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File: 141 KB, 900x580, campuscoin_HaydenIrwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2592905 No.2592905 [Reply] [Original]

Post yfw you fell for the bancor meme :^)
>tfw this is just the start

>> No.2592930

Don't understand anything. Please explain. Dumbfag here.

>> No.2592946

Do you mean fell for the fud or fell for buying Bancor?

>> No.2592947

I wonder if Galia has any nudes floating about in the cloud

>> No.2592976

"The funds will be progressively deposited in a token changer that will provide a decentralized and automated solution for exchanging GNO to BNT, with no (human) counter-party. Since BNT holds an ETH reserve, two-way ETH-GNO conversions will be possible as well."
Once this works they can copy/paste for more coins.

I bought 1k at ICO and will be buying more.

>> No.2593024

she'll be hideous in 10 years time, facial structure is all kinds of fucked up
that chick on the left tho

>> No.2593051
File: 45 KB, 790x530, Screen_Shot_20170622_at_4.51.46_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think the price is being kept low for whales to accumulate? Pic related happened for a couple minutes, not sure why but if I was a millionaire I'd want to buy in as cheap as possible. If the price doubled id only be able to buy half as much

>> No.2593071
File: 109 KB, 830x225, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could put could you stop using this retarded picture. I own bancor as well and this girl is just some chick on the marketing team.

Why don't you post the actual inventor? Pic related.

>> No.2593080

Aryan goddess on the left.

>> No.2593099

Nobody really knows, but im still holding since bancor seems perfect for normies.

It will be the biggest exchange in the world.

It also seems like a lot of influential people are backing this coin. (LIKE DA JOOOOOOS) which is actually a good thing since they will promote the coin.

You need connections in this world to get anything done.

>> No.2593108
File: 2.04 MB, 1600x1200, 1498231970573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I do believe that.

>> No.2593112


I love jewesses i'd love to gag her with my uncut cock while she trys to explain the blockchain to me

>> No.2593120

Yes Bancor does seem perfect for normies. I think it will do for Alts what coinbase did for BTC and eth.

>> No.2593186

price is way below ico price now because its a shit coin

>> No.2593205

You're measuring the price in fiat so I'm just gonna disregard anything else you say about crypto

>> No.2593648

Only reason why it does go down a bit after the price increase is stupid flippers dissapointed of not doing a 2x in 1 day and jump to the next ico. Bancor will attract the normie fags and will make us rich. holding 6k bnt now and not even thinking about selling before 2 years from now. Gonna invest my bnt in decent coins build on the platform and increase my bnt stack.