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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25962559 No.25962559 [Reply] [Original]

You know you do it at least 10 times a day.
Post your plan after you get rich and /makeit/.

>> No.25962585

>buy a rekt Mercedes AMG GT
>have my father fix it for free
>kill myself in it

>> No.25962605

order food and escorts

>> No.25962693

>Buy a motorcycle
>Gotta be a fast one like a ducati 1199
>Ride without a helmet or leathers
>Drive headfirst into brick wall at 135mph
Pretty sure my plan beats yours anon

>> No.25962732

>buy 4chan
>lower jannies salary by -1000%

>> No.25962764

drugs and hookers until suicide at 30

>> No.25962767

>Passive income from rental properties
>Cider farm for hobby
>Rx infinite blowjobs from Asian QT314s
>Drink cider and coom until I die

>> No.25962907
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>> No.25962908

What does that make?
Oh, wait, it's still FOR FREE

>> No.25962942

Imma eat ribeyes and sushi every fuckin day.

>> No.25962995
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>> No.25963010

I'm gonna start buying real noodles instead of quick ramen and maybe get a window.

>> No.25963026

>Buy farmable land out in the countryside and grow beans, apples, spinach, etc.
>fully self contained energy grid based on solar panels
>open range for chickens/goats/a cow
>build an airstrip/hangar bay and buy a dual engine plane
>have two to three of these properties so that I can hop around the country with my own plane and farm whatever grows the best at a given time of the year.
>for fun, take a 6 months long solo traveling expedition to Japan, SEA, Western/Eastern Europe.
>start my own trade business for electricity, HVAC, and plumbing.
>marry a Christian woman and have kids, then dedicate all my time to raising them and giving them the best head start possible.

>> No.25963027

I'm gonna use my money to draw anti-left slogans on the weekly charts of BTC

>> No.25963031
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Living in nipland going on 6 years now. Used to be a student in the country side and now I wageslave away at a faceless Fortune 500 in shithole Tokyo and it crushes my soul every day. All I do is make powerpoints and excel files and daydream about how happy I was being a carefree student with my friends in rural Japan.

When I make it I won’t buy flashy cars or anything. I’ll start a craft beer bar in rural Japan and buy two houses, one in america and one in Japan so me and my wife can travel back and fourth and visit both of our families as freely as we wish.

God please let me make it bros.

>> No.25963042

Move out of the moronic EU, buy a shitload of guns and a big plot of land in Alaska and move off the grid.
Or coke and whores, could go either way.

>> No.25963073

Buy a house with some land on it, make a big orchard and garden. Buy a small ultralight and cruise around the country side or go port to port around the coast in a boat or something. That'd be my dream life. Having a property with woods on it to explore and tend to.

>> No.25963120


>> No.25963127

I have $1M and a fuckload of Fuse and I'm terrified it's not enough.

Not stopping until broke or $5M.

>> No.25963172

also to get a few acres and grow some fruit trees

>> No.25963178

get nice place to live. buy older porsches and fix them myself and drive them. prob die in a crash with some tesla autopilot retard
y not both?

>> No.25963195
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>Look for 2 or 3 nice properties to rent out (1M EUR)
>Buy dream condo (650k EUR)
>Pay off parents properties (500k EUR)
>Buy Porsche 997 Carrera 4S (50k EUR)
>Buy black Kawasaki 650, don't want to kms yet on a heavier bike (8k EUR)
So I need around 2.5M euros to make it. Currently at 70k :(

>> No.25963212

i hope you make it friend. thats the dream

>> No.25963281

Play vidya without feeling guilty and like I'm wasting my youth.

>> No.25963312

honestly, i daydream about being properly functional.
>how to spend my life.
>what i can think about and focus on instead of feeling guilty im not maximizing and optimizing potential opportunities.
>some time to take a breath and not think about how im going to try and hustle an extra crumb or two for just a little while.
>to smell the flowers and listen to the music. i mean do nothing but occupy myself with life and engage with it to the fullest.. being mindful and present and engaged with life. reengage with my inner child and allow the fears and anxieties to wash from my shoulders like shrugging off a weight.
>to buy food, clothes, accommodation and transport because i like them, not because its the value option
>to allow my hands to grow soft and my edges to dull because i have no need for such defences or tools anymore.
>to provide my family with my full attention in the capacity they deserve and not just what can be afforded.
>to take my family out of the facilities i have nightmares of and to be able to care for them in a setting befitting someone whom i so deeply respect.
>providing my community with a boost
>being a productive citizen
>unfuck what i can and leave it better than i found it and leaving an easier (not easy) life for those who follow after me.
followed shortly by killing and disposing of myself.

>> No.25963399

Manchildren are NGMI

>> No.25963440
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smart money has officially entered
we are all going to make it

>> No.25963439

I enjoyed my time in tokyo. Although as a tourist getting shit faced on strong zero buying anime figures and going to hostess bars. Good times that the coof has taken away

>> No.25963480

this post is one or two letters away from being a cult
>marry christian women* and have kids
thats actually awesome.

>> No.25963482 [DELETED] 

>make it
>tell everyone "I told you I could do it"
>kms because that's the only goal i had

>> No.25963484
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This. I just want to waste away watching the world pass me by, but unironically.

>> No.25963493

Once my portfolio is worth $400k I will move out of my mother's home to a cabin in the woods and collect more firearms.

>> No.25963497

based. sounds like my dream.

>> No.25963521

thats why its a daydream?
and telling people theyre ngmi is somehow profitable for you?

>> No.25963551

Buy land and start a lesbian cult

>> No.25963586

That’s actually a pretty decent plan m8

>> No.25963593

Oldfag here. Made it a while ago. Having these cars is fun for about 3months then it just feels mundane like anything else.

Go travel. Micro dose shrooms. Acquire properties in key walkable areas where cool shit happens and there is constant human contact.

You’ve hacked life.
That’s it and that’s all

>> No.25963592

All I want to do is fuck hot escorts every day until my dick falls off. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.25963596
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basically this

>> No.25963617

why exactly a 997?

>> No.25963618

Id still want to kill myself but I'd do it in a much fancier way.

>> No.25963625
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Tokyo is fun to visit for maybe 1-2 weeks but it is an existential nightmare to actually live here. I’ve been taken to so many hostess bars by clients that now all those fake women do is disgust me. I just think about my wife and kid the entire time while some whore is lying to me telling me I’m cute or interesting like she does with her hundreds of other clients that week. Tokyo is peak soullessness. I would tell you which rural cities to visit to find peak SOUL but I don’t want faggot you tubers to ruin them and flood it with faggot tourist foreigners, no hard feelings.

>> No.25963687

>pay my parents debt off
>live frugally in a decent house in a nice car
>drive shit bag car (might keep my 2010 Toyota Corolla)
>have kids
>send them to private school so they dont have to gamble
it will never happen but its nice to dream

>> No.25963720

>Go to where there is constant human interaction and take mushrooms!
It's bad to live in cities, precisely because they're filled with dipshitted faggots like you who don't realize the mounting civil strife and still walk into the pits of hell.

>> No.25963736

First would probably be some nice fucking nightvision binos and round out my LARP gun collection and a ton of ammunition before buying property away from shitlibs for my family to get away to. Will then be vacationing to nice places around the world before making more kids.

>> No.25963750

If you spend your time daydreaming about being a gamer man child and that’s all you want, you won’t make it. This thread is to elevate your goals to not just be a mindless consoomer your whole life.

>> No.25963818

>city highrise penthouse
>classy car like an aston martin vanquisher
>find a cute girl on tinder who I pay to pretend to love me
>spend our time watching movies, listening to albums, taking drugs together
>go for long walks at night and talk about shit
> she eventually falls in love with me for real, for me dry and witty humour, deep knowledge of the world, and excellent taste in the arts
>i come to pay her one week, and she refuses, saying she loves me for who i am and wants to be with me for real
>we marry, she never divorces me
>travel the globe togehter, seeing all the sights there are to see in the world
>eventually settle down on a farm in the swiss countryside
>have kids, two boys and a girl
>homeschool them into autistic geniuses
>live the rest of our days happily in love
kill me now pls

>> No.25963823

Meh I used to take acid and go to the park or walk around town. It's fine so long as you didn't take some heroic dose. He didn't say walk around in niggerville

>> No.25963856
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Tired of this EVO. I really want a Chiron.

>> No.25963888

How come your best case scenario has you paying a woman for attention? Why not just work out, get a gun, and rape a woman. Stockholm syndrome is a much stronger force for creating a stable marriage than being a paypig cuck. Whores will be fucking other men and your son will not have your genetics walking the path you want.

>> No.25963931

cos im short, ugly, bald, and ethnic

>> No.25963935

Absolute nigger tier. I love it.

>> No.25963955
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>buy thousands of gold bars
>start making some (((jewelry))) to make up for lost (((fiat)))
>use extra reserves to start a (((central bank)))
>offer some low interest loans to goyim
>become jew
>marry tig ol bittie jewess

>> No.25963991

do you get to fuck them like in thailand ??? or do simps get jew'd by pretty japs with big bobs and vagene

>> No.25964047

When I make it, I'll probably be so happy that I never need to answer to a boss ever again that I probably won't want any of that shit.

>> No.25964070

You can fuck them if you become a regular client but it’s poor cost performance ratio unless your business partner is paying for it all. Hostess clubs are retardedly expensive. You can find equally attractive whores at soaplands for 1/5th of the price if you speak nip. Alternatively just go to a club/bar and you can fuck a whore for free if you’re decently attractive. Never ever marry one of these sluts though.

>> No.25964112

>renting penthouses all over the world
>tinder gold
>rent some supercars just to see how it feel
>have 5 white kids
>give money to my brother and sister who already have white kids
>bring my dead father's broke spaniard best friend everywhere he wants
>rent a villa in spain to invite all my friends and all my family

>> No.25964390

honestly, I just want to buy a PC so I can finish my thesis more easily, which involves recompiling the kernel really often during development, something that takes exponentially longer on a low powered laptop CPU

yeah, that's about it really

>> No.25964461

poor wagie, they stole your life.

>> No.25964524
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I'm gonna have to wait atleast half a year for this shit AFTER I buy it.

>> No.25964598

what kind of fuckboi drives an audi named after a mitsubishi anyway.
the chiron is unironically even worse unless you wanted to sell it to buy youself a car for men

>> No.25964654

i fell for the new macbook air meme. ill update you..

>> No.25964679

Almost none of these things will make you happy. Be close with your family and true friends, that will make you happy regardless of wealth level.

>> No.25964834

I want to retire in some comfy non-eu country like Switzerland or Norway

>> No.25964839

You realise that ONE gold bar is >$800k?

>> No.25964890

>small house
>woman who loves me unconditionally

>> No.25964937

Just so you guys know i grew up with big houses, fast cars. The sparkle wears out fast.
I get more satisfaction nowadays just from leading a to wholesome and self-controlled life. I'm thinking of joining a non denominational Christian church soon...

>> No.25964975

Great post but join a real church those non denominational places may as well be yoga studios

>> No.25965222

anon i....

>> No.25965281

I've done it once in the last month and that was last night. And it was very modest you faggot. You'll never have a lambo.

>> No.25965376

I will buy a combined 10000 hectare forest property in northern Finland and settle down there hunting, fishing, raising my kids and running a small wilderness inn with my wife. 15 million euros should be more than sufficient for this.

>> No.25965405

And being raped by mosquitos

>> No.25965406

I just want to buy a nice comfy house in the countryside so I dont have to live wall to wall to annoying neighbours. and then I will keep rotting away in front of my computer 24/7 as Im doing now.

>> No.25965413

When I hit six figure hell, I'm going to give away all of my stuff and move to Cambodia. I'm going to open a small cafe in Siem Reap. I'll live simply and comfortably biding my time until I see the perfect trade. Then I'll go all in. If it works I'll be rich, if it doesn't work I'll be a poor cafe owner in a tropical could try full of qt brown girls

>> No.25965428

Maybe protestant then. FUUUUUUUUUCK the papalcy

>> No.25965484

I don’t care about being rich. I just want to live in a nice quiet middle class neighborhood with lots of trees, away from black people. The most I would ever spend on a house is probably $500k.

>> No.25965494

Mosquitos can be a minor nuisance depending on where you locate yourself. In the north it's also usually a rather short period of time when the mosquitoes are a real pain in the ass. I'm used to them anyway.

>> No.25965545

Clear off my parents' debt , and buy them and myself a nice car.

>> No.25965596

A harem of trap bois in a foreign country desu.

>> No.25965653

>simple comfy house
>RV camper van
>Aussi sheppard dog
>take sweet time each morning making breakfast and exercising
>take entire year off just to see what I would do
Stealth made it is best. Though I feel like I should own a Tesla since it made me my first 100k.

>> No.25965676

How much does it cost to build a private prison?

>> No.25965825


>> No.25965928
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I love almost all 911s, but I think since the 997 was the "new" 911 when I was at an impressionable age (I'm from 1996), that car really stuck with me. Also:

>"Only" 40-50k 2nd hand vs. ~150k for the new ones
>Modern look, but not too modern like the more gaudy current Porsches
>Authentic Porsche headlights unlike the 996
>Not as many big engine issues as the 996
>Interior has most modern useful luxuries unlike <2000s Porsches
Wouldn't mind having a 964 Singer Porsche though, but maybe when I'm older.

>> No.25965966

continue to get /fit/, do volunteer work for animals because fuck people, continue to hang with friends. Get massages every sunday. learn to work on cars and do rebuilds. pretty /comfy/

>> No.25966033

>a car for men
>t. fucktard consoomer brainwashed by corporations that advertise certain cars as manly

>> No.25966058

could honestly do all this right now but i'm so fucking stubborn on selling my linkies, ive held to long to sell early

>> No.25966135

>invest in index funds and dividend stocks
>live off dividends because by the time I make it, it will be many millions
>allow my family members to seethe because I am richer than all of them
>hang out and NEET around for the rest of my days

>> No.25966518
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>Go travel. Micro dose shrooms. Acquire properties in key walkable areas where cool shit happens and there is constant human contact.

>> No.25966596

enjoy maintenance costs retard. save some trouble and buy a toyota

>> No.25966674

69 Chevy el camino ss. Gonna gut it and bigger the fuck out of it. Mexican burner decals, candy coat paint job, gold on blue, gold 100 spoke rims, runners, and grill. Underglow. Gun mounted to back like a halo warthog

>> No.25966679

how gay one man can be

>> No.25966700

Start WW3 for shits and giggles.

>> No.25966727

Move to the countryside. Keep programming, reading, and playing the piano. I’m way too autistic and self-conscious to lead an extravagant lifestyle.