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File: 682 KB, 3500x2587, faraged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2602000 No.2602000 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people browsing this board RIGHT NOW who bought an uncapped ICO

>> No.2602031

You know, I wonder if start ups will just look to create their own tokens to offer to the general public in the future, rather than going through the tradition venture capitalist, investment banking route. ICOs maybe start to be a more regular occurrence.

>> No.2602042

We warned them OP, we fucking warned them.

>> No.2602072

Hey guys, what if we took everything that people hate about fiat money, and put that in a crypto? And then we put it all in the hands of some people with a shady history of scamming? And then we leave obvious backdoors in the coding?

Anyone who questions it, we'll we can just call em a moron who doesn't understand coding, and if they persist, we can hint that they might be.... a nazi

>> No.2602074
File: 196 KB, 1000x1151, (((BANCOR ICO))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy into Bancor ICO whilst it's capped
>they uncapp it after I paid to enter via bitcoin suisse,then increase uncapped sale from 1-3hr sending me straight to the gainless cuckzone
>laugh about it on twitter, saying it's ok, Bancor wasn't meant to make the first supporters rich anyway
>wonder how they are legally allowed to scam me so hard


Guess I got banc'd

>> No.2602088

The government are going to come down hard on this shit including Ethereum

>> No.2602093

Interesting pattern with eth type coins, quickly change code or fork it fast to change the concept. Regular crypto do the same but not on the same serious degree as eth types.

>> No.2602100

I think this is why ICOs aren't available to burgers, it's to avoid as much SEC oversight as possible

>> No.2602102

That really sucks, anon.

>> No.2602103


Probably the whole plan. Banker types repeatedly ripping people off in crypto until normies demand that it becomes regulated/banned outright

>> No.2602165

Bancor wasn't uncapped though, and anyone who says it was is retarded

>what are reserve funds

>> No.2602182
File: 59 KB, 658x662, specialboyBanc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was an uncapped sale you retarded fucking plebian, one that was forced on early ICO members after they had paid

>what is an uncapped sale

>> No.2602185


Not as retarded as anyone who bought into such an obvious scam. Especially after it was called out publicly

>> No.2602204

Everything after the cap went into reserve, dude

>> No.2602209
File: 46 KB, 225x195, 1497847293788.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still haven't lost any money so stay mad

>> No.2602217


>> No.2602224

This is about 2 years away since most "projects" are just starting out

>> No.2602226

It's still up 10% from ICO price and I didn't buy eth at ATH like a retard so I'm still up in ETH and fiat.

>> No.2602227

He can't calculate. From 4 to 3 USD .

>> No.2602228
File: 285 KB, 1000x800, 1496959938143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a brainlet, dude

>> No.2602237

This is fucking gold. Uncapped ICO = Socialism meets Capitalism.

Guess who wins?

Bancor you useless goyim

>> No.2602239

This is illogical but ok.

>> No.2602244

go read the smart contract retard, literally puts coins in excess of 250,000 in a 2-year buyback period

>> No.2602260

>buy eth at $20
>eth goes up to $300
>buy into ICO at 0.01ETH=1BNT
>smart contract now trades at 0.11ETH=1BNT
>made 10% on the portion of eth that I invested in bancor
>still not down fiat from buy-in
you're retarded

>> No.2602263

what's a reserve got to do with overselling a token, overcharging, and an uncapped sale sprung on old investors without permission

They are assholes, I will not forgive

>> No.2602268

The kikes got you good didnt they? Howd it feel?

>> No.2602272

>what's a reserve got to do with overselling a token
lol, you are retarded, it pretty much institutes a price floor at ICO price

bancor would need massive capital outflow (>80%) to dip below ico price

>> No.2602275

>buy lotto ticket for $3
>win $300million
>burn it all on stupid investments
>left with $3
See! Didn't lose a dime!

>> No.2602282

>stupid investments
>up 10%

i see why you guys hate bancor so much, you struggle with basic grade school concepts like percentages

>> No.2602284

Clear cut bagholder right here lol.

No one's listening to your responses trying to hold BNT's value.

Recycle your IP at least

>> No.2602296

>No one's listening to your responses trying to hold BNT's value.
yeah cause you all decided to hate a coin irrationally and that's that, there's no convincing you. Have fun.

>> No.2602308

The best part in all of this is as your kikes are destroying your BNT investment, and the ARK crew are destroying your investments based on vaporware:

BLOCK with a real product is up 17% in the past 24HRs

>> No.2602309
File: 792 KB, 662x708, BANCOR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's ok they scammed us and diluted our investment, they built us a small reserve that we paid for

>> No.2602426


>> No.2602768

I did this too, but i got my money back from btcsuisse minus the boarding fee when Bancor released their shitty terms

>> No.2602780


>> No.2602820

>doesn't understand simple concepts

hope you have some nice rope lying around in 1-2 years when Bancor is a top 3 coin.