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25988026 No.25988026[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Um like can you stop these bitcoin stocks please? they’re used for funding right wing terrorists. kthxbye

>> No.25988059


>> No.25988091

Nick Fuentes got like 100mil worth of Bitcoin donated, jesus fucking christ. Who is it?

>> No.25988125

I thought it was Chainlink stock they used for funding?

>> No.25988153

he got 13-14 bitcoin that's not 100m...

>> No.25988169
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>> No.25988190


>> No.25988199

They are so afraid of losing their power grip. Crypto chads will build a breakaway civilization soon enough.

>> No.25988209

No he didn't. The last donation was 50 btc, then the previous donations were around the same. Trying to bring up his BTC address again since his dlive as nuked but can't find it, you got it?

>> No.25988217

>clinton crime family buys and sells children with USD
>no one dumps it

>> No.25988220

how the fuck do they even know who got these bitcoins, sounds like made up story to me

>> No.25988228

SuperChats from an audience paying him to say "pee pee poo poo" on stream

>> No.25988265

Would be worth becoming a radical fucking activist going apeshit in an American street in the near future just so one of the sides would send you free crypto. I'd probably pick right wing as I think they'll have more money and be willing to use it on you.

>> No.25988274

probably used a KYC exchange like normiebase and they reported the transaction

>> No.25988293
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> Twitter for iPhone

These people need to fickle off forever

>> No.25988302

what did he/she mean by that? lesbian dad?

>> No.25988325
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>> No.25988429 [DELETED] 

Found it in my Google Chrome history, this is he wallet.

>> No.25988464

bitcoin is for everyone commies nazis furfags and even catholics yeah i know they are the worst but what can you do everyone. vegans tho... we have to draw a line there i'm afraid.

>> No.25988498

Unironically Sam Hyde

>> No.25988673
File: 249 KB, 1080x620, Screenshot_20210115-003417_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong with the black market, I thought these people were all about black owned businesses?

>> No.25988781

3500 btc? Wtf?
can’t be

I call bullshit

>> No.25988792

>“black market” and “dark money” as pejoratives
wow what a fucking racist

>> No.25988794

they are shitcoiners probably holding xrp too

>> No.25988819

108 BTC donations between now and Christmas and it doesn't even end there. That's one rich Mexican.

>> No.25988825


>> No.25988860

no fucking way. imagine if he converts it all to monero.

>> No.25988915 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 200x181, groyp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check the bio, it's his BTC address.

>> No.25988940


>> No.25988999

ok nvm that's bullshit

>> No.25989090
File: 108 KB, 624x959, 3242424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is what peter thiel had in mind

>> No.25989147
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>> No.25989627

Based pankkake. We miss you bro

>> No.25989633

https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/3L8zhm4YGw2CCqsmTNreAdVbkzJYswwz8u this is nick's wallet

>> No.25989951
File: 714 KB, 828x1000, 1606608706712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lefties believe Bitcoin is being used to fund far-right nazis
>They stay away from crypto like it's the plague
>Right wingers get rich as it moons
>Lefties eventually FOMO in only to get bags dumped on them

Every time. We are still early.

>> No.25990198

>foreign account
How do you know if a wallet is "foreign"?
How can they keep lying and making shit up?

>> No.25990758

>probably used
read the fucking article faggot, it was chainalysis

>> No.25990991

Karens are the most obvious seething retarded nocoiners, makes sense.

>> No.25991295

nick is incredibly based, coming from a yuropoor, I wish we had a rallying figure like him

>> No.25991838

not yet

>> No.25992976

Nick didn't even enter the capitol, mindlets.

>> No.25993373
