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File: 252 KB, 2000x1134, ff2mU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25946207 No.25946207[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Twitter, Youtube, and Facebook censorship completely calls social media as a business tool into question. It's time to cancel Social Media Departments at major corporations

>> No.25946335

as long as your not in the business of fascist nazi shit you should be fine

>> No.25946365

>It's time to cancel Social Media Departments at major corporations
And how would you go about that

>> No.25946397


My quant says TWTR is a buy, I’m loading up. Keep up the narratives, poorfag

>> No.25946422

You're only reaching half as many people
cut the budget in half
meme it
that's a start

>> No.25946465

What exactly has Trump ever said that makes him sound like a Nazi?

>> No.25946662

Buy 4chan passes.

>> No.25946698


>> No.25946849

Might want to look at their Jan 2016 numbers before you just ape in. One analysis firm upgraded twitter to a buy today (and you should know how unimpeachable those fucks are)

>> No.25946889

This. How hard is it to just open your mouth and lick? The polish washes right out.

>> No.25947010


he claimed there was widespread election fraud despite offering zero evidence for the claim while being laughed out of court 54 judges, most of which were pro-Trump and appointed by him. then he told his followers to descend on capitol hill on a specific date in order to defend democracy. then he acts sad and confused when his followers kill cops and attempt to capture government workers. its a good play and some other politician will probably pull off the coup in the next decade or two. plausible deniability was smart, he just needed to let someone else speak for him

>> No.25947235
File: 8 KB, 249x250, 1608654903634s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like you are the reason why I drink

>> No.25947276


well people like you are why i THINK

>> No.25947299

>attempt a coup that caused multiple deaths and injuries
>Gets banned
Holy shit Trumptards are the biggest simps to exist. Even an Egirl celeb isn't as protected as much as Trump is when he has broken rules and laws consistently.

>> No.25947319

>zero evidence

NPC detected

>> No.25947340
File: 521 KB, 1645x2053, 1564272252218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the person who defines what "fascist nazi shit" is btw

>> No.25947406

You’re either beyond retarded or baiting. Tons of things get censored on social media. Anything that goes against the official narrative (“conspiracy theories”) is banned. Try making a video about Epstein on YouTube and see how that goes.

>> No.25947409

>Zero evidence
Not even going to bother with this shit. If you seriously believe Joe Biden got the most votes in US history well then you do you.

>> No.25947415


>> No.25947444


>most divisive president in us history
>act surprised when normies turn out in droves so they can have a return to normalcy

why do this

>> No.25947492

sad true disgusting

>> No.25947496

I bet not. You just managed to regurgitate three talking points from msm in two sentences. I'm wagering that you're in education, or some bureaucratic job where you've never had to solve a unique problem. And I also bet you excel at that job, because applying pre-discovered solutions to recurring problems is how your brain works best.

>> No.25947499

You talking about Obama?

>> No.25947552

Trump supporters really live in their own little fantasy land where a majority of the country doesn't hate the president and would rather have anyone else.

>> No.25947665

>So divisive he got more votes for reelection in 2020 than 2016
Ok, sure.

>> No.25947697

THIS. You lot really are glued down to your small population -70 iq farmers town

>> No.25947933

this nigga cant even listen to music lmaoo

>> No.25947983

>zero evidence

>> No.25948171

>Actually has no evidence
>"ERR... UMMM.. HMMM... NPC! NPC!"
Imagine being this level of braindead thinking millions of votes were fraudulent, not a single republican media caught on. Not Trump's FBI, Homeland, not the state and city officials. Even in the courts by Trump elected Judges. Every single case has been thrown out. Trump's own lawyers don't actually say "fraud". Not a dime of evidence other than cuckservative feels not based on any empirical facts. Now that's what you call NPC.

>> No.25948289

You haven't thought even one layer deep. So, yes: npc

>> No.25948482

I highly doubt you can give any information that I haven't looked at. It's probably more likely your going through cognitive dissonance over you daddy Trump losing and you hang out in circle jerk communities that agrees with your mentally ill ideas.

>> No.25948523

>If you have nothing to hide then there's no reason not throw freedom away

>> No.25948547

>laughed out
laughter is not an argument, despite what eyebrow raising talkshow hosts would have you believe.

>> No.25948627

Who cares? How do I profit from this?

>> No.25948760

If trump was a "fascist nazi" he wouldn't be able to be censored as he would take over these businesses, and he wouldn't be leaving office. kys

>> No.25948839

>you authoritarian!
i really don't know how these people function

>> No.25948859

>Long defense contractors.
>Twitter is probably going back to 2016 prices
>Long Chinese mining stocks that are operating in Afghanistan

>> No.25948887

Actually, don't do the Chinese mining thing

>> No.25949074
File: 39 KB, 612x444, twitter defending a free and open internet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I literally can't even right now

>> No.25949104
File: 921 KB, 2048x2048, twitter white people hate is A okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Social media is not a platform for hate, bigotcels.

>> No.25949155

Hahahahja ding dong Trump is dead. Economy way way better off without him already proven. Bye fucking loser.

>> No.25949190
File: 25 KB, 360x280, F391CF3D-9E7B-4543-A192-3E0AC1132B11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice /biz/ thread /pol/tard. Anyone else buying twitter stock?

>> No.25949229
File: 248 KB, 1569x1032, blacked chink posters on twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did society even function before social media?

>> No.25949244

Wow, very long and absolutely void of sense response.
Now answer: what of Trump's politics is national-socialistic? You are claiming that he is a Nazi.

>> No.25949263


>> No.25949288
File: 84 KB, 500x400, 1608471495182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine with cancelling it. Retired with social media and can't stand with their retardation. Social media is a mistake to mankind, ever.

>> No.25949311

It functioned just fine, most social media is women clicking like hens, anyways.

Twitter stock tanked and they shutdown Gab and Parler. Not that it matters so much; who’s gonna replace twitter? Everyone’s already using it.

>> No.25949321

They function well and more focused

>> No.25949335
File: 38 KB, 850x400, mussolini corporatism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, we MUST support the tech megacorporations and the state in their fight against fascism.

>> No.25949339

Bullish for Safex.

>> No.25949364

Social media is going to crash hard this year and beyond. They're isolating basically 50% of the western world's population at this point.

>> No.25949402

>they shutdown Gab
Gab is growing by a million users a day right now. The app stores won't carry their app, but you can just pin a website to your homescreen.
Apparently they were a lot farther ahead of the game than Parler. They host their shit on their own servers, so no AWS hard ban, which is ultimately what killed Parler

>> No.25949442

It's not just Trump or MAGA though. In the last few days thousands of conservative outlets have been nuked in Europe too.

They banned Solidarity Magazine - existed in Poland since 1980s as an anti-communist outlet. French, Hungarian, Italian profiles that challenge socialist and globohomo dogma gone too.

This might finally cause that shift from monopoly that people talked about.

>> No.25949504
File: 52 KB, 903x960, 1598841143261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well people like you are why i THINK

>> No.25949557

Until the domain name registrars ban them. Until major ISPs block them.

>> No.25949561

>zero evidence
Saying they didn't blatantly stop counting on election night is like saying the media didn't imply coronavirus was a racist conspiracy theory back in January of 2020. It's honestly the scariest fucking thing I've ever seen how now the media can just straight up tell people what to think, even if they contradicted themselves just a few news cycles prior, and the vast majority of people are completely on board. I knew it was bad, but 2020 was existential horror like I've never seen. And all these people think they're fighting for some cause by thinking and doing exactly what they're told.

>> No.25949593

Hahahah nobody cares about that poor broke ass 50%. Literally every year people predict some fall of social media and nothing happen

>> No.25949642

>domain name registrars ban them
Haha. Not all domain name registrars are cucked.
>Until major ISPs block them.
That's a good thing. In Russia it just taught everyone to use VPN.

>> No.25949657

>Adog id
that’s right you’re a fucking dog, fuck off

>> No.25949661

Funnily, I saw today that an ISP in Idaho blocked twitter and Facebook because they promoted censorship.

>> No.25949693
File: 106 KB, 798x452, 1609977965029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off shill

>> No.25949826

Let the free market decide. faggot
Where is rupert murdock? Why hasnt he created some original tech or why hasnt he just rehashed existing social media?
Because he doesnt give a fuck about you or your bullshit.
Some old, fat-ass billionaire trump donor just died why dont they use his fortune to fund something faggy like the american businesses you listed? Because he and his family dont give a fuck about social media.

Clutch your pearls somewhere else.

>> No.25950180

Imagine having lower brain capacity than an insect. Pretty sad.

>> No.25950221

That argument starts to fall apart when google, apple, and amazon all go after an upstart social media network on the same day.

>> No.25950457

the free market cannot decide because there is no free market

>> No.25950514

wahh wahh my this free enterprise made a decision about its business wahh

you faggots sound like commies

>> No.25950542
File: 37 KB, 742x353, 1610597714735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25950619

Seeing the obvious doesn't make you a trump supporter

>> No.25950643

if you're against them you have to be for trump

>> No.25950690

Don’t even bother with them anon. They are literal low IQ red neck boomers who they think outsmart the system when in reality they’re absolute fucking retards and are susceptible to the most schizo conspiracies because they need something to latch onto

>> No.25950731

What part is a conspiracy though?

>> No.25950788

Much like reducing your tax liability or just plain lying on your taxes and deutchebank loans, this is just good business.
Why create a farm system when there is no salary cap?

Sounds like Parler fucked around and found out. They shouldn't have drawn attention to themselves without the infrastructure in place.
Even now what is stopping trump from pumping up it's relevance like oann, and newsmax?
It's a grift! They are just taking their money and running. Also obviously their content gets plenty of views on YT, FB, insta and other stupid shit.
It's not really a problem; at least not one they want to spend their hard grifted money on.

>> No.25950871

>what is stopping trump from pumping up it's relevance like oann, and newsmax?
>obviously their content gets plenty of views on YT, FB, insta and other stupid shit.
Do you know what parler is?

>> No.25950896
File: 686 KB, 508x1136, 567567-97879789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh twatter screenshots and vids aren't evidence dum dums

>> No.25950902

dApps mother fucker!

>> No.25950970


>> No.25951052

Just use your brain dude. You don't have to be attached to one party to see that the media had treated trump unfairly. Covid was used by the dems to make it easy for every retarded nigger to vote. Why wouldn't they? They're the same group that is against voters required to show ID because it is too hard to get an ID apparently. Even if there was not one fraudulent vote and I believe there were many they still have played a dirty game and exploited us all over a flu with a 99% survival rate. Im guessing you're one of those people that wears your mask alone in your car.

>> No.25951084

trump's basically been banned for doxxing. it's a temp ban and trumptards are panicking because they don't have their #1 shitposter to tell them what to think all day on twitter

>> No.25951094

where in that paragraph does he gas jews or call for death to all jews?

>> No.25951132

>they don't know
wait until every bitcoin that goes through gab's wallets is deemed "tainted". kek.

>> No.25951133

Putting aside for a moment concerns about ballot security, why would it be a bad thing for voting (the most important civic duty of every citizen) to be as easy as it possibly can be?

>> No.25951157

I honestly think if they just banned all political bullshit from twitter and left that to some other platform then shit would be better all around. Yes magafags are insufferable, but so are the sjws and amplified black voices, so it would be great if all that faggotry was wiped from twitter, then we could keep it about real shit like crypto and feet.

>> No.25951191

Only had to read the first 5 words to determine that you are an insufferable faggot that needs to go back

>> No.25951226

It should be. I think every dumb nigger should be able to vote but we must be able to verify that you are actually an American citizen. We really have to put aside the number 1 problem for you to have an arguement?

>> No.25951235

>Even if there was not one fraudulent vote
the dominion software angle was the most convincing. floating point tallies, the machines had usb ports open ffs—kiddies hack that shit every year at defcon in 5 minutes.
Plus the statistical analysis; The correlation between abnormal birthday distributions and biden swings in PA very interesting nobody talked about much. Dr. Shiva's work very good.

>> No.25951248

Nigger i get what you mean, but you don’t know what divisive

>> No.25951260

Because even India has more secure elections than the US

>> No.25951347

I've been in Afghanistan for elections. Even their shit is more trustworthy.

>> No.25951349

Even if there was, it would be only anti-Semitic, but not national-socialistic. Only repeating core Nazi ideas could mark him as one, and there was none.

>> No.25951395

Unironically, Putin rigged his elections less than DNC. Mail-in ballots is just a meme, it cannot be taken seriously.

>> No.25951473

>facist nazi shit = conservative now

>> No.25951508

Nobody contests the fact that the DNC rigged their primary in 2016 against Bernie. He would have walked away with that election like it was cool, but they needed Hillary. It's a known quantity, but it's never talked about.
In 2020, when Kanye was trying to get on the ballot, they had a 50+% rejection rate of the signatures he required based on signature match.
The DNC is nothing but blatant organized crime at this point. At least the republicans have the media shitting all over them. Dems just get a hand job and a sandwich

>> No.25951673

>as easy as it possibly can be?
because if it's too easy, then retards who are susceptible to propaganda, or who just want free shit will vote for whoever runs the dirtiest race or whoever promises the most free shit.

Universal suffrage is not a virtue; half the population is cripplingly retarded, low-info, shallow-minded and fall for cheap tricks. Universal suffrage has never been a virtue throughout all of history for this very reason. It's obvious some at least low bar has to be set.

If you need an incentive to go out and vote you're too stupid to vote. If you don't have the wherewithal to fill out a form and pay $20 at any time at all during your adult life for an ID, if for some reason you don't have a driver's license, you're too stupid to vote.

But most of all, when you don't have reasonable rules in place to ENSURE the integrity of the vote beyond argument, then people reasonably (and rightfully, considering anything that CAN be exploited for power WILL be) argue over the results, and you could have avoided the whole irreconcilable mess if you had a working system to begin with. It's absurd that one doesn't need to be verified to vote, and after that a vote, one cannot verify their vote was counted properly in today's day and age.

>> No.25951699


>> No.25951700
File: 70 KB, 1200x645, The Whore of Babylon(Jerusalem) and Project Blue Beam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are going to shoot Donald Trump's clone on live television.
Then after three days @realDonaldTrump will emerge and claim to be resurrected by God and that he is God incarnate here to rule the world for 1000 years from Jerusalem.
January 17th = Fake Assassination
January 20th = Fake Resurrection
January 20th is the first day of Aquarius.
Janus is the god of new beginnings.
The Rabbis will declare him messiah.
Trump is the antichrist, the man of sin, the son of perdition, the lawless one, the beast.
Don = 33
Donald means "World Ruler"
The Donald
Corona Vires = The Crowning of the Great Authority
Q = 17th
M = Mario = Mason
L = Luigi = Lucifer
Maga is the 5th degree of Satanism
Redtie = @realDonaldTrump
Bluetie = Bluepill
Super Mario Bros (1993)
Princess Daisy, the Rock Bearer = The Whore of Babylon
Dome of the Meteor(Rock)
Jerusalem is the Whore of Babylon
Three Days of Darkness = Three Days The World Believes Trump Is Dead
The Great Awakening = The Great Deception
Rapture =/= Abduction
Project Blue Beam = Attack on Dome of the Rock
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved

>> No.25951720

this is the gayest thing i’ve ever read

>> No.25951742

kys slowly

>> No.25951777
File: 185 KB, 1920x1040, for jobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You first, circle.

>> No.25951785
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>shit into the palm the hand that feeds you for 5 years
>use that hand to literally attempt to topple the government
>that among 50 other things youve done is against the rules of the hand's services
>hand decides to stop feeding you


>> No.25951855
File: 7 KB, 317x159, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nopt a single argument found

>> No.25951876

The first problem is solved by solving a more important problem: poor and unequal education. There will be retards that really won't learn a thing, but statistically they won't matter in a meaningful way.

Your second point is hot air: people will argue over anything and claim they are being reasonable, if they stand to gain from it. I voted in November and not only DID I have to be verified, but I was able to verify on my Secretary of State's website that my vote was counted properly.

>> No.25951891

can i buy a pass with crypto?

>> No.25951898

I've deleted all my facebook Twitter snapchat whatsapp Google hangouts etc all I have now is telegram. Also sold my stocks in these companies not because I support the orange man but specifically because this is an extremist action by a power drunk company

>> No.25951906

yeah litecoin

>> No.25952085

I thought they were shutting down telegram.

>> No.25952093

You seem to incorrectly think that education solves people's incredibly low intelligence.
Do you genuinely believe people can be taught how to not be stupid?

>> No.25952144

>poor and unequal education
Wrong. The U.S. dumps money more money into education every year and our scores only get worse. Your marxist (whether you realize that or not) metaphysical assumptions, that we are all equal and that differences are only a matter of education (which, even if we assume this to be the case, says nothing about the possibility of realistically implementing such a system, let alone maintain it) are unsubstantiated in any way, shape, or form.

> but statistically they won't matter in a meaningful way.
50% of the population has a double digit IQ. Let that sink in, especially considering midwits are some of the biggest retards of them all.

>argue over anything and claim they are being reasonable,
oh jeez nobody ever considered that well I guess everything is subjective. so much for the legal system! things are just like your opinion, man.

>I voted in November and not only DID I have to be verified,
n = 1, don't care. My anecdote: I didn't. They asked my name and dob, read me my address and didn't even ask for a license. Probably because I'm young and they thought I'd be a Biden voter. Or just massive incompetence.

>but I was able to verify on my Secretary of State's website that my vote was counted properly.
no, you weren't. That's not verification, that's a data entry. You know nothing about the underlying systems, or their veracity.

>> No.25952193

Zero evidence cause social media & Reddit censored it for you

>> No.25952222

Cool story

I got 3 ballots in the mail and filled out one. I was called 15 mins before polls closed because signature match and was told to go immediately if I wanted my vote to count. I couldn't have made it there in time. My signature has never changed and I have never had this problem before with anything. Guess who I voted for.

>> No.25952332

Who said I was talking about money? And can you really sit here on the internet and tell me with a straight face that education doesn't allow people to make better choices, regardless of their IQ?

>50% of the population has a double digit IQ
No shit, IQ is based on the average of a population being set as the midpoint of 100.

> so much for the legal system! things are just like your opinion, man.
Unironically the argument Rs are making right now as to why they objected to the electoral counts, i.e.: "but m-muh 74 million who feel the election system is qestionable." Maybe they could've won a fucking court case if they had anything to substantiate that opinion.

>lol no you don't idort
Okay go ahead and keep burying your head in the sand.

>> No.25952633

good bait maybe next try

>> No.25952731

>education doesn't allow people to make better choices
not if they're not smart enough to begin with, no. It's not even IQ necessarily, it's just fucking sleepy dopiness. It's goydom. you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. education will not change anything, otherwise it would have already. Education is not something you can bestow on some poor fool who's not already hungry for it. and if you go through life not even thirsty to master basic societal functioning, I don't know what lessons (which you've never even specified) you think imposing will accomplish.

>No shit, IQ is based on the average of a population being set as the midpoint of 100.
No shit, my point is that have you ever interacted with someone 100iq? It's depressing.

>Maybe they could've won a fucking court case if they had anything to substantiate that opinion.
now I know I'm talking to a retard. Most cases were dismissed on procedural grounds and not on merits; they filed cases before the election and they were dismissed because no fraud has yet occurred; they filed them after the election and they were tossed out on laches, because it was too late to remedy anything; kafkaeque joke. When you realize the death threats, career threats, and other intimidation the lawyers received who were working on these cases, it's little wonder why the spines of judges who weren't ideologues turned to jelly. The son-in-law of the Gov of GA or maybe the SoS and a Loeffler staffer was blown up in a mysterious explosion a day after announcing an audit—big coincidence, right?

>Okay go ahead and keep burying your head in the sand.
Okay go ahead and keep burying your head in the sand.

>> No.25952870

>hey filed cases before the election and they were dismissed because no fraud has yet occurred;
>The son-in-law of the Gov of GA or maybe the SoS and a Loeffler staffer was blown up in a mysterious explosion a day after announcing an audit
I'm gonna take "shit that never happened" for 500, Alex. Or can you source me on this incredibly under-reported information that appears to still have a bit of your ass juice dripping from it?

>> No.25952969

>I'm gonna take "shit that never happened" for 500, Alex.
go back to plebbit you passive-aggressive know-nothing

>>hey filed cases before the election and they were dismissed because no fraud has yet occurred;
yes, as an attempt to prevent fraud from occurring based on last minute change in laws to accommodate mail-in-ballots, which are not absentee ballots. you got a problem with that?

>> No.25953211

honestly worth it. they take eth too apparently.

>> No.25953223

If you continue to be willfully ignorant, and if you continue to expect the powers to be to just hand you the information and skills you need in order to not be a serf, you are going to are going to be a serf.

>> No.25953303

wait did it work

>> No.25953321

it's ok, he'll wait for an education campaign to come along and tell him what he needs to know

>> No.25953524

this was good advice.
you can pay with eth, bros

>> No.25953739

>Minor staffer of a candidate that lost gets in a car accident and suddenly it's a "fiery explosiion" conspiracy theory because of course it is.
>no source for claim number two
You could just admit you're full of shit and save us both some time, you know.

>just trust me, bro
Gimme a reason.

>> No.25953999

>Minor staffer of
he was also the fiancee of Gov. Kemp's daughter

>a candidate that lost
the runoff election wasn't one of the highest profile races in the country? what's your point?

>fiery explosiion
read the article, it was a 3 car pileup that caught fire, so yes, fiery explosion

>You could just admit you're full of shit
project harder you dumb motherfucker, you can't even read a fucking article and you're on here preaching about education. graduate highschool before you open your mouth again

>> No.25954876


Grocery stores unironically use more advanced systems than our elections. Think about that. I could show you an itemized list of what I bought Walmart on November 3, 2020 but I can’t show you who I voted for.

>> No.25954960

deplatforming your political opponents is the fascist shit
but please, keep it up
it will make what is going to happen to you entirely justified

>> No.25955005

Buy BAT. Literally solves this exact problem

>> No.25955576 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 1050x550, 00epgates1-facebookJumbo-v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking no presidential election was ever rigged

Imagine being a tranny (or don't)

Imagine thinking both candidates are always two sides of the same coin anyway just one will lead you to death faster than the other.


>> No.25955609
File: 139 KB, 1050x550, 00epgates1-facebookJumbo-v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking no presidential election was ever rigged

Imagine being a tranny (or don't)

Imagine thinking both candidates aren't always two sides of the same coin anyway just one will lead you to death faster than the other.


>> No.25955664
File: 2.53 MB, 1548x779, ErVYo8FXUAAETlg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this.

>> No.25955713

>return to normalcy
>trannies, niggers rioting, censorship, thought crimes, lockdowns, forced vaccinations, endless zog wars, endless mass migration of unwanted bydlo, rising taxes and stagnant wages, inflation and rising cost of living

yes people just cant wait to return to normal. Thats why they voted for Trump to begin with, then voted for him in even larger numbers the second time, because they just love "normal."

>> No.25955786

>can't show who i voted for
you shouldn't be able to. You shouldn't be able to sell your vote. If you can see who you voted for, you can prove who you voted for, and that means you can sell the vote.

>> No.25955833

Please the list of things you're not allowed to think is long as my arm and getting longer by the day.

>> No.25955865

None of that is remotely national socialist.

>> No.25955892

Who's a Trump supporter. Only reason we like him is the gestapo of MSM+Academia didn't.

>> No.25955927
File: 19 KB, 543x443, 1530662637240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>codemonkey did an ARIMA fit and it says number go up

>> No.25956026

Removed from Twitter, then removed from Roblox, Many such cases. SAD!

>> No.25956056


How can I profit from this?

>> No.25956081

Yes. There was/is a Q group that is trying to reverse the overtaking of America and the world. Trump's uncle, John G. Trump (an MIT physicist), got ahold of Telsa's work after Tesla died. The government sent John in to look over the notes. Johm said "yeah looks like a bunch of schizo garbage lmao" but it was the exact opposite.

Pic not related but checkem:
Remember how Trump is reportedly going to his golf course in Scotland on the 19th? Golfing, in Scotland, in January, right before the inaguration...

Why did Trump build this golf course next to Culzean Castle? Who built this castle?


>Clan Kennedy