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File: 72 KB, 700x489, cryptocurrency-bitcoin-LVMH-rakutenwallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25951969 No.25951969 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right?


>> No.25952005

Just a schizo

>> No.25952027

>right about literally anything, ever

>> No.25952055

The midwits think crypto is a Ponzi scam unironically

>> No.25952066

How about you go back and stay there

>> No.25952067

Yes. But on average, we're still altruistic as a whole. So it's one of those, "oops I guess the assholes win along with us" situations

>> No.25952078

that literally made no sense...and you are probably the same poster.

>> No.25952081

/pol/ is too retarded to understand. they will be the 90% who own 5% of all bitcoin.

>> No.25952090
File: 348 KB, 747x664, 1605672280772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it happening over there again? Curse that wretched place. Lost 12k betting on trump because I listened to these cracker schizos. Im stupid for listening to them, point is, dont go to /pol/ it is far few from reality.

>> No.25952104

Anyone who's actually intelligent doesn't browse /pol/, literal midwit theory personified there. Dude doesn't even know about Monero and gets so much fundamentally wrong

>> No.25952130

That's not what makes them midwits, what makes them midwits is realizing bitcoin is a ponzi yet not putting money in it anyways.

>> No.25952137

government cryptocurrencies will suck

decentralized cryptocurrencies will rock!

>> No.25952162

The biggest thing to consider is that cryptocurrency is insanely MORE anonymous than traditional currency.
USD when transactions are made are "from: X, to: y, amount: 69420, description: lol fucked your face, location_from: e" and so much more.

If that dumbass claimed the current crypto's aren't anon, that proves he's an idiot. Most crypto's are literally just "from: X, to: Y, amount: 69"

>> No.25952274


>> No.25952285
File: 28 KB, 480x640, images (45).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25952384
File: 9 KB, 290x76, logo-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cryptocurrency is great for them because it's inherently not anonymous, can't be made anonymous, easy to do economic flimflam on and so on
>blocks your path

>> No.25952447

yeah this is pretty much what I've been thinking.

>> No.25952552

Bitcoin is a great way to soak up inflation. It’s literally just a free bubble based on nothing. Once money moves into real things and production the wheels are going to fall off

>> No.25952579

no he's retarded

>> No.25952626

omae wa...

>> No.25952680

He would have to try to convince everyone to get on board with this "NWOcoin." Took Bitcoin like 10 and majority of the people in the world still haven't including people that dwell /pol/.

>> No.25952687

>Is he right?
what do you think...

>> No.25952712

*10 years

>> No.25952823

>/pol/boomer calling anyone else a tard

>> No.25953458

I swear /pol/ went to shit in late 2015 and has only gotten worse.

>> No.25953493

midwits who fomod in are making money
this guy will stay out of the market and remain poor while complaining about how life sucks and the government ruined everything for him

>> No.25953585


>> No.25953621

i bet moot left largely because of pol.
>if it turns into stormfront i'll delete it
>turns into stormfront
>deletes it
>all hell breaks loose
>moot leaves
fuck you polplebs.

>> No.25953930

To fulfill our regulatory requirements and ensure the highest possible level of protection for our customers, Bitstamp Europe S.A. is implementing additional KYC and AML controls, which also means we have to ask you for some additional information.
We are required to collect new information regarding your finances, trading and activity by the end of January 2021. This means that you need to provide us with the required information and documents even if you have already done so in the past.

>> No.25953945
File: 297 KB, 768x1586, 1610571189341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont feel so good bros

>> No.25953968

>BTC is useful for anything at all
it's only value is as a ponzi scheme

>> No.25953985

But bitcoin and bullion
Its end of the world investement time

>> No.25954001


Sounds like someone missed the boat and wishes that it would sink.

>> No.25954068

This would be for the best, honestly. People who get sucked into the far right hate machine have such a warped view of reality; it's depressing. I used to be one of those guys until I started getting pushed away by the Trumptards who refused to do any self-reflection. Eventually I just took a step back and realized that it's hate for the sake of hating, no good reason for it but making yourself miserable.

Also, that image is a larp because there are dozens of legitimate reasons to think that Trump lost honestly.

>> No.25954088

Learn to fucking type you illiterate piece of filth. You aren’t worthy to lick the dog shit off my doc Martins. Pathetic.

>> No.25954215

not sure why you assume trumps polarization wouldn't drive voters to the polls at record numbers on both sides. i just can't believe the delusion that so many of you are under given that i thought this was a place for turbo autists

>> No.25954218

100% this. Wasn't really until the 2020 primaries and the political foregrounding of marginalized identities in the political arena that I realized that I wasn't really right-wing; I just hated myself.
Mayor Pete showed me that it's possible to be a non-traditionally masculine gay male and still express power and success. Even if he didn't end up being top dog (LOL pun non intended) in the end ;)

>> No.25954549

They dun fucked up because even dumb normies have a hard time trying to act like a bunch of boomers taking selfies is equivalent of some sort of terrorism and has been a giant redpilling experience. Maybe they have this planned next week.