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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25948390 No.25948390 [Reply] [Original]

I've been really looking to get out of USDT before Jan.15th due to the FUD around it. I would hate to wake up with my funds frozen because USDT has been ceased or some nonesense. I've been using USDC but they seem to be a little more on the centralize side. Any other competitors out there? It would be a bonus to get some APY for holding the stablecoin.

>> No.25948516

Stop being a pussy. Nothing is going to happen of significance on the 15th.

>> No.25948550

Look into Origins Protocol's stable coin OUSD, probably a safe bet.

>> No.25948714

XLM seems to be steady going up. Did really well during the first quarter of this bullrun, should do pretty well in the coming jumps.

>> No.25948903

There's someone who mentions OUSD, I think mUSD and PAX could be better

>> No.25949461
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>> No.25949502

PNK sir

>> No.25949510
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>> No.25949547

guys fucking read what the pleb wants.

>> No.25949622

Wasn't there an exploit?

>> No.25949824

yes, there was but they've compensated everyone and now have insurance. They had a relaunch. I don't know anyone but usdc offering insurance.

>> No.25949845


>> No.25950088

DAI if you don't want to rely on trusting some org that the coin being (((backed))) by USD reserves. downside is it's slightly more volatile than the others, but it has been getting more stable over time and it's always within a few pennies of $1.

>> No.25950225


>> No.25950401


OUSD has a apy of 97% is this real????

>> No.25950594

DAI is decentralized and should always be worth 1 dollar (unless something breaks)
it's also possible to meme into AMPL though that's less of a true stablecoin and more of a meme "own part of the total network" bullshit

>> No.25950632

its a scam, got flashloaned
get dai or usdc

>> No.25950689

USDC, HUSD are heavily regulated.

DAI is also cool, but it's pure DeFi. If it gets really really bad, it might not retain its peg.

>> No.25950773
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How exactly is it a scam when they're refunding everyone who was affected by the hack? They rrelaunched. I'm confused sir.

>> No.25950823
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USDC is a pain the ass. USDT is cool. I do have OUSD myself. If they get exploited again they have coverage to cover the funds. Plus 2 audits. No regulation. backed by a basket of stable coins. Genius imo.

>> No.25950887

you faggots dont use DAI?
literally only stable coin I use because it cant be fucked with by the chinks or (((them)))

>> No.25951013

it can be fucked with because the fed is still printing infinite dollars. so yeah, the value stays pegged to $1, but the value of $1 is being fucked in the asshoe.

>> No.25951025

I'm holding BUSD and earning 6% on it.
I traded all my USDT into it and I'm not looking back.

With respect to BUSD's security, I'm already taking on the exchange risk by holding the funds on binance so I'm not too worried.

I know 6% isn't great but I personally don't trust centralized loaning options like celcius as to me they seem identical to bitconnect

>> No.25951296

How can I cheaply exchange between USDC and usdt or other stable usd coins
These fucking companies all make their own bullshit coin to lock in people and shut out other coins, libertarian paradise

>> No.25951507

if it's on ETH then use uniswap

>> No.25951631

Do not sleep on OUSD. They have the highest yield of 95% by just holding in your wallet. Bullish to me.

>> No.25951714

Major red flag

>> No.25952132
File: 50 KB, 1573x739, ousd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wowzer.. for a stablecoin not bad.

>> No.25952148

crypto.com has USDC, TUSD, and DAI. kraken has USDT, USDC, and DAI. uniswap has them all but gas fees might fuck you.

>> No.25952158
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>Best stablecoin

>> No.25952186

I have around 50% of my stablecoins in OUSD. Very good experience from UI/UX point of view

>> No.25952205

seriously, fuck off pajeet.

>> No.25952247

>Pls sir, buy my soon to rugpull scamcoin
>90% return sir please sir, totally realistic 95% return on fiat

Just shut the fuck up, no one here is that stupid.

>> No.25952301

DUSD is an index of the major ones. Getting >20% in the savings vault

>> No.25952314

What’s going to happen?

>> No.25952351

not sure why you're replying to me, i agree with you.

>> No.25952381

How about actual fucking dollars?

>> No.25952646

banks give you basically 0% apy interest. aave has better rates than any bank. plus i can store coins on my cold storage, or move from exchange to exchange without needing to connect to my bank or debit card.

>> No.25952656


As many ACTUAL dollars were printed last year as was TOTAL BEFORE. Holding ACTUAL dollars decreases your assets 5-10% a year. You need to happy 15%+ on them

>> No.25952992

You're an idiot that echo's what others say. You do realize that OGN has been around since 2017. Who the fucks rugs and gives you your money back. You sound like a complete moron. Unreal.

>> No.25953035


>> No.25953134

okay pajeet. i will go ahead and exchange my stablecoins for this totally trustworthy pajeet coin that is totally trustworthy. are you doing the needful sir?

>> No.25953145

>Who the fucks rugs and gives you your money back
Wtf are you talking about?
95% return on a "stable" coin is unrealistic and a scam. Show the evidence that this coin is backed 100%

Literal scam, get a life and stop trying to trick people.

>> No.25953261


are you stupid? you can see that the coin is backed ON CHAIN, that's the best proof you can find

But yes, 100% APY in unrealistic, but it's temporal, it will stable out around 15-30%.

>> No.25953526

Buy OUSD, forget the naysayer. respectable to me. They took care of the victims who were affected by the exploit. Safer than USDT for sure. less volatile

>> No.25954211


Very sound point. You don't expect the rug from guys who just compensated 100% of loses

>> No.25954305

another top stable coin you can transition to is XMR

>> No.25954332

LINK is entering stablecoin territory

>> No.25954373
File: 489 KB, 1149x996, 4318C347-226D-41EE-BA98-32125A1D182D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best of the best stablecoin

>> No.25954392


since when XMR is a stablecoin?

>> No.25954396

Stablecoins are a waste of time while the US is printing money
If you insist, USDC for centralized legally aproved etc, DAI for decentralized.

>> No.25954413


>> No.25954606

Never heard about it, what is the OUSD?

>> No.25954653

E-money is an upcoming stablecoin, only its pegged to various other currencies, not just the $

>> No.25954765

> Upcoming
Who cares

>> No.25954810


>> No.25955304


its 100% backed by other assets, such as USDT, DAI & USDC. It earns your 20-30% APY just sitting in your wallet

>> No.25955360

> Stablecoin backed by other stable coins
> Yields out of nothing

>> No.25955421

you retards really are something. i have 50k in usdt and am not wasting 1% of the spread trading it to usdc, dai or any other stablecoin
nothing will happen on the 15th. even if something does happen, tether won't just go away. hell, ripple got fucking sued by the sec and xrp is going to be delisted but it's still the top 4 coin

>> No.25955492

Holy shit, is this what a real life pajeet thread looks like? Incredible.

>> No.25955846

No, the XSN one is the pajeet thread

>> No.25955962

I've never seen shilling this blatant, though.

