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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25928390 No.25928390 [Reply] [Original]

wew lads

>> No.25928888

Btfo but I mean the guy has been on a self own streak for a while.

>> No.25928963

Why should we trust a Bitcoin merchant shilling his Bitcoin bags more than a gold merchant shilling his gold bags?

>> No.25928989

because the gold merchant hasn't been right in 12 years

>> No.25928996

Well said

>> No.25928999

Kek and checked

>> No.25929046

>still comparing two totally different assets with each other.

>> No.25929067

So this is why so much USDT is printed
Because obviously you can't buy BTC without Tether

>> No.25929092

The winklecuck twins haven't been right about anything and got lucky with bitcoin

>> No.25929121

Checked back anon

>> No.25929179

It's true... In order for institutions to go 200x logn on cron they require 400m in tether sent to deltec

>> No.25929232

>they got lucky
cope more, they are billionaires, you are not.

>> No.25929237

Peter is the most annoying person in (out of) crypto at this moment. Why can't he shut his dumb boomer mouth? He doesn't know shit.

>> No.25929294 [DELETED] 

Now this is interesting and I'm willing to eat back my sarcasm
Could you direct me to some resource that explains this process?

>> No.25929336

>haven’t been right
>got lucky
They essentially were right about Facebook. They went from being fairly wealthy Harvard students to ~$60 Million net worth in the span of a few years on the merits of their idea... they were right to hire Zuckerberg ... they then put their net worth into Bitcoin and were right about that. There’s only so many times you can be right about something based on luck.

>> No.25929381

If you really think there's no luck involved I got terrible news for you buddy.

Your life is gonna suck. Hell, it probably already does.

>> No.25929411

>"no, u"

>> No.25929543

I bought 4k link at 20c because I was "lucky" fuck off?

>> No.25929555

i know "cope" is a buzzword, but there's really no other way to describe this than cope posting.

>> No.25930276


Damn where's the boundary beyond which the Winkies are violating SEC rules about where and how to 'publicly' release information? Didn't Musk get JUSTed because he used twitter to comment on Tesla insider information and stock prices? Granted, this isn't anything terribly specific, but suggesting that tens or hundreds of millions are being hurled by institutions at cryptoassets you in particular are selling to them, that's highly valuable info

>> No.25930901

yes you were lucky. couldve just as easily have picked REQ and gone nowhere. you happened to pick a lucky asset

>> No.25931978

>they just got lucky!
unironically only poor people say this

>> No.25932105

unless person rolls the dice before choosing which coin to invest in, it's not luck.

the fact that he held to his 4k linkies and didn't sold at $5 is also not luck.

>> No.25932117

There is literally zero luck involved with the position they find themselves in you fucking retard

>> No.25932161

Checked boys

>> No.25932179


>> No.25932221

the COPE

>> No.25932249

Except req was a dogshit solution for a problem that doesnt need blockchain whereas link solves a problem fundamental to the whole space. Oh, and MOZZARELLA STIXXX

>> No.25932273

Do you think the internet can bully Schiff into suicide when bitcoin hits 250k?

>> No.25932958
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