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File: 251 KB, 480x588, 866545567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25982089 No.25982089[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thank you for pumping my Bitcoin, Monero, Polkadot, and Litecoin bags, you fucking losers.


>> No.25982132

Nick Szabo can unironically buy the US presidency, he will be the first trillionaire

>> No.25982172 [DELETED] 


Trump retards are mental ill.

>> No.25982178
File: 24 KB, 853x480, gypsy crusader gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop lumping trumpies in with nazis, they're not based enough

>> No.25982320


>> No.25982378


Trump retards are mentally ill. They still think he can win. kek

>> No.25982440


true nazis have been in crypto for 3+ years

>> No.25982478

>Monero, Polkadot, and Litecoin

>> No.25982498

Race traitor/non-white. Then again, grateful for the pump.

>> No.25982623

Why would you be mad someone is buying the same stocks you are? I'm not a Trump supporter, but you're retarded buddy.

>> No.25982900

you are bad people

>> No.25983008
File: 89 KB, 1125x839, sep082012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look, the butthurt faggot remade this thread again:


I will repeat what I said last time

Why do genetically inferior leftists think they are welcome on /biz/? You gladly just admitted you are a genetically inferior human being. Politics is objective. Behavior is genetic.

>> No.25983100

your conclusion from this graph is retarded.

it's almost like people who have these conditions tend to favor economic policies that would provide them aid.

>> No.25983145


>> No.25983147

cry more, jamal.

>> No.25983195

I love dumping my bags on stupid poltards

>> No.25983215

This is like the 10th time OP created this thread.. Stop replying to it.

>> No.25983229

>people that know pain and struggle want better for others that go through the same
what a fucking concept

>> No.25983261

Biden loves a good moral panic. Here comes that regulation.
>bitcoin is nazicoin!

>> No.25983271

I care about the preservation of my race and my cultural heritage and not praising a race and culture I do not to belong to, at the expense of my own.
I am bad.

>> No.25983272

>he doesnt think about the data that the graph is showing
Not surprised trumpcels cant critically think

>> No.25983279

It's almost like people with bad genes want to drag the rest of society down with them.

>> No.25983314


>> No.25983392

nigger lover

>> No.25983419

I'm pretty sure I read white men from 24-45 make up the overwhelming majority of people who own crypto.

>> No.25983420

lolski. too easy, so predictable :^)

I guess being slightly less than average IQ accounts for your sheepish behavior. back to /pol/ with you sweatys

you're either saying this as a bad faith euphemism or you've been absolutely duped and need some serious self reflection.

>drag the rest of society down with them
in what way?

>> No.25983440
File: 135 KB, 1022x776, 1610659774974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. amerimutt

>> No.25983459

>he laughs at the genetically inferior while being in a low position in the hierarchy himself, being a poster on 4chan who actually engaged with the clown circus of ‘identity politics’
>he does not understand data or statistics
>he believes behavior is 100% genetic, he is a filthy determinist and does not believe in nature and nurture, genetics and epigenetics, etc.
>he truly is a lost soul

>> No.25983484

kek you're a totally weak and pathetic person. NGMI

>> No.25983523

>in what way?
Stealing from the best, brightest and most productive among us, and giving it to people who are literally going to waste it on lottery tickets, alcohol and weed. The only way we can all be equal is if we drag the top down to prop the bottom up.

>> No.25983541

Delusiobal nigger.
>Trump nazis

>> No.25983575

At least I'm not a nigger

>> No.25983588

Fuck off China. Get out of our business

>> No.25983614

Dubs wasted on this fag

>> No.25983752
File: 44 KB, 900x506, 1610508580569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do these threads use a trump pepe who is smug? Is the OP autistic or just shitposting?

>> No.25983813
File: 38 KB, 655x527, 357bf49f8caaee4a0a63b730e43a868f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess being slightly less than average IQ accounts for your sheepish behavior.
Sir, that would actually be people of African heritage.

>> No.25983866

>Stealing from the best, brightest and most productive among us
where is the stealing? jumping to schizo conclusions. ironic!

>giving it to people who are literally going to waste it on lottery tickets, alcohol and weed
hilariously retarded take. people partake in these things to escape their fucked reality which was created by the people you worship. it's a symptom of a bigger issue, not the cause.

>The only way we can all be equal is if we drag the top down to prop the bottom up
the vast majority of the top has their wealth by illegitimate means so who gives a fuck lawl

XD it's ok to cry anon

dubs don't lie

citation required

>> No.25983919

t. 30% italian, 20% english, 15% irish, 15% subsaharan west african, 10% spanish, 3% german, 1% native american, 1% spider monkey, remainder unknown or unspecified non-human origin "american"

>> No.25984004

Ok Shlomo Goldstein

>> No.25984069

>where is the stealing?
Taxation is theft.

>hilariously retarded take. people partake in these things to escape their fucked reality which was created by the people you worship. it's a symptom of a bigger issue, not the cause.
Not my problem. I solved my problems on my own without leeching off of others, and so can they.

>the vast majority of the top has their wealth by illegitimate means so who gives a fuck lawl
This is what communists really believe

>> No.25984088
File: 19 KB, 847x557, Sketch-4race-transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would recommend The Bell Curve by Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein (jewish co-author).

>> No.25984138

A nigger in spirit and in character

>> No.25984163

Shut the fuck up, Chink go back to /pol. No one wants your fucking propaganda. Your country fucking sucks.

>> No.25984395

>Taxation is theft
if american, all your tax dollars are spent on bullshit war and bailing out cancerous corps. and you're worried about MUH BAD GENETICS ICKY PEOPLE TAKE MI MONEEY

>I solved my problems
HAHAHA I'm sorry anon. yikes

>This is what communists really believe
Yes. seethe. but who you calling a commie?

fake and gay

>> No.25984409
File: 51 KB, 599x478, coping fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if any of you faggots look like this or talk like Huckle fuck berry jones living on his farm, then you're literally what Hitler wanted to eradicate

>> No.25984412

Oddly specific projection

>> No.25984467

lol these fellas are really sad. hope they get some sense knocked into em

>> No.25984574

trumpets been into crypto since beginning stinky libtard

>> No.25984680

based 1488 poster

Fun fact being into crypto was originally just short for crypto-nazi's

>> No.25984809

zero percent chance any magatards or nazi larpers are GMI kek

>> No.25984834

Find a lamp post and hang yourself

>> No.25984945


>> No.25984976
File: 5 KB, 189x79, Screenshot_2021-01-14_17-01-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White nationalist here

>> No.25984994
File: 63 KB, 704x960, crypunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-you are bad people!

you're on fucking 4chan, grow a pair

>> No.25985070

KEK I call it how I see it and you tell me to grow a pair? must have struck a nerve, eh?

>> No.25985103

thanks for leaving the market so your no longer a liability to us loser haha

>> No.25985108

good for you. hopefully you can afford yourself an education or a nice rope

>> No.25985131
File: 339 KB, 1920x1080, krab_cop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lad
gonna have to see that pussy ma'am

>> No.25985212

>paying money for (((education)))
I do have plenty of rope though.

>> No.25985318

Niggers, jews, and faggots: Straight white men were here first. As usually you all are just holding our coattails.

>> No.25985321

well where you're probably headed I guess your education will be free so no worries!

>wahhhh everybody who disagrees with me is woman

>> No.25985332

fuck you nigger

>> No.25985374

You have to go back.

>> No.25985402

>1 post by this ID
came out of the woodwork to defend the shitters eh?

>> No.25985550
File: 30 KB, 600x600, pepe smug 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you're not a woman tranny, and you never will be. but feel free to post those gross overpriced balloon titties in /pol/ when you get the chance

>> No.25985671
File: 80 KB, 845x570, 1564233434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25985755

>you're not a woman tranny, and you never will be
correct. LMAO really checkmated me there kyle. now go back /pol/ and seethe harder.

oh no i've been epically pwned

>> No.25985861
File: 146 KB, 912x1024, trannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you'll ever be a real woman
Pic related is you in a decade or two

>> No.25986091

oh no, the horror! these are just people. i bet your mom is just as fat and ugly, does she horrify you as well?

>> No.25986141

Nigger you sound like you got BTFO of /pol/ and now you're here. You're not the first.

>> No.25986178

... wtf OP? Think political standing has anything to do with investing?

>> No.25986262

I'm not a big fan of nazis, but I don't hate them. They have a truer perspective of reality than most people. The world has races and people like to be in societies of their own race, simple as that. Why can't Britain be for white people like Japan is for Japanese?

Neo nazis are cringe though, and disgrace Der furhers name

>> No.25986300

you are a bad human

>> No.25986353

ironic considering the nazis larpers all over the thread have /pol/ up on another tab, but since what I said goes against the grain here I'm seen as the outsider. what is cognitive dissonance?

I'll be laughing when you tards get liquidated

doesn't change what I said

>> No.25986648

> these are just people.
You sure about that?

>> No.25986688
File: 16 KB, 400x479, bubblesong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll be laughing when you tards get liquidated
BTC would have to go to 3.4k and litecoin would have to go to $25 bucks, 2018 numbers basically. Now go back to /pol/ to type your cringe to get chewed out for it.

>> No.25986862

yeah probably. unless they're reptilians or some shit. who gives a shit anyway? I don't know them and they mean nothing to me. apparently to you they're big scary boogeyman

ok retard

>> No.25986877
File: 103 KB, 1080x1080, 1610472783571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nigger you sound like you got BTFO of /pol/ and now you're here. You're not the first.

>> No.25986951

Protip: Nazis have been holding a lot longer than you have.

>> No.25986974

Unironic Nazi with 14k link and 6 BTC, ama

>> No.25987007

Money is worth nothing without your country and your own people

>> No.25987058
File: 78 KB, 555x631, 1606419701078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok retard
>>Nigger you sound like you got BTFO of /pol/ and now you're here. You're not the first.

>> No.25987073

why are you the way you are?

>> No.25987140

>cognitive dissonance hurt mi brain >_<

>> No.25987266
File: 107 KB, 573x583, 1600183829571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>ok retard
>>>Nigger you sound like you got BTFO of /pol/ and now you're here. You're not the first.

>> No.25987312

How many times are you making this thread, tranny?

>> No.25987521

I'm very based

>> No.25987652
File: 174 KB, 1024x1982, 1587894862135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many times are you making this thread, tranny?
>>>25982178 #

>> No.25987664

white genocide isn't real

>> No.25987679

I wrote my congressman regarding the chainlink bounty that was put on Pelosi's laptop. I'm hoping that Biden ends the crypto markets for good. Sure, I have 2 BTC, but I'm willing to give them up to the government if that means that nazis wont prosper. I will be doing a news article and posting on twitter regarding the nazi implications of cryptocurrency.

>> No.25987850

>these are just people
more like JUST people

>> No.25988004

>20 posts by this ID

>> No.25988321

tf are you on about

yea if people reply I respond. it's not hard to understand