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File: 2 KB, 225x225, poolka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26001270 No.26001270 [Reply] [Original]

Which large cap coin is going to go to 0 during this Bullrun? My pick poolka, another financial coin hiding behind obfuscated tech.

>> No.26001334

Funny how when a coin pumps you fags say it is worthless shit. You had plenty of time to buy it below 5 dollars. Get over it.

>> No.26001402

You had 4 years to do basic research on Polkadot

>> No.26001569


>> No.26001595

agree, its centralized and has some fundamental problems

>> No.26001608

seriously, I don't think you know how bitconnect worked.
my bet will probably be tether

>> No.26001631

the basic research says its a worthless shitcoin.
I mean cmon its secured by only 10 Validators, how is this any different from ripple or radix or any other of these shitcoins?

>> No.26001658

>my bet will probably be tether
so many other stablecoins waiting to take that marketshare

>> No.26001702

No one buying it even knows what a validatior is. I sure don't. Im gonna hold it to 100 and sell half.

>> No.26001723

Eth was highly centralized in the beginning too. Its an ecosystem. My interest is not the DOT token itself, but the auctions and projects that are competing for slots.

>> No.26001740


>> No.26001755

this has substance you stupid fuck please dont buy

>> No.26001775

>No one buying it even knows what a validatior is
and thats the problem, eventually the thing will collapse and take everyones money. it could happen any moment.
ETH is highly centralized today, a handful of mining pools control it but DOT is even more centralized than that.

>> No.26001784
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>> No.26001849

DOT might be a security since it's not sufficient decentralized.


>> No.26002120

and you might be a woman

>> No.26002744

blockchain is now fully decentralized and permissionless after a decision passed by community governance removed the admin rights enjoyed by the Web3 Foundation.

>> No.26002882

nice try seething ADA FUDders

>> No.26003249
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>> No.26003399

He will never be a woman

>> No.26003872

Polkadot is literally, and I mean literally, a food governance token.

"Stake DOTs to earn DOTs! These DOTs are earned by inflating the protocol 10% annually. Use the DOTs to govern the protocol and pass proposals on the treasury."

I could not find a single thing of value that DOTs produce beyond zero-sum inflation reward tokenomics.

>> No.26004144

Isn't that literally proof of stake token? Low tier fud.

>> No.26004245

I mean you can actually read about it on their site and do some research in terms of why there is so much being developed there. I'm sure your smarter than the MIT pdhs who are working on the web3 foundation and polkadot network though.

>> No.26005071
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I was about to say that you need to pay transaction fees in DOT but not even that is the case kek litterally no point in holding DOT. Just wait till Vitalik wraps DOT and Kusama into a token and their blockchain becomes a Shard for ETH 2.0. Bridging blockchains is Polkadots main purpose anyway lololololol

>> No.26005925
File: 456 KB, 1890x1080, SmartSelect_20210114-012127_SlideShare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I did a lot of research on polkadot. They created this toolkit/framework called substrate that really makes creating Blockchain a with certain characteristics (like for defi, or ethereum-compatible) more easy and powerful. A lot of teams are building using substrate, and the Blockchain a they will build will use dot (or ksm) for security. We will end up with a defi chain, a ETH chain, a nft chain, an oracle chain, all connected and all using the dot main chain for security. Dev adoption is super high check pic attached. Don't miss ze boat

>> No.26006005
File: 396 KB, 1898x1040, SmartSelect_20210114-011942_SlideShare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also they put in place a plan to increase the number of validators, and are well aware that decentralisation is a key characteristic for a real blue chip chain. I mean it's fucking Gavin wood, he would know. After all this research I did, I realised that polkadot was basically a serious contender/challenger to ETH 2, even if they publicly state otherwise. Gavin low key retweets tweets that mock ETH once in a while, the perfidious Brit that he is

>> No.26006205

Fuck my life. You are literally fudding the project of GAVIN WOOD. You should be sucking his d*** idiot

>> No.26006240

Do you want to be right or do you want to make money?

>> No.26006902

>my bet is HEX

>> No.26007238
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>you are literally not sucking the dick of some literal who
you need 10g of lead

>> No.26007519

This sums up polka meme
>onchain goverrnance of l1 is best meme of them all gl boys
>also throwing 100s of millions on dev grants and claiming they have huge dev explosion and "organic growth" is runenrup
>basic scoutning of top polka projects shows they are founded by chink hustlers and 40yo+ white marketing experts awsome builders you have there
>thinking gavin or charles are brain behind eth is just sad at this point, even vitalik is not power behind eth its devs and grasroots community you cant replicate anymore (atom did it desu on much smaller scale but in right way)

But at end of the day it WILL PUMP HARD AF!

Retail want cheep next eth we had xtz and eos meme 2018 we have polka and ada now, im riding it to since 2$ also, just dont forget to sell at end of cycle lads, believing your own bullshit will turn you in "community member" and if you visit last cycle eth killers plebit you dont want to go down that scary place of ghosts

>> No.26007544
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Shit forgot obligatory pic

>> No.26007835

what about cosmos ? seems they have a big firepower and are cheaper ATM, so more ROI ?
Even if it pumps right now

>> No.26007875

>An actual project by an ETH cofounder is the next Bitconnect and not some meme shit like HEX or vaporware like ADA

>> No.26007925

cant believe im losing money shorting this fkn pajeet scam

>> No.26007967

Cosmos is more legit and acually have real organic dev community but shit tokenomics AND that means nothing for your roi question lol
Scams pump hardest its all about retail hype we are entering phase where they will pump anything that's not nailed to the floor (dot is not scam btw just 1 of 213123 eth killers that will have its time under the sun than straight to graveyard as rest)

>> No.26007996
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>> No.26008032


I know am retarded just cant believe we have a fkn pajeet scam top10 mcap and still pumping

cryptoscenes ridiculous

>> No.26008057

>Which large cap coin is going to go to 0 during this Bullrun?


>> No.26008185
File: 82 KB, 1242x1082, 1603309231196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shorted BSV back in 2018 after fork on levrage because "hey free money"
Asia wakes up and decides csw is satoshi and PUMPS THE SHIT OUT OF IT so hard and fast it drains liquidity from btc and rest of market putting it in new 6m bear cycle and bsv does 3x i get instaliquidated
Yeah we all learn lessions
In 2017 I knew i literally knew EOS is fundamentally broken project but 2018 it otperformed eth by 5x (look eos vs eth chart now its like -94%)