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25927646 No.25927646 [Reply] [Original]

It just seems like the system will never accept anything other than fiat, gold, etc.
Should I even bother investing in crypto?

>> No.25927715

It will man. The financial system will either adopt crypto as a part of itself or become increasingly irrelevant.

>> No.25927763

It's just institutional boomers buying all the gold now. Small guys ahead of the times like us know that crypto is here to stay alongside gold.

>> No.25927955

Yes. Because it’s a choice of the people. And not a choice of the Rothschild :)

>> No.25928017

>a commodity with no intrinsic value will totes replace fiat currency duuuuuude
Money doesn't come from gamer rigs and ASICs nigger

>> No.25928079

>t. normie
how's the rave party went, did your friends bought bitcoin stock

>> No.25928133

what intrinsic value does gold have?

>> No.25928146

Doesn’t matter, they simply have no choice other than to obtain as much of the market as possible or risk being outplayed. These aren’t beanie babies they are a complete escape from the keynesian financial system (like Gold, but digital)

>> No.25928576

Just a few thousand years of symbolic and actual value accepted across the world and civilizations. Nothing special I guess

>> No.25928656

>implying fiat has intrinsic value
anon, I...

>> No.25928685

Maybe check out how your meme rigs and the meme computers you are using to mine BTC or transfering your meme coins with your smartphone are build.

>pro tip PMs

>> No.25928790

>he doesn’t know

>> No.25929155

>or risk being outplayed
Someone like Buffet could tank your coin tomorrow at minimal loss to himself just to remind you who pulls the strings. It's happened before and it will again.

>> No.25929211

As if Central Banks are really transparent about what they do.

>> No.25929223

Connectors, electronics, that sort of thing for starters. Diamonds are useful for mining. There is literally nothing you can do with bitcoin except buy or sell it.

>> No.25929392

all the perks that led to it to being chosen was the world currency organically through the millennia. The only real threat to gold are other metals/rare earth, or a eventual battery/energy credit sort of thing.

>> No.25929750

The ironic thing is cryptocucks do not recognize gold is more decentralized than crypto could ever be. Internet is crypto's single point of failure, and US government has full control of that. To kill bitcoin all you have to do is force ISPs to block IPs that are running bitcoin nodes.

>> No.25929794

so nothing, gotcha

>> No.25929898

That’s like saying all the smartest Tesla shorts in the world could make the stock go down in the face of rampant rising demand for the stock and a fiat monetary collapse. Delusional and retardpilled

>> No.25929941

You can’t kill an idea

>> No.25929982

>like saying all the smartest Tesla shorts in the world could make the stock go down
I stated something that actually happens as precedent and you're making shit up.

>> No.25930021

>all you'd have to do is enact a law that could be overturned in the courts
thought this one through did you

>> No.25930063

the important thing is you felt smart while replying

>> No.25930122

ok retard, please open a 100x Bitcoin short with your life savings. I’m begging you

>> No.25930150

not if that idea relies on infrastructure that government has full control over. It's really fucking stupefying how cryptocucks believes crypto is something gov't can't do anything about. For crying out loud even university campus 20 years ago figured out how to block torrent traffic on its network

>> No.25930156

This is fucking retarded, but even if you were mostly right crypto is a good way to go from one currency to the other. That along makes it very useful to the financial system.

>> No.25930172

they increased their stack and the price did nothing
they're gonna dump this shit into the ground to keep their fiat scams afloat

>> No.25930216

>intrinsic value
how much do you pay for breathable air?

>> No.25930218
File: 73 KB, 645x729, 35001F97-30DA-4645-BF8C-35F73C103101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25930261

Then the only one that matters is XLM

>> No.25930277

are you brain dead? if you pull out tor guess what your university campus can't do shit about lmfao
you are a fucking retarded nigger

>> No.25930327

guess what, laws can be made and changed by the support of the populace, and the populace would LOVE to see bitcoin gets killed because they missed out on it and are jelly as fuck. On top of that there are legitimate reasons to ban crypto: ransomware/illicit drug/money laundering/child porn, take your pick

>> No.25930367

Wouldn't higher PM prices just encourage manufactures to make a synthetic metal to fill the same role?

>> No.25930415

Is breathable air a traded commodity? No?

>> No.25930473

>On top of that there are legitimate reasons to ban crypto: ransomware/illicit drug/money laundering/child porn, take your pick
Oh hey I'm not actually disagreeing with you on this point, but attempting to actually BLOCK it from happening is like preventing torrenting at a national level.

>> No.25930493

crypto IS FIAT!
crypto is backed by NOTHING!
crypto is NOTHING!

crypto depends on EVERYTHING (including internet service, electrical power, regulatory clarity, not losing your private key, no one else getting a picture of your private key, the availability of the exchange, and the widespread belief that the price will go up)

>> No.25930506

>synthetic metal
put down the bong son

>> No.25930517

Woah, I didn't realise you could get gold bars that big, they look about 4ft long in the middle of the pic.

>> No.25930604

>thinking government is powerless against tor

>> No.25930791

Oh look, a ton of google results on the topic. Research was already underway on this for a while. Thanks for the DD, boomer.


>> No.25930850

If that's the only use for crypto, then yes. I'd certainly argue it's also a store of value, a facilitator of decentralized computing, etc, but sure.

>> No.25930867

So a contract has no value then? It's just a piece of paper after all.... Fucking retard. Fiat is a government promise backed up by taxation, guns and nuclear bombs. Crypto is a scam to con NEETs. I know which one I would own. Banks will trade anything to make a profit, that doesn't mean they think what they trade has any intrinsic value. It's the greater fool theory. Gold and Silver have industrial uses and have been money for millennia. It may not be rational to like shiny rocks but people do like them, nothing else needs to be said. Grow up and buy a house sooner retard.

>> No.25930891

>Should I even bother investing in crypto?
only if you want to avoid being financially shut down with a click of a button

>> No.25930899
File: 111 KB, 900x900, 028400356732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no shit you stupid fucking (((zoomer)))
Here's your stupid gay ass crypto on some hot cheetos

>> No.25930978
File: 27 KB, 568x333, 1609594226583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Gold shill, but even I can recognize Crypto (programmable money) will replace Fiat. But where the argument begins is "Bitcoin will replace Gold", lol no it won't, and "Bitcoin will replace Fiat" which it could maybe in a perfect world without vetted interests, but we very obviously don't live in a perfect world, and the Powers that be are as we speak winding up to black and bruise decentralized Crypto Currency.

I don't know the ultimate future of Bitcoin or free market Cryptos. I do know the government and banks will be coming after them over the next few months to next few years, so best of luck. But I do know Gold has allies in high positions of power who would very much benefit from its continued rise. So I'll ride it up, cash out for other real assets once I feel it becomes overpriced, then accumulate more when it's cheap again. Maybe I'll even buy some Crypto depending on the regulatory/government situation.

That's as honest answer as you're going to get.

>> No.25931151

the energy needed to transmute one kilo of mercury into one kilo of gold is 1.3x10^13 kWh
current electricity price in the US is 13.31 cents per kWh
that's $1 730 300 000 000 for one kilo of gold, i.e. the EOY price of gold

>> No.25931217

Not even one argument. Sad. Money will be what powerful people say money is. They control society, the economy and the military. What happens when Crypto becomes a crime? Cancel all legit uses by normies for starters, they aren't going to lose their cozy lifestyle for NEET faggot dreams. Neither will big or small biz. Maybe you're online drug dealer will still take it, maybe you can buy some digital cats, otherwise you're fucked the second widespread adoption is even remotely on the horizon.

>> No.25931248

>metals which are uniformly radioactive or whose manufacture cost far exceeds market value, only useful in a narrow range of applications
I mean, I was wrong but in the greater sense practically I'm still right in terms of easy substitution
[I'm still wrong]

>> No.25931310

That's not the point. The point is that the higher price goes, the higher the incentive is for industries to throw R&D capital at it, and they only need to make a metal that is "good enough" to replace the PM's utility in manufacturing. It doesn't need to be an exact clone of the PM chemically

>> No.25931517

No, it was good research for me because I didn't recognize how far along the research had gotten here.

>> No.25931538

>Central banks own 15% of the supply

>> No.25931617

"Make a metal". Are you legit retarded? Metals have properties that are based on their atomic composition, you cannot duplicate golds physical properties. When you utilize a different metal with similar properties it just turns that metal into an industrial PM as happened with palladium when it was substitute for platinum in catalytic converter because platinum was too expensive. They are very similar however, you will never be able to switch out gold for copper or some nickel alloy of base metals and do what gold does industrially

>> No.25931664

Also, not going to lie, the USA and EU can really stiff China's capture of rare earth production if they make any breakthroughs on metal synthesis

>> No.25931754

Nigga, you are retarded to think scientists aren't working on ways to slam alloys and radiation at things to see what happens. It's research, and hence more can be discovered that we don't know yet

>> No.25931852

>this is the guy calling BTC "digital gold"
yep these boomer rocks get comfier and comfier by the day

>> No.25931948

bro you are braindead, leave crypto

>> No.25931954

This is your brain on zoomer crypto dreams. Take note this person has probably not been educated in a setting that could provide access to a periodic table poster. Caveat Emptor

>> No.25932077

The industrial demand for PMs has an effect on price. If there's breakthroughs that effect the demand, what do you think happens to PM price, bubba?

>> No.25932166

>they are scared

>> No.25932216

At you fail to understand is that industrial PM will not be replaced dufus, nothing like that is remotely on the horizon, what is more likely is that new uses will be found for PM in new industrial processes that will drive up the price. This is what has happened historically but you know better, right?

>> No.25932311


May I propose a dead-simple thought experiment? Central banks have been working for a century to make us believe that unbacked paper-note fiat funny-money is the greatest currency/store of value, all while purposefully printing more of it in order to take profits and juice up the markets when there's an existential threat to that money. And they've done so with huge success. Do you really believe they would make it public if they decided to buy up BTC? Don't you think that doing so would undermine the myth of fiat that they're desperately trying to sustain? Can you at least accept that it's highly likely that if they were buying up BTC, no one outside a small inner circle would be aware, or that those who do know would be under NDA?

Also, do you really think they would allow the possibility that BTC overtakes gold or the dollar, and that they're not at least hedging their bets by accumulating some? It is cheaper just to buy BTC in vast amounts than to waste resources on a political/technological attack on the network.

>> No.25932323

>Imagine this is your sales pitch hahaha

>> No.25932399
File: 337 KB, 600x400, PassiveCasinoIncome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I invested in a passive crypto income, now I trade that free crypto I'm getting for silver a few times a month.
There are tons of places you can pay with crypto at, and the list is getting bigger every day. Many precious metal mints accept BTC and don't report purchases to IRS if it's under 10K$ value.

>> No.25932575

Think of a hypothetical headline released overnight
>Scientists discover super conductive alloy that allows technology manufactures to use 30% less XAU

>> No.25932598

Why would they buy bitcoin dude? They can just make a fedcoin if they want. You can make a dogecoin, a litecoin, whatever. Nothing wrong with trading this shit to make a profit, I do it, but it's a huge ponzi with no backing. This is just Rich people like me milking poor people like you at a casino. You

>> No.25932723

That would increase demand by lowering the price if we're talking consumer goods. But that's not going to happen because there is no such thing. Keep dreaming though, that's sound hypothetical investment advice my dude haha