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File: 37 KB, 975x600, pepethefrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25938886 No.25938886 [Reply] [Original]

I now have 80k fucking dollars
at 33 years old I never had more than 12k during all my miserable life
I went all in crypto (btc eth monero mostly)
I just realized how fucking much 80k is, I can already buy like 15 high end computers if I wanted
I waged for almost 15 years
if it keeps pumping I'll literally go insane, how can this be possible to have this much just clicking 3 buttons?
and no one talks about it
I'm not even high right now

>> No.25939011

Sell your Buttcoins and get into MLM. That’s where the real money are.

>> No.25939056

80k at 33 is nothing. Well, it's not nothing, but it's a humble start.

The fact that you're analogizing it to gaming computers is telling, though. 1) Have sex, incel. 2) Grow up. 3) Work harder and have some god damn self respect.

>> No.25939076

You'll soon realize what you have is nothing, and all you will care about in life is number go up. Welcome.

>> No.25939092

>, I can already buy like 15 high end
33 years old and using quantity of consumer goods as a metric for wealth.
Ngmi. You will be broke too soon if you think of money in turns of what it can buy you now rather than later.

>> No.25939113

you took on risk and you’re being rewarded for that, most cucks cant handle crypto

>> No.25939131

$80k is nothing, don't be content with $80k.

>> No.25939144

80k is literally 1 month of expenses where I live (rent , food , bills) you are lucky.
I have to make 1m a year just to survive

>> No.25939185

>likening 80k to an amount of gaming PC's
Also, have sex, take a shower, hit the weights, gain height and get a CLUE.

>> No.25939192

>he lives in a DUMB

>> No.25939198
File: 228 KB, 650x650, 10E4443A-127D-451D-99C0-3C873E08C052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont listen to the envy faggots, 80k is a lot, you could buy a nice house and start your own bussiness

>> No.25939220


OP at this point there are several options - all of which have their own merit - but my first suggestion is to do your own research and find a coin not currently held on exchanges (RSR, HOT, PNK, you shit coin here) and put 10% of your earnings into a project that you really believe in.

The second option is to diversify your assets into some sort of BTC/ETH/XLM/STELLAR/ADA/LTC/LINK split where you pick 5 of the coins and go 20% in on each.

Alternatively, you can do a dave ramsey and just cash out and put a massive downpayment on a house. This is probably not worth it though.

Also, if you've got 80k you can afford to lift some god damn weights.

>> No.25939237
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>muh computers are bad
Is this you troglodyte?

>> No.25939241

Bro just wait 6 months when you have 400k, at first it'll blow your mind but when you realize you're in 6 figure hell you'll calm down a lot. The sooner you stop thinking like a consoomer and start thinking like an investor the better.

>> No.25939244

A nice car*

>> No.25939347

80k is a gift, you better invest that shit and have a chance at a retirement. If you blow it on bullshit, youll never see wealth in your life

>> No.25939353

The thought of buying 15 computers is why you are still poor.

>> No.25939363

>80k is literally 1 month of expenses where I live (rent , food , bills) you are lucky.

Elon has already finished the Mars colony and you moved in already? Must be kinda lonely. But hey, at least you already got internet to shipost on /biz/ out of the gate. Elon is da man.

>> No.25939382

>linkbros finally admit ada is solid
WAGMI, brothers

>> No.25939392

just move somewhere cheaper like the midwest or texas. boom you’ve now de facto doubled your net worth

>> No.25939437

Kek I need 3m/month just to buy candles and socks

>> No.25939451


Get your wits about you and use that 80k to make even more.

>> No.25939456

>buy a nice car
Brain dead mongoloid. Imagine pulling from a limited supply of capital and using it to purchase a quickly depreciating asset. Ngmi and kys.

>> No.25939481

>I now have 80k fucking dollars
Just HODL bro. If you think this bull run is great, then imagine the next one.

>> No.25939485

Your mentality is shit. Already thinking about how to consoom with your new found money. NGMI.

>> No.25939512


Get back to me when you crack a million; you’re never gonna make it.

>> No.25939516


No it's that money to him is in terms of fucking gaming computers and not renting an apartment, buying a house, or grown up things

>> No.25939535
File: 458 KB, 1280x720, 633BD7C8-F1D3-466D-9944-8A8CEB9CB52E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5.3k for a setup to play games
holy fuck i like games too but reprioritize man. i was thinking today about buying a $300 shitop so i can boot up AOE2 again.

>> No.25939550

He's right though.

>Guys do you know how many NINTENDO SWITCH I can buy with 80k?!?

>> No.25939563


You haven't made SHIT until the wire clears and it's sitting in your bank account

>> No.25939575

I'm 21 and have half a million USD and I don't feel anything.

>> No.25939618

I planned to go all in bitcoin, actually I'm all in bitcoin at this very moment, might sell 10-15% if we hit highs

I mean you got to compare your funds to something? 80k is just a number

>> No.25939646

Oh you are a stupid idiot. I am at over 3X that currently and I chose not to spend $500 because it was just a non-necessity.

And what kind of faggot thinks about buying 15 PC? 15 PC's, why the fuck would that even enter your mind.? You can't make 1 work so figure 15 will give you better odds to actually have one you don't destroy?

>> No.25939669

>80k at 33
Ngmi but seriously

>> No.25939706

dont consoom, save

>> No.25939733
File: 88 KB, 1024x576, 8DB93064-7AF6-4B33-ADD0-C86BAE02E66D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the responses are from reactionary faggots with zero reading comprehension. I get that you’re just putting into context how much money you have. I do the same thing by picking out lambos and porsches and realizing I could buy one right now. It’s a good feeling and makes things feel more than number on screen bullshit.

That said I am in this market to make millions of dollars and not buy depreciating assets or fancy meme gadgets, and I assume the rest of us are too.

>> No.25939738

I aspire to this feeling anon.

>> No.25939774

>Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>> No.25939915

you're probably from america, disconnected from reality

>> No.25939945

with 80k all in bitcoin there's a good chance he'll make it within 1 year. guaranteed to make it within 4.

>> No.25940036

how many PS5s is that?

also you don’t have it until for cash out. when bitcone hits $50k it might be time to take out $10-20k or so.

>> No.25940055

Only low IQ consoomers think like that.

>> No.25940057

I mean, if you don’t have a car, it’s a pretty good investment, and only about 5k

>> No.25940639
File: 44 KB, 500x375, cimg1210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to buy a car when I passed 100K. And I wanted my gf to use it because Winter was coming. Kept my eye open for a good car. But last month she stupidly decided to take a rental scooter back home one night, after work. The scooter had a faulty throttle and she was thrown of and fractured her knee. We went to the wrong hospitals. They basically charged us referral fees until we got to a surgeon a whole TEN days later. The pain of laying at home with a broken leg for any amount of time should never happen. But she did it, and now her psyche will never be the same. I think about the car I could've bought with the gains from time to time.

>> No.25940960

>I just realized how fucking much 80k is
Like how much? It doesn't even buy you a decent car.
Anything under 8 figures is pennies.

>> No.25941106

Hahaha you will lose it all unless you start taking profits.

Crypto market is about to come crashing down hard. Sell now, it's not going back to 42k.

Remember this post when you're poor again.

>> No.25941124


This. When I first broke 100,000 I was on cloud 9 for at least a week. Now I'm just over 300,000 and you realize its a lot but not really enough to actually do anything. Just one more 10x though baby and I'm solid as fuck. I could see getting a 20x by this peak too MAYBE a 30x if I'm lucky. I'm basically all LINK.

>> No.25941140

Guys, the normies are in.
Thanks for giving me the sell signal, faggot.

>> No.25941363

I put 3K in crypto one year ago and now it's 16K. I keep imagining what I could buy but then I wouldn't have my crypto. I think I'll be here forever.

>> No.25941463
File: 97 KB, 1020x1005, 46651234-6AC1-4457-93BE-ADF4DF8CCF0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grown up things

Why the fuck do you fags conform to this idealism?

>B...but anon if you don't do this and that you are a manchild!

Fuck off kike. I spend my money how I want after I invest it.

>> No.25941481

Same Anon, I am 26 and have more current value in magic internet money than what my house and car together are worth. I am like holy shit, but this can’t be the top yet.

>> No.25941500

Only peons need computers. Either to escape from work or to perform some work. Those days are not ahead of you.

>> No.25941550

All in with 300k? I think I'd set 100 aside just in case everything went to shit.

>> No.25941748

I have 50k at 24 and am embarrassed. stfu op

>> No.25941750

I'm 33 this year too and never made more than 35k in a year at my job but I've been pretty frugal and through crypto, saving, etc I have about 325k as of right now. It's not enough and at my age I feel I should have more.

One thing you'll realize is that most people are retarded with money because society and our education system purposely miseducates the masses because the masses are who the elite get to dump their bags on time after time. They'd have a harder time getting and staying rich if people had even basic financial education.

>> No.25941772

you're going to have a fun year

>> No.25941995

> Pennies

Sorry anon high 7 figures is firm make it territory

>> No.25942025

realized that since a while, literally the average person in my country have no idea that their bank savings lose value over the years, that's disgusting

>> No.25942052


Is this the future liberals want?

>> No.25942078

It's way more than most 30 year old. The median net worth of Americans >35 is $14k

>> No.25942092

I dont think 325 at 33 is nothing to sneeze at man. But if I were you, Id go all in 100k on PNK, wait till it gets listed on CB binance and cash out with the 1.2mm and never look back

>> No.25942104

nigger do you eat caviar and champagne at every meal

>> No.25942146

>80k at 33.

How did you fuck up at life so bad?

>> No.25942148

this. a nice late 2000s toyota camery with low mileage is a pretty noice investment. Can use that asset to make a lot of money

>> No.25942151

This kind of mentality is the exact reason most of the first world is living paycheck to paycheck and/or in massive amounts of debt. You're thinking exactly how you've been conditioned to--buy all the useless shit you don't need.

You should be thinking about how to turn that 80K into MORE fucking money.

>> No.25942193

Op don't listen to this bucket of retarded crabs, you're doing great with 80k

>> No.25942216


Seriously? I wasted my twenties boozing (1 year sober now) and not taking life seriously and I was pretty down at only having 25k in crypto and shit credit. It’s super weird being cash poor still but slowly accumulating wealth in magic internet money

>4 ETH
>13 LINK
>.51 BTC

>> No.25942243

gives me hope. i wanna get to 80k. be safe and cheer up OP :)

>> No.25942244


He's right. A 30 year old with 80k should be putting away money into retirement, buying property or investing it again. Not thinking about how many PCs they can buy

Although dropping 5k on a new rig is acceptable

>> No.25942278

Not disputing, but where is this figure taken from?

>> No.25942314

>just to survive
More like just to live a life of degenerate luxury as a snooty californian homosexual. Have fun as a pile of gore on the cold floor when Cletus and Billy finally get fed up with this shit
Fuck I got b8d

>> No.25942326

Why wouldn't you want to own your own house? Even a few at that so you can rent out and make passive income

>> No.25942335

what do you think I'm doing? cashing out my 2 btc and buying a green tractor?

I presume you live in america, 80k is something most people will never get or never dream to get, you're disconnected

>> No.25942367
File: 282 KB, 1440x1244, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making 7 figure salary
Nobody is this retarded.

>> No.25942379

>80k is nothing
>retard faggot anon on the internet

If you are not a millionaire you are never far from broke. Especially if you live in a shithole country like the US

>> No.25942481

same. you have no idea how nigger tier most people in this jew'd society are man. It's not just that they're personal spending habits are nigger tier - its that the entire system has to give them access to lines of credit they shouldn't have and encourages them to use it

Most people are in stupid amounts of credit card debt - or paying off a new car payment ext...

If you have any kind of nest egg - you're likely doing much better than most

>> No.25942523


>> No.25942538

>If you are not a millionaire you are never far from broke.
Wrong way to look at it.
Many celebrities / pro athletes / lottery winners have gone broke or into negative net worths despite plenty of money because they spend like idiots.
And you can make minimum wage and be pretty reliably safe from missing bills.
It more depends on how much of an idiot you are with spending than anything else. Tricks a lot of people because you tend to gradually gain in salary and at the same time gradually increase your spending to match it when if you had stuck to how you lived at the beginning of your career you'd be spending way less.

>> No.25942670

we're not talking rupees, apu.

>> No.25942746
File: 496 KB, 860x770, pep6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80k is amateur numbers....i literally made more than that on Tokamak alone without counting my other portfolios....

>> No.25942788

You are a fucking manchild. Who the fuck looks at high end computers as a unit of measurement. 80k is nothing you retard get to work wagie

>> No.25942813
File: 261 KB, 600x841, FC82A344-A8D3-4D2B-9C4C-54757CD7067E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can already buy like 15 high end computers if I wanted

>> No.25942814

Nah it really isn’t. There’s no reason to spend that much on a PC unless you’re a video editor or something

>> No.25942920


Its all the same if everything goes to shit I'll wait as long as it takes.

>> No.25942926

How the fuck can anyone justify paying $5,000 for a new computer? That's just retarded.

As a side - I hope you niggers with high end - semi high end gpu's are mining with them. At the current rate I'll be able to pay off my RTX 2070 in 9 months minus electrical expenses.

>> No.25942938

Buy a fucking house retard
Invest that money
Or invest that money into yourself and get more education
Put that shit into retirement

>> No.25943024

I looked up the definition of manchild and I'm afraid this matches your post and many others itt pretty well
you really seems to have a fixation on expensive PCs, who cares about that? I'm not cashing out


>> No.25943105

not at all; I'm just all in bitcoin for now and I have no plans to cash out anything at the moment

>> No.25943166


>> No.25943189

Buy one high end PC. You need that PC now. You don't need it when you're 45. If you can't enjoy your wealth you can't enjoy anything.

>> No.25943279


>> No.25943307

I don't want to be like the pizza guy and buy a 50000 dollars pc or something
maybe if more people think like that, there won't be so many useless things everywhere

>> No.25943345

You don't have $80k until you sell

>> No.25943389


>> No.25943438

>If you can't enjoy your wealth you can't enjoy anything.
Misleading take. It's by temporarily not enjoying wealth that you can reliably put more of it towards a much more rewarding expense.
Spending your spare money on video games or recreational drugs might give you short lived highs but putting the money you would have spent on that towards a nice suburban house will be a thousand times more beneficial for your mental well being even though it'll take a temporary period of being less impulsive and more long term goal oriented.

>> No.25943459

not him but fuck being a wage slave. that's just some more bull shit.

>> No.25943484


Ladies, ladies - please. One at a time.

>> No.25943570

> If you can't enjoy your wealth you can't enjoy anything.

This is literally what instant-gratification athletes tell themselves before blowing all of their money in vegas and then becoming addicted to painkillers

>> No.25943772


>> No.25943946

Being in a slightly bigger suburban house is not worth sacrificing another decade holding BTC and not even buying one PC. What about his best years?

Thats why I told you to buy just one. Maybe one that costs 2k max.

>> No.25944034

I'm 21 and I literally just got into crypto. I had no way to buy it in 2012 when I was in 8th grade and was always mad about that, but I've decided fuck it you got to start sometime.

Where do I go from here bros.

>> No.25944095

>I had no way to buy it in 2012 when I was in 8th grade and was always mad about that

That is exactly when you coulda and woulda wanted to buy into it. Shit $100 or less and you would be set for life by now. Just woulda taken a little creativity.

>> No.25944154

Oh and where do you go? you just start with what can and find ways to add more to the pot without fucking up what you have already acquired. One day at a time..just start with something to get the seed growing.

>> No.25944293
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Good job buddy. It's amazing how much you can invest and earn by being frugal with a small salary. I love being cheap, it forces you to be creative, and it gives me gratitude.

>> No.25944335

I shit you not I asked my dad to buy me 500 dollars worth as my only birthday present and he called me a retard. As to why I never got into it, it got depressing hearing about the numbers going up knowing what I missed out on. They'd just keep going up and I felt like I missed that one golden opportunity to have captured a fortune.

>> No.25944374
File: 139 KB, 426x276, elonkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25944544

>already thinking how to spend them

>> No.25944628

Good job, op. Don't listen to these faggots. 80k is a lot of money. Don't go crazy with it tho. Keep trading and observe the law. I believe you'll make it.

>> No.25944751
File: 6 KB, 297x170, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aieo eoio

>> No.25944763
File: 74 KB, 551x431, home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slightly bigger suburban house
For most of these anons it's going from renting an urban apartment in nigger hell and getting zero equity out of it to owning a peaceful and comfy house in a quiet suburban neighborhood.
Also rent always goes up with inflation while mortgage rate is locked in (which if you buy a house now would be down to 2% i.e. less than the inflation rate meaning you're effectively getting paid to own a house).
I can't overstate how much better it is for your physical and mental health to do this.

>> No.25944852

Yeah sure whatever. He can do that when bitcoin goes to 100k but why should he suffer right now just to double his 2k? He wants a nice gaming PC and could easily afford one for 2k or 3k and it won't hurt anyone.

>> No.25944897

this bait was amazing you hooked me

>> No.25945064

Go back to your dad and call him a retard while pressing the bitcoin graph into his face. Might sound like a cope, but look into xsn. There are always more opportunities. Bitcoin won't be the last.

>> No.25945377

My dad was always a financially illiterate retard. Haven't talked to him in years though.

I also can't guarantee young me wouldn't have cashed out super prematurely but I do remember intending to just put it up so I could forget about it and be a millionaire one day, like I read happened to the guys who bought it was worth pennies.

Should I just buy LINK to get started now?

>> No.25945782

congrats anon, go treat yourself to some mai tais in Rio or Thailand. life's too short to just sit in the cage all the time.

>> No.25945997

It's not a lot, I have $50k in credit debt.
The best you could do is buy a house with the money, the worst you could do is spend it all on video games.

>> No.25946091

Well you had to take a big risk to get those big rewards.
I’m a coward and can’t bring myself to do that.
I’m also too stupid to know when is the right time.
For me, I’m just trying to learn and grasp the various perspectives on trading and squeeze out pennies at a time. It may take longer than just pure luck, but hopefully when the time comes I’ll be less reliant on luck.

>> No.25946153

80k is fuck all

>> No.25946158

Oh look, it's me in 2017-2018

>> No.25946191

Literally just buy BTC or ETH in small increments over time and don't sell. It's not that hard

>> No.25946392
File: 4 KB, 166x250, 1608235084471s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are Crabs in a Bucket holy shit lmao ,
I'm not a hater OP , Good job man you can buy a home with that level of capital, save and keep pushing and don't forget you haven't made anything until you exit.

80k is very healthy Savings Fren

>> No.25946511

Looks like you cant enjoy anything lmao , Have some fun dude

>> No.25946669

Yes the normies are in, shorted my pity 10K LINK

>> No.25946708

Vietnam dong?

>> No.25947036


See >>25942078

>> No.25947049

The sad thing is that's not even enough to buy a house.

>> No.25947190

I am 28 with 5K

>> No.25947431

It is. What are you gonna do with it? Live on it for 4 years?

>> No.25947481
File: 444 KB, 741x682, ...huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put it in the stock market and flip it??

>> No.25947531

Based and timesharepilled

>> No.25947887

I am 27 with 100k you filthy nigger.

>> No.25947993

I'm 26 with a billion, worthless scum faggot.

>> No.25948109

You literally could have swapped RuneScape gold for Bitcoin in 2012

>> No.25948161


>> No.25948237

>Happy with 80k
>80K feels like nothing to me
When will it ever be enough /biz/? Why is it never enough?

>> No.25948348

>When will it ever be enough /biz/?
10M is enough. 5M for safe 6% dividend stocks, 2M cashed out to establish a nice lifestyle with no debt + 3M still in crypto you won't have to watch like a hawk.

>> No.25948811

The median American is non-white and a female.

White men at 35 should have at least 200k to their name.