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File: 14 KB, 400x400, 99822E06-7DEA-4C7D-B615-AE090A232D58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25992455 No.25992455 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine the FOMO after the first 1000 subgraphs migrate...


>> No.25992621

Here before Jamaican accent larp faggot.

>> No.25992704

Sheeeiit mon

>> No.25992954

I wonder if bollocksanon evolved into jamaicamonon

>> No.25993020
File: 8 KB, 249x249, pepe-tuxedo-cigar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine once the uniswap subgaph migrates over.
The coingecko subgraph.
The coinmarket subgraph.
The aave subgraph.
The coinbase subgraph.
The binance subgraph.
Every single subgraph that transfers over to mainnet will cause a pump.
one after another.
3500 subgraphs.
3500 pumps.
Pumps are built in, graph bros.
We're all going to make it.

>> No.25993098

idk some anons are saying the tokenomics are dogshit tho. aren't 5 billion tokens or so going to be released in 5 months?

>> No.25993152

Tokenomics are fine, maybe some will be dumped on the market but most will be locked up and delegated as people rightly believe in the Graph to be an essential blockchain infrastructure a la Chainlink.

>> No.25993372
File: 54 KB, 400x400, e65e4fea-ac7f-41c3-86b2-d4f9646962ecD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep going anon I'm almost there

>> No.25993422

I'm 25% in on GRT but I cant tell if you faggot are saying this shit to pump it right now. When it was dropping everyone was saying how shit it was.

>> No.25994076
File: 91 KB, 768x960, zUyDtVi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you be a bag o wire mon
jah bless grt 2 da moon!

>> No.25994399

grt is going to 0 lol another one fell for the meme guys

>> No.25994433

Okay? And when will that happen? What incentive do they have to use the paid mainnet when the testnet is free and does the same things?

>> No.25994566

dump to .30

>> No.25994607

>test nets last forever
It isn’t free

>> No.25994731

newfag check in the GRT threads when we hit a few bucks will be remembering jamaican larper

>> No.25994750

>one luv is fud: ngmi
Hail up rastas! Heartical vibez. No shelling. I just rampin nubbies. If I step pan on ya foot, I hush mi mouth. But but but peace scares Babylon. DeFi is Rastafari. Roll up some Bhakti Baháʼí Baptist o wut you gut and jam on. Drop downpression wit downpression? No. Light drops dark, not dark. Be light. Jah bless. Jah guide.

>> No.25994922

Fuck you based Rasta man will help us make it

>> No.25995346

1B will be released every year over the next 10 years.

>> No.25996160

source? i thought like half the tokens were being released in a few months

>> No.25996722

1 Billion is nothing, graphql will dominate how big tech comminicates for the next decade. The graph is the first to bring it to blocks, no one cares whos #2.

>> No.25996900

you got me feeling bullish as fuck, time to buy some more and just throw it in the delegation furnace

>> No.25997399

I always forget how large this boy is

>> No.25997479
File: 62 KB, 887x408, grt token schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will dump around July.

>> No.25997509

it's already dumping lmao

>> No.25997819

What is wrong with this fucking garbage coin.

>> No.25997912
File: 146 KB, 539x548, 1609186605569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many coins pumping yet you faggots continue to shill this dog shit coin that's not done anything this whole bull run.

>> No.25997999

And if they do dump, it's .5% less tokens in the world when they make their way back to delegation. So: win/win

>> No.25998232

If it was already pumping you would have been FOMOing in at a high price. You're too smooth brained to see what it is so you'll miss out on this low price.
Just bought 15k. See you when it's too expensive.

>> No.25998576
File: 197 KB, 1024x1021, 2E381AF0-B768-4513-A32D-E5D07A93D1A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this will dump around January, right?

>> No.25998606

How much do you pay in fees?

>> No.25998872

Imagine watching Chainlink go 100x while the fudders cry “muh token distribution” and then missing out AGAIN because you’re so fucking retarded you think you somehow discovered the GRT token allocation before the rest of the market.

>> No.25998995

Okay, Buddy. See you next month when your shit coin is still at .30

>> No.25999027

listen sandeep im not buying your bags. this board needs flags NOW. so many fucking scammers

>> No.25999053

If Chainlink is so essential, why isn't it $1000?

>> No.25999075

Perfect. Then I can buy more.

>> No.25999077

bc its supposed to be the price of a cup of coffee

>> No.25999106

Good. I hope you’re serious.