and they never, maybe rarely, get promoted on shit sites. The owners are very disciplined and their groups are highest of the quality - they listen careful and do exactly what is told. The majority receive a fat benefit from it. Are you part of any group?

>> No.2602140

From every available fucking source, including here

>> No.2602144

no, i'm pretty new to crypto and got some money, around 10K to invest, but want to do it in a smart way, are you by any chance into something like that?

>> No.2602154

good luck. i rather not tell.

>> No.2602191

could you kindly tell me if yes or no? i'd like to more know, does this info cost? i'm even willing to pay something, i just want to be a part of the real deals club so to say

>> No.2602196

probably buy fucking ebooks

>> No.2602241

a like your perseverance. because I made sick gains from a recent pump, I will give you a chance to find out one of the more advanced pnd groups around clear web. But first, you have to count to 5, in 5 consecutive posts.

>> No.2602247

wtf? okay, 1

>> No.2602254


>> No.2602256


>> No.2602264

let me help you, 1.

>> No.2602266


>> No.2602274


>> No.2602281


>> No.2602283

It is a beautiful day today, isn it?

>> No.2602297

REEEEEEEEEE FUCK YOU, just tell me already

>> No.2602311

chill out man, you have to enjoy those funny moments in life too. you know money does not buy happiness, right? Before I leave this shit-hole, i give you the last chance. Count to 5 in 5 consecutive posts, and you, maybe, will get an invite to a nice group.

>> No.2602319


>> No.2602327


>> No.2602340


>> No.2602363


>> No.2602364


>> No.2602376
File: 42 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REEEEEE fuck you faggot, can't you fucking biztards basement dwellers mind your own business? i hope you lose all your money in a fire

>> No.2602398

okay, i had fun with you, biz actually seems full of autistic people, here is a potential lead https://t.me/upcomingPumps/


>> No.2602413

You can start your own club. Find people who you think are worthwhile. Also if any group have an entrance fee, don't pay it. it's a scam.
Legit groups don't care for your money. They have their own money. Any /biz/ group that have ~100 members, it's probably shit. Almost everyone here is looking for pump and dump.

Good luck anon.

This group is shit. btw. They buy in the coin, then tell the group, then you guys pump it for them.

>> No.2602428

thanks for the info, i will try all possibilities

>> No.2602434

Don't join OP, I warned you

>> No.2602443

why not? they seem pretty legit

>> No.2602458


>> No.2602487

Pretty sure you're shilling but just in case other anons read this... The admins obviously have accumulated the target coin in advance and will dump on you guys. Have fun.

>> No.2602536

actually just asking out of curiosity, but thanks anyway bro

>> No.2602634

any other suggestions except >>2602398

>> No.2602703


>> No.2602828


>> No.2602880

bump this. I wouldn't mind pump and dump group ahead of time

>> No.2603221

do you want to join my group ?